This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money

lots of people take this week off chief.... i bet every person in Congress as well as the State govts are off....will you bitch about them too?....
Not only take off...but these mf's have done nothing this year for the american people, nothing!!
doesnt take away what i said....i bet they are all off too....
lots of people take this week off chief.... i bet every person in Congress as well as the State govts are off....will you bitch about them too?....

Not at all. I believe everyone should take a vacation. However, every time assclown in the White House takes one, it's costs us over $3M
Judicial Watch: Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 in Transportation Expenses - Judicial Watch

The fucker doesn't deserve a $3M vacation. Sorry.
No "Federal" employee serving the public as an elected official does.
That's outright fraud, waste and abuse.
if you dont like that Chief write your congress person.....when they get back from vacation that is....

Actually, our Congressman Rob Wittman, introduced legislation to cut Congressional recesses. It wouldn't surprise me if he's the only guy working on the Hill tonight. He drives a shitbox Honda Civic with about 450K miles every day from his farm in Tappahanock to D.C. every day. No bachelor "fuck pad" on the Hill like those Democratic perverts. This guy is 100% honest and hard working, as he was elected to do.
Bush didn't plunder the Treasury to fund his vacations the way Obama and his spoiled brat family has over the last 7 years. I don't care if you take time off, just don't spend $200,000 taxpayer dollars per day on YOUR freakin vacation.

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


One must work to earn a vacation.
Work doesn't include seven miserable wars, illegal wiretapping. creating terrorism, stripping away my rights, job destruction, race-bating and supporting Islam.
He should be confined to his fucking desk and held accountable for the global mess he's gotten us into. Actually - the fucker should resign for the good of the country.

I get are a stupid fucking lifer who thinks paddling a dinghy gave you insight into the application and factual accomplishments of the President.
Row the fuck away "semen."

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.
But heeeeee'sss BLACK!!!!!!!...and I don't like him...

If his race is your problem, then you should really work to correct that. Judge a man on his abilities. In Obama's case - he has no ability. He fucks up everything he touches.
I get are a stupid fucking lifer who thinks paddling a dinghy gave you insight into the application and factual accomplishments of the President.
Row the fuck away "semen."

The factual accomplishments?
Please. Really?
I think you've had your face buried in Obama's balls and ass so long, your senses are corrupt. Come up for air, faggot.
Well hell. I wannabe in Maui! I'm jealous he gets to be there during xmas.
Bush didn't plunder the Treasury to fund his vacations the way Obama and his spoiled brat family has over the last 7 years. I don't care if you take time off, just don't spend $200,000 taxpayer dollars per day on YOUR freakin vacation.
Don't know about Bush, don't care. Don't care about Obama going either, but I do frown on him dragging his mother in law with them on our dime.
Don't know about Bush, don't care. Don't care about Obama going either, but I do frown on him dragging his mother in law with them on our dime.

That's another thing that dipshit does - drags the old bag mother in law along. Since when was she elected? This whole bunch of race-bating failures needs to move their sorry asses back to Chicago, Kenya, or wherever the fuck they came from.
I get are a stupid fucking lifer who thinks paddling a dinghy gave you insight into the application and factual accomplishments of the President.
Row the fuck away "semen."

The factual accomplishments?
Please. Really?
I think you've had your face buried in Obama's balls and ass so long, your senses are corrupt. Come up for air, faggot.
A sailor calling someone a "faggot" hilarious...
If you are as stupid and ignorant as your posts...ask for VA've been sucking the asbestos dick too hard.
Don't know about Bush, don't care. Don't care about Obama going either, but I do frown on him dragging his mother in law with them on our dime.

That's another thing that dipshit does - drags the old bag mother in law along. Since when was she elected? This whole bunch of race-bating failures needs to move their sorry asses back to Chicago, Kenya, or wherever the fuck they came from.
what a disgrace to the military uniform you are, Polac chief
I get are a stupid fucking lifer who thinks paddling a dinghy gave you insight into the application and factual accomplishments of the President.
Row the fuck away "semen."

The factual accomplishments?
Please. Really?
I think you've had your face buried in Obama's balls and ass so long, your senses are corrupt. Come up for air, faggot.
A sailor calling someone a "faggot" hilarious...
If you are as stupid and ignorant as your posts...ask for VA've been sucking the asbestos dick too hard.

I am a Sailor and I am calling you a faggot. I don't find that humorous.
Glad it didn't offend you though.
Hey chief, the dipshit (as you call him) has done more with his life than a loser like you will ever hope to accomplish.

So suck it up and get back to kissing officer ass.
Don't know about Bush, don't care. Don't care about Obama going either, but I do frown on him dragging his mother in law with them on our dime.

That's another thing that dipshit does - drags the old bag mother in law along. Since when was she elected? This whole bunch of race-bating failures needs to move their sorry asses back to Chicago, Kenya, or wherever the fuck they came from.
what a disgrace to the military uniform you are, Polac chief

I haven't worn a uniform in 20 years. At least I wore one pan-zee.

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