This election in Georgia WAS NOT CLOSE so stop with the bs

Dem's trying to spin another loss to Trump, these are the best of times. :eusa_dance: California and New York liberals flushed millions down the drain on this race. Why? So they could run their "voters have turned against Trump" media blitz, that's what this race was about. What will they do now go back to Russia conspiracies? :laugh:[/QUOTE

And judging from these numbers just what do you think is going to happen in the other (not so red states in November 2018?)--LOL

Try winning an election, then you can talk trash. :laugh:

This post sums up the entire divisive political morass in one sentence -- actually in one phrase: "talk trash". :rolleyes:

Way way WAY too many wags see this all as nothing more than a sports event where it's "our team" against "their team" ----- in a local election that has no effect on them anyway. That's the very essence of blind partisanship, and the scourge of running things via Duopoly.

Very True--which is why George Washington never wanted political parties--because they turn into Team sports, and interferes into relying on good judgement.

Just like we see time and time again on this board--right wingers have now been put into a defensive position where they are continually having to defend Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this nation. They'll do it, because they have an R behind their names, and are now required to support Trump.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Independents in this country are now the majority voting block, and I expect that Independents will continue to grow.
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Dem's trying to spin another loss to Trump, these are the best of times. :eusa_dance: California and New York liberals flushed millions down the drain on this race. Why? So they could run their "voters have turned against Trump" media blitz, that's what this race was about. What will they do now go back to Russia conspiracies? :laugh:[/QUOTE

And judging from these numbers just what do you think is going to happen in the other (not so red states in November 2018?)--LOL

Try winning an election, then you can talk trash. :laugh:

This post sums up the entire divisive political morass in one sentence -- actually in one phrase: "talk trash". :rolleyes:

Way way WAY too many wags see this all as nothing more than a sports event where it's "our team" against "their team" ----- in a local election that has no effect on them anyway. That's the very essence of blind partisanship, and the scourge of running things via Duopoly.

Very True--which is why George Washington never wanted political parties--because they turn into Team sports.

Just like we see time and time again on this board--right wingers have now been put into a defensive position where they are continually having to defend Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this nation. They'll do it, because they have an R behind their names, and are now required to support Trump.

And we saw it a week ago with the endless Composition Fallacies trying vainly to tie the wacko baseball shooter to "Democrats" --- even to "Jon Ossoff" ---- neither of which had jack squat to do with the shooting.

Then a couple of weeks before we saw the same fallacy desperately trying to be hung on Jeremy Christian, and even several posters coming to his defense against the EEEEBIL peacekeepers on the train --- simply on the basis that if he was attacking a Muslim he must be one of "their team". And yet the same wags were trying to pin him on Bernie Sanders in the same breath, never seeing their own inherent contradictions of trying to put a mass murderer on two different teams simultaneously.

The same wags who crow about Liberals being "afraid of guns" then turn around and declare the same Liberals (or leftists -- they can't tell the difference) to be the source of gun violence, assassinations and mass shootings. Again, utterly oblivious to their own Doublethink.

And then we see the same Composition Fallacists twisting themselves into pretzels to reverse-engineer the histories of the KKK and/or Hitler so that they somehow end up on the other "team", all the while utterly oblivious to their own fallacy.

The same wags who one day laud and defend John McCain or Mitt Romney and in the next breath turn on them viciously. Megyn Kelly and Fox News in general is another one. The same cretins who start wailing about "three million illegals" because they don't like the final score even when they win. Or as this thread tried to do, claim a 3.7 margin (a stat which he doubled to "seven"), where the last one was 22 (?) is "not close".

Such are the wages of blind partisan hackery. Fer Chrissake if these morons would take a consistent position once in a while they wouldn't be seen as the wackball gadfly rhetorical parodies they are.
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If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

You might have a point if said treason, obstruction, and lies had taken place, but one would think after eight months of this tired narrative, surely somebody somewhere could have produced at least one shred of conclusive evidence to any of this.

You have elected a clown


and he has brought a yuuuge circus with him.

I agree. Trump is a total assclown, but he's a clown that keeps bitch slapping you people left and right every time you think you've got him, so what does that say about you guys? I was one of the people convinced he would get destroyed on Election Day. I've since learned not to underestimate him.

come on Taz, you know full well evidence isnt presented until during a court trial (Grand Jury), if there is a trial

sheesh ..
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Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.

It should not have been that close in safe district.

This was supposed to be a very safe Republican district.
And it apparently was. No incumbent was in the race so two unknowns faced off and the Republican won AGAIN
A si
If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

You might have a point if said treason, obstruction, and lies had taken place, but one would think after eight months of this tired narrative, surely somebody somewhere could have produced at least one shred of conclusive evidence to any of this.

You have elected a clown


and he has brought a yuuuge circus with him.

I agree. Trump is a total assclown, but he's a clown that keeps bitch slapping you people left and right every time you think you've got him, so what does that say about you guys? I was one of the people convinced he would get destroyed on Election Day. I've since learned not to underestimate him.

come on Taz, you know full well evidence isnt presented until during a court trial (Grand Jury), if there is a trial

sheesh ..
A sitting president can not be charged with a crime. They must be impeached & removed by Congress first.
IT seems you are the one who is clueless
A si
If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

You might have a point if said treason, obstruction, and lies had taken place, but one would think after eight months of this tired narrative, surely somebody somewhere could have produced at least one shred of conclusive evidence to any of this.

You have elected a clown


and he has brought a yuuuge circus with him.

I agree. Trump is a total assclown, but he's a clown that keeps bitch slapping you people left and right every time you think you've got him, so what does that say about you guys? I was one of the people convinced he would get destroyed on Election Day. I've since learned not to underestimate him.

come on Taz, you know full well evidence isnt presented until during a court trial (Grand Jury), if there is a trial

sheesh ..
A sitting president can not be charged with a crime. They must be impeached & removed by Congress first.
IT seems you are the one who is clueless

DERP ^^^^^

since when was Trump THE ONLY ONE being investigated ?
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.


Nope that's not correct.

"Handel led Ossoff by 4.8 percentage points with more than three-fourths of the 6th District's precincts having reported their results at 10 p.m. ET, in the most expensive House race in US history.

It was a much closer margin than the 20-plus point wins typically posted by former Rep. Tom Price -- whose departure to become Trump's health and human services secretary created the vacancy."
Republican Karen Handel wins Georgia House special election -

It was a chin scrapper in Georgia terms.

Here's South Carolina--who was all in the tank for Trump 8 months ago.

South Carolina’s fifth district is 19 percentage points more Republican than the rest of the country. Trump won handily here. Mulvaney, who is a founding member of the far-right Freedom Caucasus of the Republican party, won by landslides in each of his elections. Mulvaney beat his last Democratic opponent by 20 points, The Herald reported Tuesday."
Special Election In South Carolina's Fifth, Frank Underwood's District, Overshadowed By Georgia

Ralph Norman R 52.6%
Archie Parnell D 47.9% a difference of 4.7 points (Parnell wasn't even supposed to get close to Norman.)

Since these are both deep red states, it's not looking good for Senate and House Republicans who will be running in blue & purple states in 2018.


Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.

It should not have been that close in safe district.
It sure is in a district that should not have been competitive to begin with.
Really? The NY Times called it a referendum. The vast majority of polls predicted a win for the loser. Keep it up. Do not moderate. Follow the hard line leftists. Please!
No way I could even count the number of times I heard spewed forth on MS13DNC, Created News Network, etc. that Georgia would be a referendum on the Trump presidency. Turns out it was but 180 degrees opposite of their dreams.

Morning Joke was great today. Looked and sounded like a live broadcast of a wake. Can't wait for Ritchie Maddow tonight...neener, neener, NEEEEENER!!!

Keep it up though lefties, don't change a thing. Self-destruction is beautiful to behold.
sadly the money will be flowing in for the same seat in 2018.....would have been nice if one of them had the balls to say...donate the money to some charity or cause badly needed in their district.....maybe then votes would shift...
sadly the money will be flowing in for the same seat in 2018.....would have been nice if one of them had the balls to say...donate the money to some charity or cause badly needed in their district.....maybe then votes would shift...

Since the start of Georgia's special election early this year, out-of-state groups — super PACS, nonprofits and party committees — have together spent about $26.2 million to sway voters in the district, which has a special election runoff Tuesday, with the vast majority favoring the Republican candidate

but I repeat myself
1,000+ lost elections
Back-to-back historical election losses
0 - 5 in Special elections

Democrats can NOT sustain donations, can not continue to attract big dollar donors, while they continue to lose election after election.

That is where the propaganda they are pushing comes in, the claims that they 'won the popular vote' or that the positive aspect of losing yet another election is that 'this time' they got 'close'.

They have to say these things in order to entice big dollar Democrat Party donors to continue to give even though they are losing time and again.
I agree. Trump is a total assclown, but he's a clown that keeps bitch slapping you people left and right every time you think you've got him, so what does that say about you guys? I was one of the people convinced he would get destroyed on Election Day. I've since learned not to underestimate him.

You see Taz, I had quite the different experience. Prior to Trump I was rather lackadaisically resigned to either Chris Christie, Scott Walker or Rick Perry as being probably the best candidates the GOP would offer. The day Trump announced he was running, he was immediately my enthusiastic favorite and my belief that he would take the nomination strengthened with every day. I figured the ticket might be him and Cruz as VP.

Come election time I figured if he lost, it would be close and only through the usual massive voter fraud and cheating as is always the Democrats. He is the real deal--- a once in a lifetime candidate. Think about it: HE DOESN'T EVEN NEED THE JOB! He is the one candidate that does not need all this crap for money, fame or power. All the pundits thought / think he is / was a clown, but then, they were all wrong about his running / winning too. When you get a guy like that, someone who does things his own way, a real individualist, a real leader, bold, aggressive, the personality is just baggage that comes with the job. MacArthur and Patton were great generals, but that personality "assclown" baggage came with them too. Truth be told, that is just what you need in a real Leader; someone not afraid to step a little over the line unconcerned whether it looks good or not.

Whatever you choose to think of Trump, just remember, everything you see and hear of him is mainly filtered through a hostile media that works for, and is part and parcel of the party that opposes him, ran against him, and has every interest in stopping him, so can you really expect him to look otherwise? There is a great deal going on you will never be told about unless you hunt and dig, because anything that makes him look good is deeply suppressed.
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Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.

right, just like every poll we saw in the final months of the election was off by 10/15 points! Hillary was never ahead of Donald..if anything, she was always 10 points behind, and that was proven in the election.
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

Therefore voter id's with pictures need to be re-implemented and the data base of dead voters should be dropped from the registry before any future elections. IT experts from both sides of the aisle need to check and oversee the system programs to make sure no fraud is happening. Lastly all polling places should be required to hire workers that support all parties involved so they can keep an eye on each other to ensure everyone is doing their jobs without bias.
Since the start of Georgia's special election early this year, out-of-state groups — super PACS, nonprofits and party committees — have together spent about $26.2 million to sway voters in the district

Why was this Georgia election so important to the Libs? Trump didn't do so well there last year but still won and it looked like maybe the Libs could flip it. They really needed to flip a Red district to the Blue because they desperately needed to be able to say it was a referendum on President Trump! They needed to make the case that it flipped as a sign of Trump's "failings" and "unpopularity," and to give momentum to democratic contributors. But when Handel thanked the President last night for his support, the room burst into uproarious applause! The greatest applause of the night. So someone has lied about what is what.

The media tells you one thing but your eyes tell you another------ people driving hundreds of miles and waiting for hours just for the chance to hear him speak in person. And the Libs so desperate that they hired, paid and bused groups of malcontents around from city to city to protest and disrupt his rallies with anger and violence. Handel herself even received many death threats and anonymous packages trying to force her out of the race!

Do ya think the Libs wanted to win? The Dems are running on fumes, their gal Hillary herself left it slip that the DNC was in really bad shape last year. Loss after loss after loss after loss is not only draining the pocketbooks of rich Hollywood backers, it is draining their morale as well. Now even this "investigation" isn't going anywhere. Trump is like a fighter that keeps moving around and just lets his opponent wear himself out. Just wait and see what happens next once he has the DNC right where he wants them.
I agree. Trump is a total assclown, but he's a clown that keeps bitch slapping you people left and right every time you think you've got him, so what does that say about you guys? I was one of the people convinced he would get destroyed on Election Day. I've since learned not to underestimate him.

You see Taz, I had quite the different experience. Prior to Trump I was rather lackadaisically resigned to either Chris Christie, Scott Walker or Rick Perry as being probably the best candidates the GOP would offer. The day Trump announced he was running, he was immediately by enthusiastic favorite and my belief that he would take the nomination strengthened with every day. I figured the ticket might be him and Cruz as VP.

Come election time I figured if he lost, it would be close and only through the usual massive voter fraud and cheating as is always the Democrats. He is the real deal--- a once in a lifetime candidate. All the pundits thought / think he is / was a clown, but then, they were all wrong about his running / winning too. When you get a guy like that, someone who does things his own way, a real individualist, a real leader, bold, aggressive, the personality is just baggage that comes with the job. MacArthur and Patton were great generals, but that personality "assclown" baggage came with them too. Truth be told, that is just what you need in a real Leader; someone not afraid to step a little over the line unconcerned whether it looks good or not.

Whatever you choose to think of Trump, just remember, everything you see and hear of him is mainly filtered through a hostile media that works for, and is part and parcel of the party that opposes him, ran against him, and has every interest in stopping him, so can you really expect him to look otherwise? There is a great deal going on you will never be told about unless you hunt and dig, because anything that makes him look good is deeply suppressed.
So true...and so much so that if the assholes on the left would just let him do his job, he might actually go down in history as one of the best presidents ever or at least tied with Reagan who was also great. But the left's agenda is to keep him wrapped up in conspiracy while voting nay on every issue for the next 4-8 years so he can't accomplish much of anything. I also suspect some republicans are in with them. Just because someone chooses a certain ticket to run on, it doesn't mean they are actually working for that party. I suspect there are some that are actually democrats such as McCain who will continue to vote against anything the Republican party wants especially Trump.

But that said, no one on either side wanted Trump in office knowing if he succeeds, it will make them all look bad as to why they haven't been doing their jobs all along. We need to get rid of those within the Republican party that are hell bent on stabbing Trump in the back. Too much of that is already happening from the left. It should not be happening from his own party as well.
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.


Nope that's not correct.

"Handel led Ossoff by 4.8 percentage points with more than three-fourths of the 6th District's precincts having reported their results at 10 p.m. ET, in the most expensive House race in US history.

It was a much closer margin than the 20-plus point wins typically posted by former Rep. Tom Price -- whose departure to become Trump's health and human services secretary created the vacancy."
Republican Karen Handel wins Georgia House special election -

It was a chin scrapper in Georgia terms.

Here's South Carolina--who was all in the tank for Trump 8 months ago.

South Carolina’s fifth district is 19 percentage points more Republican than the rest of the country. Trump won handily here. Mulvaney, who is a founding member of the far-right Freedom Caucasus of the Republican party, won by landslides in each of his elections. Mulvaney beat his last Democratic opponent by 20 points, The Herald reported Tuesday."
Special Election In South Carolina's Fifth, Frank Underwood's District, Overshadowed By Georgia

Ralph Norman R 52.6%
Archie Parnell D 47.9% a difference of 4.7 points (Parnell wasn't even supposed to get close to Norman.)

Since these are both deep red states, it's not looking good for Senate and House Republicans who will be running in blue & purple states in 2018.


I get it...You lefties have no choice but to beat that dead horse of your horrible party to the finish line that's been destroying this nation and giving it all away. Therefore anything you can spew in an attempt to pick your party's spirits up is desperately needed right?
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Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.
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if the assholes on the left would just let him do his job, he might actually go down in history as one of the best presidents ever

That could be a possibility, even a likelihood, but he could be the best ever, leading this country into unprecedented prosperity and safety and the Left WOULD NOT CARE. That is the Great Lie, they don't care how much harm they might do in stopping Trump------- for one thing, they see him as the devil incarnate anyway, so how can they see at all what the country and people really want and need? They see only ONE THING: Their power and control, because ultimately, the modern Democrat Party is A FRONT FOR THE GLOBALIST ELITE OLIGARCHY that desperately needs the United States in their control to direct our economical engine to finance their agenda, from the fucked up "Paris Accord" to the evil "Agenda 21."
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
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Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431

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