This Day in Nuclear Testing

5 December

1964 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Crepe, Drill (Source-Lower) and Drill (Target-Upper), Operation Whetstone.
Operation Whetstone - Wikipedia

1969 – US nuclear test. Shot Diesel Train, Operation Mandrel.
Operation Mandrel - Wikipedia

1976 – France nuclear test. Shot Astyanax.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1980 – Four Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 561, 562-1,-2,-3.
1980 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1981 – France nuclear test. Shot Cilix.
1981–82 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1982 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 604-1,-2.
1982 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1985 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Kinibito, Operation Charioteer.
Operation Charioteer - Wikipedia
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia
7 December

1962 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Tendrac, Operation Storax.
Operation Storax
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia

1974 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 413, Lazurit.
1974 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1976 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 454-1, -2, 455.
1976 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – France nuclear test. Shot Dolon. Safety test, not on most lists.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1983 – France nuclear test. Shot Gyges.
1983–85 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia
8 December

1967 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 279.
1967 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1968 – US nuclear test. Shot Schooner, Operation Bowline (Plowshare).
Project Plowshare - Wikipedia
Operation Bowline - Wikipedia

1976 – US nuclear test. Shot Redmud, Operation Fulcrum.
Operation Fulcrum - Wikipedia

1981 – France nuclear test. Shot Cadmos.
1981–82 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1989 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Barnwell, Operation Aqueduct.
Operation Aqueduct - Wikipedia
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia
10 December

1961 – US nuclear test. Shot Gnome, Operation Nougat.(Plowshare)
Project Plowshare - Wikipedia
Operation Nougat
Operation Nougat - Wikipedia

1967 – US nuclear test. Shot Gasbuggy, Operation Crosstie (Plowshare).
Project Plowshare - Wikipedia
Operation Crosstie - Wikipedia

1969 – Six US nuclear tests. Shots Culantro-A,-B, Tun-A thru –D, Operation Mandrel.
Operation Mandrel - Wikipedia

1972 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 376-1, -2 and 377.
1972 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1980 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 563 Angara.
1980 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1982 – US nuclear test. Shot Manteca, Operation Phalanx.
Operation Phalanx - Wikipedia

1986 – France nuclear test. Shot Circe.
1986–88 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1988 – US nuclear test. Shot Misty Echo, Operation Cornerstone.
Operation Cornerstone - Wikipedia
12 December

1962 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Madison and Numbat, Operation Storax.
Operation Storax
Operation Storax - Wikipedia

1963 – US nuclear test. Shot Eagle, Operation Niblick.
Operation Niblick - Wikipedia

1968 – Eight US nuclear tests. Shots Tyg-A thru -F, Bay Leaf and Scissors, Operation Bowline.
Operation Bowline - Wikipedia

1970 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 329, Say-Utes 6T.
1970 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1972 – US nuclear test. Shot Tuloso, Operation Toggle.
Operation Toggle - Wikipedia

1973 – US nuclear test. Shot Pajara, Operation Arbor.
Operation Arbor - Wikipedia
13 December

1961 – US nuclear test. Shot Mad, Operation Nougat.
Operation Nougat
Operation Nougat - Wikipedia

1966 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots New Point and Sidecar, Operation Latchkey.
Sandia National Laboratory Official List of UNEs in Nevada
Operation Latchkey - Wikipedia

1973 – US nuclear test. Shot Seafoam, Operation Arbor.
Operation Arbor - Wikipedia

1975 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 434.
1975 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1986 – US nuclear test. Shot Bodie, Operation Musketeer.
Operation Musketeer (Nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1987 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shot 689-1,-2.
1987 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
14 December

1956 - Soviet nuclear test. Shot 33 (Joe 28).
1956 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1962 – US nuclear test. Shot Manatee, Operation Storax.
Operation Storax
Operation Storax - Wikipedia

1971 – Three US nuclear tests. Shots Chaenactis, Hospah and Yerba, Operation Grommet.
Operation Grommet - Wikipedia

1972 – US nuclear test. Shot Solanum, Operation Toggle.
Operation Toggle - Wikipedia

1973 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 394.
1973 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1977 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Farallones and Rib, Operation Cresset.
Operation Cresset - Wikipedia

1978 – China nuclear test. Shot (25).
List of nuclear weapons tests of China - Wikipedia

1978 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 509.
1978 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1979 – US nuclear test. Shot Azul, Operation Tinderbox.
Operation Tinderbox - Wikipedia

1980 – Three Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 564-1,-2,-3.
1980 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
16 December

1964 – Four US nuclear tests. Shots Parrot, Mudpack, Cassowary and Hoopoe, Operation Whetstone.
Operation Whetstone - Wikipedia

1965 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Emerson and Buff, Operation Flintlock.
Operation Flintlock (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1970 – Six US nuclear tests. Shots Artesia, Canjilon, Avens-Andorre, -Aikermes, -Asamite, -Cream, Operation Emery.
Operation Emery - Wikipedia

1974 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 414, 415.
1974 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1974 – US nuclear test. Shot Keel, Operation Bedrock.
Operation Bedrock - Wikipedia

1978 – US nuclear test. Shot Farm, Operation Quicksilver.
Operation Quicksilver (1978) - Wikipedia

1981 – US nuclear test. Shot Caboc, Operation Praetorian.
Operation Praetorian - Wikipedia

1983 – US nuclear test. Shot Romano, Operation Fusileer.
Operation Fusileer - Wikipedia

1984 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 657-1,-2.
1984 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
17 December

1961 – US nuclear test. Shot Ringtail, Operation Nougat.
Operation Nougat
Operation Nougat - Wikipedia

1969 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Grape A and Lovage, Operation Mandrel.
Operation Mandrel - Wikipedia

1970 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 330.
1970 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1970 – US nuclear test. Shot Carpetbag, Operation Emery.
Operation Emery - Wikipedia

1977 – France nuclear test. Shot Laocoon.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1978 – France nuclear test. Shot Eteocle.
1975–78 French nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1980 – US/UK nuclear test. Shot Serpa, Operation Guardian.
Operation Guardian - Wikipedia
British nuclear testing in the United States - Wikipedia

1988 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 706-1,-2.
1988 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
18 December

1962 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 208 and 209.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1964 – US nuclear test. Shot Sulky, Operation Whetstone.
Operation Whetstone - Wikipedia

1966 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 262.
1966 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1968 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 296.
1968 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1969 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Terrine-White and -Yellow, Operation Mandrel.
Operation Mandrel - Wikipedia

1970 – US nuclear test. Shot Baneberry, Operation Emery.
Operation Emery - Wikipedia

1978 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 510, Galit A9.
1978 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia
20 December

1962 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 210.
1962 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1963 – US nuclear test. Shot Tuna, Operation Niblick.
Operation Niblick - Wikipedia

1966 – US nuclear test. Shot Greeley, Operation Latchkey.
Operation Latchkey - Wikipedia

1975 – US nuclear test. Shot Chiberta, Operation Anvil.
Operation Anvil (nuclear test) - Wikipedia

1978 – Two Soviet nuclear tests. Shots 511-1, -2.
1978 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1984 – US nuclear test. Shot Minero, Operation Grenadier.
Operation Grenadier - Wikipedia

1987 – Soviet nuclear test. Shot 690.
1987 Soviet nuclear tests - Wikipedia

1989 – Two US nuclear tests. Shots Whiteface-A and -B, Operation Aqueduct.
Operation Aqueduct - Wikipedia

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