This Day in Nuclear Testing

26 October

1953 – UK nuclear test. Shot T2, Operation Totem 2.
Operation Totem - Wikipedia

1954 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 17 (Joe 13).
1954 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1958 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Ceres, De Baca and Sanford, Operation Hardtack II.
Operation Hardtack II
Operation Hardtack II - Wikipedia

1962 - US nuclear test. Shot Bluegill Triple Prime, Operation Dominic (Fishbowl).
Operation Dominic
Operation Fishbowl - Wikipedia

1963 – US nuclear test. Shot Shoal, Operation Niblick.
Operation Niblick - Wikipedia

1973 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 390, Kama and 391.
1973 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – US nuclear test. Shot Bobstay, Operation Cresset.
Operation Cresset - Wikipedia

1983 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 626.
1983 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1985 – France nuclear test. Shot Codros.
1983–85 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia
27 October

1958 - US nuclear test. Shot Chavez, Operation Hardtack II.
Operation Hardtack II
Operation Hardtack II - Wikipedia

1961 – Three Soviet nuclear tests.
Shot 126 (Joe 110), 127 K2 (Joe 109) and 128 K1* (Joe 105). *First Soviet space test.
1961 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
Soviet Project K nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 185.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – US nuclear test. Shot Calamity, Operation Dominic.
Operation Dominic
Operation Dominic - Wikipedia


Shot Santee, Operation Storax.
Operation Storax
Operation Storax - Wikipedia

1966 – China nuclear test. Shot CHIC-4.
List of nuclear weapons tests of China - Wikipedia

1966 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 257 and 258.
1966 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1973 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 392
1973 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1975 – China nuclear test. Shot (17).
List of nuclear weapons tests of China - Wikipedia

1984 – France nuclear test. Shot Machaon.
1983–85 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1984 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 652 Vega 14, 653 Vega 15, 654.
1984 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1995 – France nuclear test. Shot Aeptos.
1995–96 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia
28 October

1951 - US nuclear test. Shot Baker, Operation Buster.
Operation Buster-Jangle
Operation Buster–Jangle - Wikipedia

1962 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 187 K4 (Joe 160), 186 and 188.
Soviet Project K nuclear tests - Wikipedia
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1970 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Truchas-Chacon, -Chamisal and -Rodarte, Operation Emery.
Operation Emery - Wikipedia

1974 – US nuclear test. Shot Hybla Fair, Operation Bedrock.
Operation Bedrock - Wikipedia

1975 – US nuclear test. Shot Kasseri, Operation Anvil.
Operation Anvil (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1979 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 538 -1, -2.
1979 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
29 October
1958 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Humboldt, Mazarna and Evans, Operation Hardtack II.
Operation Hardtack II
Operation Hardtack II - Wikipedia

1961 – US nuclear test. Shot Mink, Operation Nougat.
Operation Nougat
Operation Nougat - Wikipedia

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 189.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1965 – US nuclear test. Shot Long Shot, Operation Flintlock.
Operation Flintlock (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1966 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 259.
1966 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1968 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 292.
1968 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1968 – US nuclear test. Shot Hula, Operation Bowline.
Operation Bowline - Wikipedia

1969 – Six US nuclear tests. Shots Cruet, Pod-A thru –D, Calabash, Operation Mandrel.
Operation Mandrel - Wikipedia

1975 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 433.
1975 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 473-1, -2, 474.
1977 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
30 October

1951 - US nuclear test. Shot Charlie, Operation Buster.
Operation Buster-Jangle
Operation Buster–Jangle - Wikipedia

1954 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 18 (Joe 14).
1954 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1958 – Four US nuclear tests. Shots Santa Fe, Ganymede, Titania and Blanca, (Adams cancelled), Operation Hardtack II.
Operation Hardtack II
Operation Hardtack II - Wikipedia

1961 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 129 and 130*. *Tsar Bomba, world’s highest yield test. (Joe 111)
The Soviet Weapons Program - The Tsar Bomba
1961 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 190 and 191.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 - US nuclear test. Shot Housatonic, Operation Dominic.
Operation Dominic
Operation Dominic - Wikipedia

1967 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 277.
1967 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1969 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 310.
1969 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1976 – France nuclear test. Shot Ulysse A.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1976 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 451.
1976 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 475, Galit A2.3.
1977 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1985 – US nuclear test. Shot Abo, Operation Charioteer.
Operation Charioteer - Wikipedia
31 October

1952 – US nuclear test. Shot Mike, Operation Ivy. First thermonuclear device.
Operation Ivy
Operation Ivy - Wikipedia

1961 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 131 (Joe 112) and 132 (Joe 113).
1961 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 192.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1964 – US nuclear test. Shot Forest, Operation Whetstone.
Operation Whetstone - Wikipedia

1968 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Bit-A,-B and File, Operation Bowline.
Operation Bowline - Wikipedia

1978 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 504.
1978 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1980 – US nuclear test. Shot Miners Iron, Operation Guardian.
Operation Guardian - Wikipedia

1989 – France nuclear test. Shot Erigone.
1989–91 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1989 – US nuclear test. Shot Hornitos, Operation Aqueduct.
Operation Aqueduct - Wikipedia
1 November

1951 - US nuclear test. Shot Dog, Operation Buster.
Operation Buster-Jangle
Operation Buster–Jangle - Wikipedia

1955 - US nuclear test. Shot Project 56 No 1, Operation Project 56.
Operation Wigwam and Project 56
Project 56 (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1958 - Soviet nuclear test. Shot 82 (Joe 73).
1958 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1961 - Soviet nuclear test. Shot 133 (Joe 114).
1961 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 193, 194 and 195 K5 (Joe 168).
Soviet Project K nuclear tests - Wikipedia
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 - US nuclear test. Shot Kingfish, Operation Dominic (Fishbowl).
Operation Dominic
Operation Fishbowl - Wikipedia

1977 – US nuclear test. Shot Hybla Gold, Operation Cresset.
Operation Cresset - Wikipedia

1980 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 560 Batolit 1.
1980 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
2 November

1961 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 134 (Joe 115), 135 (Joe 116) and 136.
1961 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1972 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 373.
1972 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1974 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 411.
1974 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1974 – US nuclear test. Shot Temescal, Operation Bedrock.
Operation Bedrock - Wikipedia

1978 – France nuclear test. Shot Schedios.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – US nuclear test. Shot Emmenthal, Operation Quicksilver.
Operation Quicksilver (1978) - Wikipedia

1983 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 627.
1983 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1984 – France nuclear test. Shot Acaste.
1983–85 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1992 – China nuclear test. Shot unnumbered failed test.
List of nuclear weapons tests of China - Wikipedia
4 November

1961 – Four Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 139 (Joe 118), 140 (Joe 119), 141 and 142.
1961 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 199.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 - US nuclear test. Shot Tightrope, Operation Dominic (Fishbowl). Last test at Johnston Island.
Operation Dominic
Operation Fishbowl - Wikipedia

1968 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Crew-1,-2,-3, Operation Bowline.
Operation Bowline - Wikipedia

1970 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 328.
1970 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1973 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 393.
1973 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 505-1, -2.
1978 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
5 November

1951 – US nuclear test. Shot Easy, Operation Buster.
Operation Buster-Jangle
Operation Buster–Jangle - Wikipedia

1955 – US nuclear test. Shot Project 56 No 3, Operation Project 56.
Operation Wigwam and Project 56
Project 56 (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 200.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1964 – US nuclear test. Shots Handcar, Operation Whetstone. (Plowshare)
Project Plowshare - Wikipedia
Operation Whetstone - Wikipedia

1966 – US nuclear test. Shot Simms, Operation Latchkey (Plowshare).
Project Plowshare - Wikipedia
Operation Latchkey - Wikipedia

1970 – US nuclear test. Shot Abeytas, Operation Emery.
Operation Emery - Wikipedia

1976 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 452, Oka.
1976 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1987 – France nuclear test. Shot Pasiphae.
1986–88 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1988 – France nuclear test. Shot Thrasymedes.
1986–88 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia
9 November

1962 – US nuclear test. Shot St. Lawrence, Operation Storax.
Operation Storax
Operation Storax - Wikipedia

1968 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 294.
1968 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1972 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Akbar, Arsenate, Operation Toggle.
Operation Toggle - Wikipedia

1977 – US nuclear test. Shot Sandreef, Operation Cresset.
Operation Cresset - Wikipedia

1988 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Monahans-A, -B, Operation Cornerstone.
Operation Cornerstone - Wikipedia
12 November

1965 – US nuclear test. Shot Sepia, Operation Flintlock.
Sandia National Laboratory Official List of UNEs in Nevada
Operation Flintlock (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1968 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 295, Telkem 2-1, -2, -3.
1968 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – France nuclear test. Shot Oreste.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 476.
1977 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1981 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Rousanne, Operation Praetorian.
Operation Praetorian - Wikipedia
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia

1982 – US nuclear test. Shot Seyval, Operation Phalanx.
Operation Phalanx - Wikipedia

1986 – France nuclear test. Shot Nauplios.
1986–88 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1988 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 703.
1988 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
14 November

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 203.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1963 – US nuclear test. Shot Anchovy, Operation Niblick.
Operation Niblick - Wikipedia

1978 – France nuclear test. Shot Aphrodite.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1980 – US nuclear test. Shot Dauphin, Operation Guardian.
Operation Guardian - Wikipedia

1986 – US nuclear test. Shot Gascon, Operation Musketeer.
Operation Musketeer (Nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1990 – France nuclear test. Shot Hyrtacos.
1989–91 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1990 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Houston, Operation Sculpin.
Operation Sculpin - Wikipedia
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia

Forum List
