This election in Georgia WAS NOT CLOSE so stop with the bs

No I clearly said a Republican won a Safe Republican seat. Congrats, but if you're attempting to say that it wasn't close that's clearly not true since Romney won it by 20 points previously. Also, saying that a Republican won a Republican seat is surprising. The only way that surprises anyone is if you thought the Republican was going to lose.

Its like putting you against a horse in a race and when the horse wins the horse team cheers emphatically
The Republicans flipped WI, FL, MI and PA while the Dems can't flip a single congressional district anywhere with the Republican president's approval rating at 35% according to some infallible polls, 0 for 4 in fact.

Frigging losers! have nothing to worry about in 2018, right?
No I clearly said a Republican won a Safe Republican seat. Congrats, but if you're attempting to say that it wasn't close that's clearly not true since Romney won it by 20 points previously. Also, saying that a Republican won a Republican seat is surprising. The only way that surprises anyone is if you thought the Republican was going to lose.

Its like putting you against a horse in a race and when the horse wins the horse team cheers emphatically
The Republicans flipped WI, FL, MI and PA while the Dems can't flip a single congressional district anywhere with the Republican president's approval rating at 35% according to some infallible polls, 0 for 4 in fact.

Frigging losers!

Yes, all in republican safe areas. Again, this is not surprising unless you thought the Republican was going to lose the whole time.
[ have nothing to worry about in 2018, right?
Certainly not in the Senate. There is a small chance of losing seats in the House, but MSM and seriously incompetent Dems seem to be helping the GOP.
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Dang, those Russians are good. Hey wait, where are all the folks that insist Russia has infiltrated our voting system.


Let's see if you can get through an 8 minute video.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason. It doesn't matter if it changed a single vote, it's still Treason.

Yeah but so is selling 20% of America's uranium to Russia for donations to Hillary's bogus money laundering foundation which she hurriedly closed to hide all the evidence right? Talk about obstruction of justice! Call me crazy but I think her nefarious activity would far out weigh anything anyone else could possibly do. Gotta also love when she emailed top secret information over a wide open server (probably on purpose for campaign donations as well) and then obstructed justice by deleting 33,000 emails which she also used bleach bit on to destroy all evidence. Then there was the bludgeoning of 13 blackberries after lying to Congress claiming she only had one. What a complete psychopath that ruthless corrupt bitch is. Thank God the country escaped that bullet.
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Let me take a wild guess here you don't believe in sanctuary cities either right? Hopefully you at least acknowledge those exist. And if so, do you really think those officials in charge would risk breaking federal laws to harbor illegals which could not only cause them to lose not only their political careers but could also get them indicted for obstruction of justice as well? I mean they would do all that but they wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote for them in upcoming elections?

If that dumb it's no wonder after eight years of this idiocy this country in such dire consequences. I mean America would be better off putting their trust in a box of rocks. But since you knew enough to pull up a leftist link, then maybe you'll enjoy these as well. Some even came from your own biased media sources such as CBS. But before going there, wasn't it Obama who advocated that voter ID's wouldn't be required in the 2016 election?

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home
(And ooh look this one is from Obama and Hillary's old stomping ground!) (This one from a sanctuary city area) (Colorado, another blue state right?)

Colorado's dead voters

Florida Elections Worker: I Was Fired For Witnessing Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud

And if needed I could link several more as well! :)

Congress has yet to legally define Sanctuary cities--and until they do,and pass a law regarding Sanctuary cities and what to do with them--there is no way to legally define which ones are sanctuary cities and which ones aren't.

In fact Trump is getting sued over it right now. Because immigration is the responsibility of the Federal Government, not cities to enforce. It's the equivalent of you getting fined for not cleaning up your next door neighbors yard.

Seattle filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration Wednesday, charging that President Donald Trump’s executive order threatening funding for “sanctuary cities” is “unconstitutional and ambiguous,” and violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Mayors and police chiefs from around the country gathered in Washington on Wednesday to meet with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and complain about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ warning that cities that do not fully comply with immigration laws could see tens of millions in federal funding disappear.
Seattle sues Trump over 'sanctuary cities'

And if you've ever volunteered as an election judge you would know that Trump's claim for wide spread voter fraud are as BOGUS as he is. In fact multi-year studies have shown that only 31 votes out of every BILLION cast will be fraudulent.
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

There's a reason for that.
1. You lose your right to vote FOREVER.
2.. You will be charged with voter fraud.
3. You will face fines, jail time and a lot of Embarrassment

Like this Trump voter did.


Citing she did it because she believed Trump on his rigged election campaign rhetoric.
Iowa Woman Arrested After Voting for Trump Twice Because the ‘Polls are Rigged’


Texas Man Arrested For Voting Twice, Claimed He Was Working for Donald Trump

These are the two cases of voter fraud in 2016, and they are both Trump supporters. So--again since it was Trump encouraging his supporters to vote twice by making the comment "you don't know if you're mail in ballot gets counted or not." It would probably be a good idea to check to see who else did it. Judging from the lower intellience level of a Trump supporter, I would imagine there's plenty more of them out there than just two. Trump voters that are registered in more than one state would be the first thing to check, then move into being registered in more than one county to vote.
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Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%
I haven't listened to Rush in over a decade.

Blow it out your ass leftard

And I've never read a word of Saul Alinsky and never even heard of him until Glenn Beck dredged him up a couple of years ago, so I smell ya bro.
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Let me take a wild guess here you don't believe in sanctuary cities either right? Hopefully you at least acknowledge those exist. And if so, do you really think those officials in charge would risk breaking federal laws to harbor illegals which could not only cause them to lose not only their political careers but could also get them indicted for obstruction of justice as well? I mean they would do all that but they wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote for them in upcoming elections?

If that dumb it's no wonder after eight years of this idiocy this country in such dire consequences. I mean America would be better off putting their trust in a box of rocks. But since you knew enough to pull up a leftist link, then maybe you'll enjoy these as well. Some even came from your own biased media sources such as CBS. But before going there, wasn't it Obama who advocated that voter ID's wouldn't be required in the 2016 election?

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home
(And ooh look this one is from Obama and Hillary's old stomping ground!) (This one from a sanctuary city area) (Colorado, another blue state right?)

Colorado's dead voters

Florida Elections Worker: I Was Fired For Witnessing Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud

And if needed I could link several more as well! :)

Congress has yet to legally define Sanctuary cities--and until they do,and pass a law regarding Sanctuary cities and what to do with them--there is no way to legally define which ones are sanctuary cities and which ones aren't.

In fact Trump is getting sued over it right now. Because immigration is the responsibility of the Federal Government, not cities to enforce. It's the equivalent of you getting fined for not cleaning up your next door neighbors yard.

Seattle filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration Wednesday, charging that President Donald Trump’s executive order threatening funding for “sanctuary cities” is “unconstitutional and ambiguous,” and violates the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Mayors and police chiefs from around the country gathered in Washington on Wednesday to meet with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and complain about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ warning that cities that do not fully comply with immigration laws could see tens of millions in federal funding disappear.
Seattle sues Trump over 'sanctuary cities'

And if you've ever volunteered as an election judge you would know that Trump's claim for wide spread voter fraud is a BOGUS has he is. In fact multi-year studies have shown that only 31 votes out of every BILLION cast will be fraudulent.
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

There's a reason for that.
1. You lose your right to vote FOREVER.
2.. You will be charged with voter fraud.
3. You will face fines, jail time and a lot of embarrasement

Like this Trump voter did.


Citing she did it because she believed Trump on his rigged election campaign rhetoric.
Iowa Woman Arrested After Voting for Trump Twice Because the ‘Polls are Rigged’


Texas Man Arrested For Voting Twice, Claimed He Was Working for Donald Trump

These are the two cases of voter fraud in 2016, and they are both Trump supporters. So--again since it was Trump encouraging his supporters to vote twice by making the comment "you don't know if you're mail in ballot gets counted or not." It would probably be a good idea to check to see who else did it. Judging from the lower intellience level of a Trump supporter, I would imagine there's plenty more of them out there than just two.
OMG as of yet I haven't found the need to put anyone on ignore but you are so annoying and in denial I really can't avoid it. So due to your idiocy, I've decided to cut my losses regarding nut jobs like you that have zero common sense because it's simply too frustrating trying to break through your dense thick skulls.
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast

There's a reason for that.
1. You lose your right to vote FOREVER.
2.. You will be charged with voter fraud.
3. You will face fines, jail time and a lot of Embarrassment

Like this Trump voter did.


Citing she did it because she believed Trump on his rigged election campaign rhetoric.
Iowa Woman Arrested After Voting for Trump Twice Because the ‘Polls are Rigged’


Texas Man Arrested For Voting Twice, Claimed He Was Working for Donald Trump

These are the two cases of voter fraud in 2016, and they are both Trump supporters. So--again since it was Trump encouraging his supporters to vote twice by making the comment "you don't know if you're mail in ballot gets counted or not." It would probably be a good idea to check to see who else did it. Judging from the lower intellience level of a Trump supporter, I would imagine there's plenty more of them out there than just two. Trump voters that are registered in more than one state would be the first thing to check, then move into being registered in more than one county to vote.
Good. Now we can certainly agree on voter ID and tighter controls on who votes!
Congress has yet to legally define Sanctuary cities--and until they do,and pass a law regarding Sanctuary cities and what to do with them--there is no way to legally define which ones are sanctuary cities and which ones aren't.


Ah, just like the cookie, all fake, preformed, molded according to a plan, dry, tasteless, hydrogenated, sticks in the roof of your mouth, stamped out one after the other, often hard and cracked and crumbling, so goes your posts! Not only do your posts always contain such total bullshit, like you have a BOOK on bullshit, you need to maybe think more independently, be a Trumpian, unique, natural, tasty, chewy, and one of a kind:


Then maybe you will come to a correct conclusion at least once in a while. I mean, even bad poker players get a winning hand ONCE in a while!

Congress does not need to define a sanctuary city to act, they are already defined, by themselves! They define themselves as not willing to obey or participate in federal ICE law and put the interests of illegal immigrants over that of legal taxpaying citizens and their government. They put a map out right here and call themselves sanctuary cities, states or whatever:


And the law on how to deal with them was passed a long time ago. Sanctuary cities are going DOWN, we'll use their money to build our border wall to keep the rest of your thieving family out until we can recoup the money through continued trades with Mexico once a new trade deal gets written. Jeff Sessions will be coming after your ass! And locking up a few mayors, councilmen and others as well.

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Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.

I heard 23 million and what happened to the balance of the 50 million??? Trump get it??
Congress has yet to legally define Sanctuary cities--and until they do,and pass a law regarding Sanctuary cities and what to do with them--there is no way to legally define which ones are sanctuary cities and which ones aren't.

View attachment 134625

Ah, just like the cookie, all fake, preformed, molded according to a plan, dry, tasteless, sticks in the roof of your mouth, stamped out one after the other, often hard and cracked and crumbling, so goes your posts! Not only do your posts always contain such total bullshit, like you have a BOOK on bullshit, you need to maybe think more independently, be a Trumpian, unique, natural, tasty, chewy, and one of a kind:

View attachment 134626

Then maybe you will come to a correct conclusion at least once in a while. I mean, even bad poker players get a winning hand ONCE in a while!

Congress does not need to define a sanctuary city to act, they are already defined, by themselves! They define themselves as not willing to obey or participate in federal ICE law and put the interests of illegal immigrants over that of legal taxpaying citizens and their government. They put a map out right here and call themselves sanctuary cities, states or whatever:

View attachment 134629

And the law on how to deal with them was passed a long time ago. Sanctuary cities are going DOWN, we'll use their money to build our border wall to keep the rest of your thieving family out until we can recoup the money through continued trades with Mexico once a new trade deal gets written. Jeff Sessions will be coming after your ass! And locking up a few mayors, councilmen and others as well.

View attachment 134630
OMG Toob, spot on and once again you've outdone yourself. *APPLAUSE*
Congress has yet to legally define Sanctuary cities--and until they do,and pass a law regarding Sanctuary cities and what to do with them--there is no way to legally define which ones are sanctuary cities and which ones aren't.

View attachment 134625

Ah, just like the cookie, all fake, preformed, molded according to a plan, dry, tasteless, hydrogenated, sticks in the roof of your mouth, stamped out one after the other, often hard and cracked and crumbling, so goes your posts! Not only do your posts always contain such total bullshit, like you have a BOOK on bullshit, you need to maybe think more independently, be a Trumpian, unique, natural, tasty, chewy, and one of a kind:

View attachment 134626

Then maybe you will come to a correct conclusion at least once in a while. I mean, even bad poker players get a winning hand ONCE in a while!

Congress does not need to define a sanctuary city to act, they are already defined, by themselves! They define themselves as not willing to obey or participate in federal ICE law and put the interests of illegal immigrants over that of legal taxpaying citizens and their government. They put a map out right here and call themselves sanctuary cities, states or whatever:

View attachment 134629

And the law on how to deal with them was passed a long time ago. Sanctuary cities are going DOWN, we'll use their money to build our border wall to keep the rest of your thieving family out until we can recoup the money through continued trades with Mexico once a new trade deal gets written. Jeff Sessions will be coming after your ass! And locking up a few mayors, councilmen and others as well.

View attachment 134630

Do you see the WORDS "Sanctuary cities" anywhere in your poster?--LOL


" Seattle will argue that an executive order by President Donald Trump violates the Constitution by trying to make local governments enforce federal immigration law."
Seattle is suing President Donald Trump over his executive order cracking down on so-called “sanctuary cities” for how they handle people living in the United States illegally.
The city is doing nothing wrong by limiting its own involvement in immigration enforcement, while Trump is overreaching by trying to make cities do the work of the federal government."
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

Trump's executive order on "Sanctuary Cities" has already been BLOCKED.
Trump "sanctuary city" executive order blocked by California judge - CBS News

There are 3 branches of government, The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. You didn't elect a King or Dictator, even though he thinks he is. Anything to do with money goes through Congress, anything to do with legality goes through the Judicial branch. They are separate from one another and have their own authority on certain issues.

As far as a border wall that too has fallen apart. Congress will not appropriate money for a worthless wall--for the below reasons in the video.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels
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it's over dems...just except it, no one likes the dish you are trying to serve...Time to take a good long look inside of yourselves. You libs have crossed over into the twilight zone and the rest of the nation has not.

I'll "except" it.
Do you see the WORDS "Sanctuary cities" anywhere in your poster?--LOL


Oh Cookie-Puss. Where we differ is while you say "why try, we might miss one out of a thousand!" I say, "Why not try! We might catch 999 out of a thousand!"

And then we shoot each and every one of them in the ass with rock salt.

Do you see the WORDS "Sanctuary cities" anywhere in your poster?--LOL

View attachment 134715

Oh Cookie-Puss. Where we differ is while you say "why try, we might miss one out of a thousand!" I say, "Why not try! We might catch 999 out of a thousand!"

And then we shoot each and every one of them in the ass with rock salt.

View attachment 134718

Let's see how good your reading comprension skills are:

You people never look at the consequences of what you're promoting. 1. Illegals are not eligible to vote in this country. 2. They are not eligible for Welfare benefits. Most of them cross the border to find work--usually in low level jobs that Americans refuse to do. Many are migrant workers who cross the border during the harvest season to help farmers bring in their crops.


So we already have an example when one state decided to get real tough on undocumented workers. This happened in Alabama. They kicked them all out and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.
Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
US Farms Anxious Over Immigration Crackdowns | US Immigration News
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions

So when when your eggs, milk, chicken, beef, fruit and vegi's go through the roof at the grocery store, call and complain to your local representative--and ask why migrant workers are not getting seasonal green cards to help farmers bring in their harvests..

The next issue you people NEVER look at is Social Security/Medicare. In the United States we have an aging population called baby boomers. Back in the 50's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less kids. Today there are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 10 years adding an additional 84 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. This is why we're continually having to raise the debt ceiling which you also have a conniption fit about. So our options are.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Do means testing. (Take from the rich give to the poor.)
4. Raise the age eligibility limit to 90 years old.
5. Bring in younger workers to support these programs.


Illegals in this country circulate 4 trillion dollars into this economy each and every year. In fact 50% of them own homes in this country. They buy cars, they buy electronics, they shop in stores, go to restaurants, and buy everything you do. Our biggest cost of illegal immigration is education.

So what do you think would happen to the economies of Arizona, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and California if all illegals were kicked out of this country?

What we need, which I am certain you are against, is immigration REFORM right now, to insure that those that are working in this country are paying their share into Social Security/Medicare, Federal and State taxes.
Benefits Of Illegal Immigration in the United States
Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

Last but not least--here is one of your favorites admitting something shocking when a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

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Just think!

If fatboy nukes just six US "big cities" America would be eternally Republican!
You people never look at the consequences of what you're promoting. 1. Illegals are not eligible to vote in this country. 2. They are not eligible for Welfare benefits.


Well cookie-puss, the democratic party has made a lifetime's work at promoting things seemingly unconcerned with the consequences! Right off the top just to pick one was creating ISIS by pulling totally out of Iraq, then killing 400,000 Syrians by issuing a red line in the sand then not following through after Assad rightly called your bluff. AS to your other points, that is why just last night the President said he plans to introduce laws that would LIMIT benefits to illegals for 5 years! Many of them get better benefits than the Americans that deserve them, as was just detailed in another thread. But thank you for arguing against Americans. Shows where you are really at!

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