This country has lost it's mind. ALL of the J6 cases should be sent to the SUPREME COURT for appeal.

Agree on all that, except in the end, when courts are done, a president can not pardon himself. We are a Nation of Laws, not men. The ability for a perpetual availability of Lawlessness of a president, is not constitutional.

P.S. Nixon, would have pardoned himself, if he could have, his lawyers advised him, that he could not pardon himself.....from what I understand.... And that is why, Ford had to do it, for him.....

Nixon was aware that the Supreme Court would rule against him. They had at every single juncture.

Trump is convinced the Supremes would rule in favor of him, and he’s probably right. The Supremes seem more interested in an agenda than logic or rationality.
Making the observation that if Trump goes to prison it will be the start of a civil war is not a threat, nor does it necessarily indicate support for the man.
Personally, I don't want to see another Trump presidency, but given the apparent choices will vote for Trump if the other choice is Biden or Harris.
Sometimes an observation is just an observation.
Accusations of it being a threat do however indicate that the accuser is afraid of that observation.
I, for example, think it would be the start of a civil war or something like it, but have no plan to participate. I do reserve the option of finding a way to profit from such a conflict, but that would be my only participation. Maybe I would start a mobile embalming and corpse shipping service. (Another example)
If Trump is put in prison that will mark the beginning of the civil war.
You people sure say a lot of bizarre, irresponsible, and demented shit, but the most irresponsible, and demented stuff is the crap about a civil war. What exactly would that look like? I imagine a guerilla war of some kind. Perhaps you would mount an insurgency and turn the US into a middle east type cauldron of blood and guts for a few decades? Would you be ok with the destruction of the infrastructure and the economy- not to mention countless human lives- mostly people who just were in the way when the bombs go off or the bullets fly? And to what end- to save Donald Trump? To spring him and his cohorts from prison and install him as President for Life while he tears up the Constitution? Do you think that you or anyone will be better off, have more freedom? Tell us again about how you love America
Making the observation that if Trump goes to prison it will be the start of a civil war is not a threat, nor does it necessarily indicate support for the man.
Personally, I don't want to see another Trump presidency, but given the apparent choices will vote for Trump if the other choice is Biden or Harris.
Sometimes an observation is just an observation.
Accusations of it being a threat do however indicate that the accuser is afraid of that observation.
I, for example, think it would be the start of a civil war or something like it, but have no plan to participate. I do reserve the option of finding a way to profit from such a conflict, but that would be my only participation. Maybe I would start a mobile embalming and corpse shipping service. (Another example)

My Friend. Sue spends more time talking about a Civil War than teenage boys spend talking about sex.

She threatens the leftists with it constantly.

As for being afraid. Of what? This guy?


I’m not afraid of that Chairborne Douche with his bulletproof Red Lobster Bib. Nobody is.

Sue and her keyboard commando heroes had their chance on January 6th and screwed it up.
You people sure say a lot of bizarre, irresponsible, and demented shit, but the most irresponsible, and demented stuff is the crap about a civil war. What exactly would that look like? I imagine a guerilla war of some kind. Perhaps you would mount an insurgency and turn the US into a middle east type cauldron of blood and guts for a few decades? Would you be ok with the destruction of the infrastructure and the economy- not to mention countless human lives- mostly people who just were in the way when the bombs go off or the bullets fly? And to what end- to save Donald Trump? To spring him and his cohorts from prison and install him as President for Life while he tears up the Constitution? Do you think that you or anyone will be better off, have more freedom? Tell us again about how you love America

That’s why I call them to go a head and start the damned thing. They are clueless about what war is. They don’t need more guns and ammo. They need food and medical supplies. They need a ton of fuel for their suburban assault vehicles.

They have no clue what they’ll need. None of them have Military experience.

They got some guns and ammo. They can overthrow the nation.
My Friend. Sue spends more time talking about a Civil War than teenage boys spend talking about sex.

She threatens the leftists with it constantly.

As for being afraid. Of what? This guy?

View attachment 825627

I’m not afraid of that Chairborne Douche with his bulletproof Red Lobster Bib. Nobody is.

Sue and her keyboard commando heroes had their chance on January 6th and screwed it up.
Oh I don't know if it's reasonable to be afraid or not. It simply seems as if there is something there, but message board posts are not the best indicators. So it's reasonable to think something other than what was intended.
As far as ridiculing that "chairborn douche", I don't think you are considering all the possibilities. For example; in my county in 2009 a 8 year old twig boy shot two full grown large men and killed them before they could draw the pistols they both wore.
So, even the chairborn or the retarded can pose some threat .
And consider what supplies can be obtained by raiding any wally world in the country. Four armed retards could do that.....just saying.
Nope, I don't relish a civil war, not my desire. I know what a battle zone looks like.
But if it happens I intend to profit. Last time we had one the whole industry of undertakers cashed in. I'll find some way, but hey, that's been proven to work.
Oh I don't know if it's reasonable to be afraid or not. It simply seems as if there is something there, but message board posts are not the best indicators. So it's reasonable to think something other than what was intended.
As far as ridiculing that "chairborn douche", I don't think you are considering all the possibilities. For example; in my county in 2009 a 8 year old twig boy shot two full grown large men and killed them before they could draw the pistols they both wore.
So, even the chairborn or the retarded can pose some threat .
And consider what supplies can be obtained by raiding any wally world in the country. Four armed retards could do that.....just saying.
Nope, I don't relish a civil war, not my desire. I know what a battle zone looks like.
But if it happens I intend to profit. Last time we had one the whole industry of undertakers cashed in. I'll find some way, but hey, that's been proven to work.

It sounds like you and I have some service in common. Certainly a fool with a gun can kill. Even similarly armed individuals. But the problem is that these morons think that the leftists will just line up and patiently wait to be killed with pants full of brown.

They have no idea of what the Military is or what it does. They don’t understand the bonding of troops. They don’t understand the necessity of the team.

They love to lionize Rittenhouse. But they ignore a simple truth. There were what? Twenty or more similarly armed up and prepared wannabe heroes. Those wannabe heroes didn’t fire a shot. Rittenhouse was pursued by a crowd all the way to the cops. And his buddies who were taking it on themselves to defend against this crowd took off running too.

The Leftists didn’t shit themselves and run away in terror at the first gunshot.

You say raid a Wally World. Sure. But then they’re just looters like the people they claim to detest. I agree it is a supply option, but in a day or two the local cops will be sitting there waiting. A week at the outside.

If they were half as tough as they pretend to be they would have been trampling people to get to the Recruiter and sign up. That’s why I’m not scared. These folks won’t risk themselves. They’ll join a crowd and expect to be selected as leader. They will object to being a Private and expendable.
It sounds like you and I have some service in common. Certainly a fool with a gun can kill. Even similarly armed individuals. But the problem is that these morons think that the leftists will just line up and patiently wait to be killed with pants full of brown.

They have no idea of what the Military is or what it does. They don’t understand the bonding of troops. They don’t understand the necessity of the team.

They love to lionize Rittenhouse. But they ignore a simple truth. There were what? Twenty or more similarly armed up and prepared wannabe heroes. Those wannabe heroes didn’t fire a shot. Rittenhouse was pursued by a crowd all the way to the cops. And his buddies who were taking it on themselves to defend against this crowd took off running too.

The Leftists didn’t shit themselves and run away in terror at the first gunshot.

You say raid a Wally World. Sure. But then they’re just looters like the people they claim to detest. I agree it is a supply option, but in a day or two the local cops will be sitting there waiting. A week at the outside.

If they were half as tough as they pretend to be they would have been trampling people to get to the Recruiter and sign up. That’s why I’m not scared. These folks won’t risk themselves. They’ll join a crowd and expect to be selected as leader. They will object to being a Private and expendable.
Several valid points there, a lot to consider that those that casually toss around the term "civil war" seem unaware of.
The one important ideal that you bring up involves the protection of the command.
That's probably understandable that isn't considered by some of these idiots because they all want to be command.
I'm off to do some chores but it's nice talking to you, I'll be back later.
These cases are too important to be handled by lower courts. This is the future of the country. Casually handing down 15 and 20 year sentences for political prisoners is not what America is about. Stop the insanity, all J6 cases should be referred or appealed to the SCOTUS.

Lolol 😂😂😂 Don't you know how the Supreme Court works?
Oh I don't know if it's reasonable to be afraid or not. It simply seems as if there is something there, but message board posts are not the best indicators. So it's reasonable to think something other than what was intended.
As far as ridiculing that "chairborn douche", I don't think you are considering all the possibilities. For example; in my county in 2009 a 8 year old twig boy shot two full grown large men and killed them before they could draw the pistols they both wore.
So, even the chairborn or the retarded can pose some threat .
And consider what supplies can be obtained by raiding any wally world in the country. Four armed retards could do that.....just saying.
Nope, I don't relish a civil war, not my desire. I know what a battle zone looks like.
But if it happens I intend to profit. Last time we had one the whole industry of undertakers cashed in. I'll find some way, but hey, that's been proven to work.

Twig boy???

As we already knew,,,you don't know to much

Another useless thread by someone who knows far less than most grade school drop outs
Blah blah blah Democrats rewrite the rules so can we.
As if the Supreme Court isn't packed with right wing justices.... oh, I see why you want it to go to the Supreme Court...

Nothing like cheating to get what you want.
Even with a majority, the SCOTUS isn't that bad. Or is it?
Nixon was aware that the Supreme Court would rule against him. They had at every single juncture.

Trump is convinced the Supremes would rule in favor of him, and he’s probably right. The Supremes seem more interested in an agenda than logic or rationality.
The SCOTUS must step in on these insane sentences being handed down by lower courts. This is not in any way, shape or form just punishment.

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