This country is in deep trouble

Great....good job.

Meanwhile the front runners of a major political party in this Country have rejected the incontrovertible evidence of global warming.

As I said, symptomatic but not entirely.

no the sympton is that there is as many that say gloabal warming does not exist
as many say it exist's, but is not man made
But to some its all that matters

we put scrubbers on coal fired power plants that cost the consumer billions and the left claims they do not work
we have given GM billions to build an electric car and the only people who are buying it is the tax payer and yet has proven it lowers any harmfull emissions because of the power it taked to re-charge it
I could go on
also notice you have a Perry double debt claim?
Texas still has a surplus, not sure how that works
That comes from a Perry Supporter so ask him.
the left wing hack politifact is so out of touch
they claim mostly false with this

The fund is fed almost exclusively by oil and natural-gas production taxes; revenue above a certain level is automatically diverted to it. That revenue soared during the past decade, allowing billions to accumulate.

So the state now has billions in reserve.

But a healthy rainy day fund doesn’t always mean there’s a surplus built to last.

PolitiFact Texas | Perry says Texas has a surplus in billions

I just love the mountain of liberal myths. you guys messed up when you elected BHO and got control of congress and showed the world just how good we had it

Nah, we messed up having 2 wars and a tax cut at the same time. Thats pretty easy to see.[/QUOTE]

The mountain of liberal myths has new additions
Obama had congress, the tax cuts could have went away 2009-2010

1 war, not 2, 1
we won Iraq, its over and there will br no-one there in 4 months and there being in the green zone for the most part cost about the same as being in Germany

In 2007 we were 163 billion over budget with 2 wars and the same tax vuts
that would be the last GOP budget
Tax cuts and wars have 0 to do with a failed stimulus, mis use of tarp funds and 6 million fewer jobs than in 2008

2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524
Newt's talking points, Rush Limballs, Fox Noise, Rev. Moon, loudmouth dittoheads, incompetent spendthrift Pubs, myopic no compromise un-American (TIME) Tea Partiers- and it just gets worse.
no the sympton is that there is as many that say gloabal warming does not exist
as many say it exist's, but is not man made
But to some its all that matters

we put scrubbers on coal fired power plants that cost the consumer billions and the left claims they do not work
we have given GM billions to build an electric car and the only people who are buying it is the tax payer and yet has proven it lowers any harmfull emissions because of the power it taked to re-charge it
I could go on
also notice you have a Perry double debt claim?
Texas still has a surplus, not sure how that works
That comes from a Perry Supporter so ask him.
the left wing hack politifact is so out of touch
they claim mostly false with this

The fund is fed almost exclusively by oil and natural-gas production taxes; revenue above a certain level is automatically diverted to it. That revenue soared during the past decade, allowing billions to accumulate.

So the state now has billions in reserve.

But a healthy rainy day fund doesn’t always mean there’s a surplus built to last.

PolitiFact Texas | Perry says Texas has a surplus in billions

I just love the mountain of liberal myths. you guys messed up when you elected BHO and got control of congress and showed the world just how good we had it

Nah, we messed up having 2 wars and a tax cut at the same time. Thats pretty easy to see.

The mountain of liberal myths has new additions
Obama had congress, the tax cuts could have went away 2009-2010

1 war, not 2, 1
we won Iraq, its over and there will br no-one there in 4 months and there being in the green zone for the most part cost about the same as being in Germany

In 2007 we were 163 billion over budget with 2 wars and the same tax vuts
that would be the last GOP budget
Tax cuts and wars have 0 to do with a failed stimulus, mis use of tarp funds and 6 million fewer jobs than in 2008

2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524[/QUOTE]

Iraq costs several billions.
As did Afghanistan

We take in fewer dollars due to the tax cuts.

Those are the facts and any way you try vainly to spell it, you can't refute them.

Obama should have did away with them; I will agree with that.
No, I'm blaming it, in part, on a collective degradation of the importance of education; not just school based education but I think our standards of acceptance in this culture have deteriorated to a place where they should not be.

If you don't believe me; the next time you get sick and are hospitalized, look at who the hospital is assigning to take care of you. I'm guessing (if you're experience is anything like mine has been in the past) your doctors and nurses will be extremely competent in medicine yet unable to effectively communicate to you what they want you to do and what you should do. It has nothing to do with their native tongue; it has everything to do with our societal standards.

I'm gainfully employed; thank goodness.

You remind me of our public health preparedness section chief. Incredibly concerned about earthquakes, terrorist attacking Hoover Dam, and our open national border to the South. I would bet he smokes 3 packs a day.

About your post; not the cause but certainly a symptom.

I am a math guru
I have never been in jail ( more than a few minutes anyway)
I have rasied 2 kids
paid in 3-400,000 in taxes
collected about 10,000 in UE, maybe 15 in my life
own my home
own my land
own my truck
Buy American when I can
have my own health insurance
cancer survivor
worked while I was doing radiation on my neck and shoulder (2 places) and drove in rush hour traffic in Atlanta Ga. for 6 weeks straight

Not me
Where would this country be if all of us had the same symptons I have
by the way, I have no neck on my left side, cancer got it and work in a very hi stress world in contruction Mgmt every day and to keep working I am 1000 miles from home

I am part of the solution

there is allot more to this than english I promise you

Great....good job.

Meanwhile the front runners of a major political party in this Country have rejected the incontrovertible evidence of global warming.

As I said, symptomatic but not entirely.

Incontrovertible? Adjective: Not able to be denied or disputed

Sorry, plenty of people dispute it.

If it were happening, what do you feel is the cause?
I think he is caught up in something he doesn't fully understand!

True, most of our "leaders" do not understand what we need to do to climb out of the hole we have put ourselves into.
And the few that do are labeled as nuts and such.

That's because the people aren't doing what they need to step up and be the leaders. They hear the BS the politicians tell us "We will take care of everything" and wonder why nothing ever gets fixed.

We the people need to fix things. and we start by fixing ourselves and our families.
I think he is caught up in something he doesn't fully understand!

True, most of our "leaders" do not understand what we need to do to climb out of the hole we have put ourselves into.
And the few that do are labeled as nuts and such.

That's because the people aren't doing what they need to step up and be the leaders. They hear the BS the politicians tell us "We will take care of everything" and wonder why nothing ever gets fixed.

We the people need to fix things. and we start by fixing ourselves and our families.

Yep the problem started from the bottom up and that is where the soloution needs to come from.
I seriously doubt that most Americans now have the grit and resolve to do it though.
We are a spoiled selfish lazy bunch overall. Nothing like we were in the first half of the last century.
True, most of our "leaders" do not understand what we need to do to climb out of the hole we have put ourselves into.
And the few that do are labeled as nuts and such.

That's because the people aren't doing what they need to step up and be the leaders. They hear the BS the politicians tell us "We will take care of everything" and wonder why nothing ever gets fixed.

We the people need to fix things. and we start by fixing ourselves and our families.

Yep the problem started from the bottom up and that is where the soloution needs to come from.
I seriously doubt that most Americans now have the grit and resolve to do it though.
We are a spoiled selfish lazy bunch overall. Nothing like we were in the first half of the last century.

I think there are alot more than you might realize.

But I fear that there are many who will destroy themselves rather than make the necessary changes.
After reading the threads on the Iraq war and the lib myths that came with it, I had no idea we were this far gone until now
we won the war in Iraq and to try and re gain the political capital that Obama had 30 months ago there are some people on this message board that the truth means nothing

its pure desperation and it the very thing the terrorist want us to be doing

we have well over 10% real UE
we are in debt so far we are now just printing money, we stopped borrowing it
we are done in IRAQ and all you hear about it on this message board is what a failure it was


The women of Iraq used to be able to wear western style clothes. They could teach, be engineers, lawyers. Now they are forced to wear burkas. They can't leave the house without an escort from a male relative. They can't have a job and they don't get health care. In fact, many are talking drugs because their lives have been destroyed and they have no future.

Please explain how enslaving half a country is a "win". I really want to know.
Health Expenditure Per Capita - 2008

Rank - Country Name - Amount

1 United States of America $7,164

2 Luxembourg $5,996 (S&P AAA)

3 Monaco $5,750

4 Norway $5,207 (S&P AAA)

5 Switzerland $4,815 (S&P AAA)

6 Netherlands $4,233 (S&P AAA)

7 Malta $4,197

8 Austria $4,150 (S&P AAA)

9 Belgium $4,096

10 Germany $3,922 (S&P AAA)

11 Canada $3,867 (S&P AAA)

12 France $3,851 (S&P AAA)

13 Denmark $3,814 (S&P AAA)

14 Ireland $3,796

15 San Marino $3,690

16 Sweden $3,622 (S&P AAA)

17 Iceland $3,583

18 Australia $3,365 (S&P AAA)

19 Finland $3,299 (S&P AAA)

20 United Kingdom $3,222 (S&P AAA)
America repeatedly spends far more on healthcare than any other nation in the world but still has approximately 50 million people uninsured. Unlike most of the other nations on the list, it does not have a universal, public healthcare system.

Based on the "capitalist model," private competition should be keeping US healthcare costs low and Americans should be receiving equal or better quality care at the lowest possible price. Based on current per capita costs, why isn't every American receiving the "Cadillac" of all healthcare systems?
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Based on the "capitalist model," private competition should be keeping US healthcare costs low and Americans should be receiving equal or better quality care at the lowest possible price. Based on current per capita costs, why isn't every American receiving the "Cadillac" of all healthcare systems?

The simplitic capitalist model does NOT work in health care.


Well for one thing the consumer typically does NOT decide what health care he will buy, does he?

No the PROVIDER decides what HC the consumer will buy.

For a second thing most HC is bought via THIRD PARTY PAYMENT.

That is also not remotely like most simple capitalism.

Anybody who imagines that the capitalistic model can be used to provide a good heath care delivery system doesn't know doodle-squat about this subject.

I seriously doubt that most Americans now have the grit and resolve to do it though.
We are a spoiled selfish lazy bunch overall. Nothing like we were in the first half of the last century.

Are you insane? How the hell can you say that?
The women of Iraq used to be able to wear western style clothes. They could teach, be engineers, lawyers. Now they are forced to wear burkas. They can't leave the house without an escort from a male relative. They can't have a job and they don't get health care. .

You are wrong. Stop lying.
After reading the threads on the Iraq war and the lib myths that came with it, I had no idea we were this far gone until now
we won the war in Iraq and to try and re gain the political capital that Obama had 30 months ago there are some people on this message board that the truth means nothing

its pure desperation and it the very thing the terrorist want us to be doing

we have well over 10% real UE
we are in debt so far we are now just printing money, we stopped borrowing it
we are done in IRAQ and all you hear about it on this message board is what a failure it was


The women of Iraq used to be able to wear western style clothes. They could teach, be engineers, lawyers. Now they are forced to wear burkas. They can't leave the house without an escort from a male relative. They can't have a job and they don't get health care. In fact, many are talking drugs because their lives have been destroyed and they have no future.

Please explain how enslaving half a country is a "win". I really want to know.

Where did you get those lies?
Lying about Bush is one thing, but there is no excuse for this
Iraq election increases women in parliament
4,000 women run for office in Iraq - CNN
Health Expenditure Per Capita - 2008

Rank - Country Name - Amount

1 United States of America $7,164

2 Luxembourg $5,996 (S&P AAA)

3 Monaco $5,750

4 Norway $5,207 (S&P AAA)

5 Switzerland $4,815 (S&P AAA)

6 Netherlands $4,233 (S&P AAA)

7 Malta $4,197

8 Austria $4,150 (S&P AAA)

9 Belgium $4,096

10 Germany $3,922 (S&P AAA)

11 Canada $3,867 (S&P AAA)

12 France $3,851 (S&P AAA)

13 Denmark $3,814 (S&P AAA)

14 Ireland $3,796

15 San Marino $3,690

16 Sweden $3,622 (S&P AAA)

17 Iceland $3,583

18 Australia $3,365 (S&P AAA)

19 Finland $3,299 (S&P AAA)

20 United Kingdom $3,222 (S&P AAA)

Health Expenditure Per Capita (PPP; International $) -
America repeatedly spends far more on healthcare than any other nation in the world but still has approximately 50 million people uninsured. Unlike most of the other nations on the list, it does not have a universal, public healthcare system.

Based on the "capitalist model," private competition should be keeping US healthcare costs low and Americans should be receiving equal or better quality care at the lowest possible price. Based on current per capita costs, why isn't every American receiving the "Cadillac" of all healthcare systems?

That is because we have medicare and medicaid included
It cost is 100s of billions in tax payer supplement
How can you make up 1000 reasons the war in Iraq was wrong and we lost and still claim to support the troops
After reading the threads on the Iraq war and the lib myths that came with it, I had no idea we were this far gone until now
we won the war in Iraq and to try and re gain the political capital that Obama had 30 months ago there are some people on this message board that the truth means nothing

its pure desperation and it the very thing the terrorist want us to be doing

we have well over 10% real UE
we are in debt so far we are now just printing money, we stopped borrowing it
we are done in IRAQ and all you hear about it on this message board is what a failure it was


The women of Iraq used to be able to wear western style clothes. They could teach, be engineers, lawyers. Now they are forced to wear burkas. They can't leave the house without an escort from a male relative. They can't have a job and they don't get health care. In fact, many are talking drugs because their lives have been destroyed and they have no future.

Please explain how enslaving half a country is a "win". I really want to know.

"The women of Iraq used to be able to wear western style clothes. They could teach, be engineers, lawyers. Now they are forced to wear burkas"

The same could be said of women in Egypt and Turkey.
As far as I know, we didn't invade those countries, are we to blame for their slide back toward the dark ages as well?
Health Expenditure Per Capita - 2008

Rank - Country Name - Amount

1 United States of America $7,164

2 Luxembourg $5,996 (S&P AAA)

3 Monaco $5,750

4 Norway $5,207 (S&P AAA)

5 Switzerland $4,815 (S&P AAA)

6 Netherlands $4,233 (S&P AAA)

7 Malta $4,197

8 Austria $4,150 (S&P AAA)

9 Belgium $4,096

10 Germany $3,922 (S&P AAA)

11 Canada $3,867 (S&P AAA)

12 France $3,851 (S&P AAA)

13 Denmark $3,814 (S&P AAA)

14 Ireland $3,796

15 San Marino $3,690

16 Sweden $3,622 (S&P AAA)

17 Iceland $3,583

18 Australia $3,365 (S&P AAA)

19 Finland $3,299 (S&P AAA)

20 United Kingdom $3,222 (S&P AAA)

Health Expenditure Per Capita (PPP; International $) -
America repeatedly spends far more on healthcare than any other nation in the world but still has approximately 50 million people uninsured. Unlike most of the other nations on the list, it does not have a universal, public healthcare system.

Based on the "capitalist model," private competition should be keeping US healthcare costs low and Americans should be receiving equal or better quality care at the lowest possible price. Based on current per capita costs, why isn't every American receiving the "Cadillac" of all healthcare systems?

"America repeatedly spends far more on healthcare than any other nation in the world but still has approximately 50 million people uninsured"

How much of our heathcare spending involves the 50 million uninsured?

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