This election in Georgia WAS NOT CLOSE so stop with the bs

Well cookie-puss, the democratic party has made a lifetime's work at promoting things seemingly unconcerned with the consequences! Right off the top just to pick one was creating ISIS by pulling totally out of Iraq
And the Right has made their lifetime's work lying about the Democratic Party.
Bush started ISIS in 2004 at Camp Bucca, but you knew that already.
Well cookie-puss, the democratic party has made a lifetime's work at promoting things seemingly unconcerned with the consequences! Right off the top just to pick one was creating ISIS by pulling totally out of Iraq
And the Right has made their lifetime's work lying about the Democratic Party.
Bush started ISIS in 2004 at Camp Bucca, but you knew that already.

--- "created ISIS by pulling out of Iraq" he says.... :lmao:

---- who exactly created the situation to "pull out" of? Yum! Cherries!
Do you see the WORDS "Sanctuary cities" anywhere in your poster?--LOL

View attachment 134715

Oh Cookie-Puss. Where we differ is while you say "why try, we might miss one out of a thousand!" I say, "Why not try! We might catch 999 out of a thousand!"

And then we shoot each and every one of them in the ass with rock salt.

View attachment 134718

Let's see how good your reading comprension skills are:

You people never look at the consequences of what you're promoting. 1. Illegals are not eligible to vote in this country. 2. They are not eligible for Welfare benefits. Most of them cross the border to find work--usually in low level jobs that Americans refuse to do. Many are migrant workers who cross the border during the harvest season to help farmers bring in their crops.


So we already have an example when one state decided to get real tough on undocumented workers. This happened in Alabama. They kicked them all out and it wasn't long before they were begging them to come back.
Alabama Illegal Immigrant Crackdown Destroys Farm Business
US Farms Anxious Over Immigration Crackdowns | US Immigration News
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions

So when when your eggs, milk, chicken, beef, fruit and vegi's go through the roof at the grocery store, call and complain to your local representative--and ask why migrant workers are not getting seasonal green cards to help farmers bring in their harvests..

The next issue you people NEVER look at is Social Security/Medicare. In the United States we have an aging population called baby boomers. Back in the 50's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less kids. Today there are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 10 years adding an additional 84 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. 1 working person is supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. This is why we're continually having to raise the debt ceiling which you also have a conniption fit about. So our options are.

1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2. Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Do means testing. (Take from the rich give to the poor.)
4. Raise the age eligibility limit to 90 years old.
5. Bring in younger workers to support these programs.


Illegals in this country circulate 4 trillion dollars into this economy each and every year. In fact 50% of them own homes in this country. They buy cars, they buy electronics, they shop in stores, go to restaurants, and buy everything you do. Our biggest cost of illegal immigration is education.

So what do you think would happen to the economies of Arizona, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and California if all illegals were kicked out of this country?

What we need, which I am certain you are against, is immigration REFORM right now, to insure that those that are working in this country are paying their share into Social Security/Medicare, Federal and State taxes.
Benefits Of Illegal Immigration in the United States
Illegal immigrants benefit the U.S. economy

Last but not least--here is one of your favorites admitting something shocking when a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

ROFLMAO You lefty silly bunnies are just too much. Anything for laugh huh? Your first talking point about illegals aren't allowed to vote is so damned funny my sides are splitting. Talk about delusional.
But hey all kidding aside, keep 'em coming because we just don't get enough good comedy these days. All the rest of your post I'm sure was probably just as informative but I didn't read any of it because I wanted to go out and watch the grass grow.
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