This Dipshit + Family + Secret Service + Taxpayer Money

You'd think as much as he is on a gold course we'd get lucky and beat the odds with a well placed lightening bolt
That would be golf, not "gold", and it isn't spelled "lightening", it is spelled lightning.

You nutters can't even wish death on someone correctly. What an uneducated simpleton you must be.
He'a the latest ODS Sufferer to join the board so yeah- he's an idiot

As to the OP- I think we need another "Vacationgate" thread for the resident haters :alcoholic:

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


One must work to earn a vacation.
Work doesn't include seven miserable wars, illegal wiretapping. creating terrorism, stripping away my rights, job destruction, race-bating and supporting Islam.

So you opposed Bush taking any vacation just as vehemently, huh?

Again, Presidents take vacations. They sleep. The eat food. And guess what? In the future, they'll do the same thing.

Get used to the idea. Its remarkably unremarkable.

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


One must work to earn a vacation.
Work doesn't include seven miserable wars, illegal wiretapping. creating terrorism, stripping away my rights, job destruction, race-bating and supporting Islam.
He should be confined to his fucking desk and held accountable for the global mess he's gotten us into. Actually - the fucker should resign for the good of the country.

What rights of yours were stripped away? Be very specific please.
Look on the bright side.

When Obama is on vacation.

It means he isn't in the White House mucking things up and destroying the country. ..... :cool:
Everything in this country today is 100X better than it was when Gomer was president and that`s why you losers come here to cry every day. Go away Sunni Child.
Look on the bright side.

When Obama is on vacation.

It means he isn't in the White House mucking things up and destroying the country. ..... :cool:

Educate yourself Sunni Man

The president of the US is never on vacation and the WH goes with him anywhere he goes.

That means Obama goes right on creating jobs, killing terrorists and making the US the strongest economy in the world.

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


One must work to earn a vacation.
Work doesn't include seven miserable wars, illegal wiretapping. creating terrorism, stripping away my rights, job destruction, race-bating and supporting Islam.
He should be confined to his fucking desk and held accountable for the global mess he's gotten us into. Actually - the fucker should resign for the good of the country.


SeniorChief_Polock is a liar and/or ignorant.

Obama didn't start any wars.
Obama didn't start wiretapping.
Obama created more jobs than Bush and Reagan combined.
Obama has never "race baited".
Obama fights the terrorism started by Reagan and continued by the Bush regimes and has killed more terrorists than anyone on the planet - including bin Laden who Bush let go free.
Obama has not taken any right away from you or anyone else.

Educate yourself.

Better yet, post links that prove even one of your idiotic charges.
I don't care how many vacations he takes, only what Legislation and Executive Orders he signs.
I don't care how many vacations he takes, only what Legislation and Executive Orders he signs.

There haven't been very many but you can read them on line.

This list is a year old -
Every President’s Executive Orders In One Chart


Claim: President Obama has issued a whopping 923 executive orders, many of which give the government unprecedented power to take over control of civilian institutions.



Here's How Obama's Vetoes and Executive Orders Compare to Other Presidents


Fact Checker
Claims regarding Obama’s use of executive orders and presidential memoranda

Obamabots are never to be taken serious, they are what ails this nation. In fact I am all for deporting them to the Middle East, their friends the Muslims will soon make short work of them, off with their heads.

It wasn't that many years ago that some people believed we should deport the Irish.

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


One must work to earn a vacation.
Work doesn't include seven miserable wars, illegal wiretapping. creating terrorism, stripping away my rights, job destruction, race-bating and supporting Islam.
He should be confined to his fucking desk and held accountable for the global mess he's gotten us into. Actually - the fucker should resign for the good of the country.


SeniorChief_Polock is a liar and/or ignorant.

Obama didn't start any wars.
Obama didn't start wiretapping.
Obama created more jobs than Bush and Reagan combined.
Obama has never "race baited".
Obama fights the terrorism started by Reagan and continued by the Bush regimes and has killed more terrorists than anyone on the planet - including bin Laden who Bush let go free.
Obama has not taken any right away from you or anyone else.

Educate yourself.

Better yet, post links that prove even one of your idiotic charges.

Brainwashed, dense and on welfare all in one package
A perfect Brownshirt
Going blackface to the DNC convention?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

"Compare the cost..."

Well? Do it. Compare the cost.

What would be the difference in cost? Why do you say its more expensive for him to go home to Hawaii for xmas?

Hawaii is a lot further than Texas or Camp David and Bush owned his ranch while Obama has to rent a place to stay. I asked you to compare the cost and I noticed you can't do it.

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


What happened to all his friends in Chicago where he spent a good portion of his adult life?
lots of people take this week off chief.... i bet every person in Congress as well as the State govts are off....will you bitch about them too?....

Not at all. I believe everyone should take a vacation. However, every time assclown in the White House takes one, it's costs us over $3M
Judicial Watch: Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 in Transportation Expenses - Judicial Watch

The fucker doesn't deserve a $3M vacation. Sorry.
No "Federal" employee serving the public as an elected official does.
That's outright fraud, waste and abuse.
Do you ever fuckin ever stop????? Dude we have got to get you a fuckin hobby....skinning rabbits, spittin on the elderly, anything to get your white obsession over the black guy...we know you white boys got black fetishes with black men, but this is borderline insanity...get a fuckin life you piece of shit moron.

Obama has taken about 160 vacation days. Bush at this point in his presidency had taken over 400.

How many of those vacation days did Bush spend at his ranch in Texas or at Camp David? Compare the cost of that to the cost of to the taxpayer to going to the cost of going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. Why doesn't Obama go to Chicago for his vacations? They own a home their and all of his friends are still there?

So almost triple the vacation days.....and you're complaining about Obama wanting to vacation where he was raised in Hawaii? Or spend time with friends in Martha's Vineyard?


One must work to earn a vacation.
Work doesn't include seven miserable wars, illegal wiretapping. creating terrorism, stripping away my rights, job destruction, race-bating and supporting Islam.
He should be confined to his fucking desk and held accountable for the global mess he's gotten us into. Actually - the fucker should resign for the good of the country.

how does one support Islam by killing many with drones?.....just asking....i mean i dont think Obama is on any dinner lists with the terrorist...
Do you ever fuckin ever stop????? Dude we have got to get you a fuckin hobby....skinning rabbits, spittin on the elderly, anything to get your white obsession over the black guy...we know you white boys got black fetishes with black men, but this is borderline insanity...get a fuckin life you piece of shit moron.

Where did I ever point out he's black, you race-bating little turd.
Fucking relax with the assumed racism crap. Shit's getting old.
lots of people take this week off chief.... i bet every person in Congress as well as the State govts are off....will you bitch about them too?....

Not at all. I believe everyone should take a vacation. However, every time assclown in the White House takes one, it's costs us over $3M
Judicial Watch: Obama Family’s 2014 Christmas Vacation in Hawaii Cost Taxpayers $3,672,798 in Transportation Expenses - Judicial Watch

The fucker doesn't deserve a $3M vacation. Sorry.
No "Federal" employee serving the public as an elected official does.
That's outright fraud, waste and abuse.
if you dont like that Chief write your congress person.....when they get back from vacation that is....

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