This country is fucked up. It is your fault. And here's why:

The Dr has returned to enlighten!

The point is not to prevent freedom. On the contrary, the dr believes in complete freedom for each individual to see or do as he or she sees fit. What I am saying is it is this freedom that has allowed you to be imbeciles.

Mother nature has forced half of us to be imbeciles, champ.

It is because you are sheep that Barrack Obama has been elected to be the president.

Oh I see. Only those who voted for Obama are inmbeciles. Those who voted in Bush II were not?

Are you serious?

You are idiots. You no minds of your own. You pay outragous prices to attend shitty movies? Why? Because you see a commercial for it on television. Because your friends do it. Because you know not of what to do with your time? Buy a fucking book and read it. Take up a martial art class. Improve yourself.

Is there something inherently more intellectually improving about reading a book versus watching a movie?

Doesn't the quality of the book or movie play into your POV?

Who gives a shit if Tom bady shows up to your mall? Who gives a shit who Alex Rodriguez is banging. You idiots are so obsessed with the lives of others that you neglect your own.

What's the old saying?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Idiots discuss other people.

This is why, under the cove of freedom and sophisticated manipulation and propoganda you have been turned into drones.

Most people ARE drones, amigo. Blaming them for being what God made them isn't very Christian of you.

Stop giving your money to overpaid actors and sports stars. Stop allowing special treatment for politicians.

Stop ALLOWING special treatment for POLS?

Good idea. How?

Stop being idiots.

Yeah, right. Good luck with that.

of course, this is only useful advice. You may, at your own discretions, continue being compeletely fucking stupid.


As though they have a choice?

Every hear the expression:

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

For the most part, SporK, you are lecturing sow's ears.​
Your opinions Dorky Sporky and you're welcome to them. Other than that, same old jerk off type thread from you. But of course that's only my opinion.
Only things that directly or indirectly benefit me are worth doing.

And correct. It is more important to find cures for diseases than donating food.

I thought this out. Did you think this out?


What disease do you have that renders food obsolete?

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