This election in Georgia WAS NOT CLOSE so stop with the bs

Just like we see time and time again on this board--right wingers have now been put into a defensive position where they are continually having to defend Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who was just labeled a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this nation. They'll do it, because they have an R behind their names, and are now required to support Trump.

The Right in a defensive position? Defend what? What are you smoking? We won the House, the Senate, the White House and the Supreme Court, and now we are winning the local elections as well. Defend Putin? Assauge? What forum do you read dude? I see no one defending Putin here, and Assauge, well, whatever his case, he hasn't been proven wrong yet.

Independents in this country are now the majority voting block, and I expect that Independents will continue to grow.

The one thing you leave out Oreo is that the independents are folks who have left BOTH parties, sick and tired of them. While the Left continues with the same old story, Trump has taken the GOP in a new direction and is getting those votes. And every time the country does poorly, the GOP gets stronger and the Dems weaker. The current trend is that people are liking what they see and are returning to the GOP. The GOP is getting bigger right now and the Democrats, SMALLER.
It is republican territory.... Look at Tom Prices win in 2014...

U.S. House, Georgia District 6 General Election, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
Republican Tom Price Incumbent 66.04% 139,018
Democratic Robert Montigel 33.96% 71,486

U.S. House, Georgia District 6 General Election, 2017
Karen Handel Republican 132,459 52.1%
Jon Ossoff Democrat 121,635 47.9%

Righties today...


You know, I skipped the rest of thread to post this response to this spinner------>

Now Repubs, I do NOT want you to tell this poster I am responding to the answer to this question-)

QUESTION----> What did Ossoff run on? Don't know do you, lol; or won't admit it.

ANSWER------> HE RAN AS A CONSERVATIVE, fiscal responsibility, how we could save money, LOWERING taxes, lololololololol.

Now the only REAL question is-----------> If he won, did that really mean we actually had another Republican who just had to call himself a Democrat, OR......was he lying like all the rest of you leftists constantly do, and was going to stick it to the Georgia district when he got to Washington, lol!

So in essence, you had 2 Republicans running for the district, lolol, and that is why the SUPPOSED REPUBLICAN running on the Democratic, only lost by 6, hehehehehehee.

CONCLUSION--------> Asshat, errr I mean Osoff, was a bigger phony baloney than you are, and the voters seen right through it-)
Dang, those Russians are good. Hey wait, where are all the folks that insist Russia has infiltrated our voting system.
Waiting on their talking points. Tomorrow will be a full press by them after they receive their marching orders.

Hence this thread was created tonight

You preemptively are crying about winning a republican seat by a dogs hair?
Are these the new talking points? Minimize/marginalize the victory?

You do realize that will have no impact of any kind right? It doesn't better your chances in upcoming elections. Nor does it have any impact on her future role in DC.

Do you have ANYTHING to bring to the plate of actual value?
Dang, those Russians are good. Hey wait, where are all the folks that insist Russia has infiltrated our voting system.


Let's see if you can get through an 8 minute video.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason. It doesn't matter if it changed a single vote, it's still Treason.
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%
Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason. It doesn't matter if it changed a single vote, it's still Treason.

Then we better get a good investigator right now to start investigating Hillary Clinton!!! Because those WikiLeaked Podesta emails, that is exactly what they were about. Starting to look like we might have to dig up Elliot Ness.
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’
And there is no such thing as sanctuary cities either huh? If so, then do you really believe those officials would risk their positions and possibly even go to jail for intentionally breaking federal laws but they wouldn't hand illegals ballots to vote? Are you really that naive or just some paid DNC hack? Oh and then there's this:
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431
Let me take a wild guess here that you don't believe in sanctuary cities either right? Hopefully you at least acknowledge those exist. And if so, do you really think those officials in charge would risk breaking federal laws to harbor illegals which could not only cause them to lose not only their political careers but could also get them indicted for obstruction of justice as well. I mean they would do all that but they wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote for them in upcoming elections?

If that dumb it's no wonder after eight years of this idiocy this country in such dire consequences. I mean America would be better off putting their trust in a box of rocks. But since you knew enough to pull up a leftist link, then maybe you'll enjoy these as well. Some even came from your own biased media sources such as CNN. But before going there, wasn't it Obama who advocated that voter ID's would not be required in the 2016? (And ooh look this one is from Obama and Hillary's old stomping ground!) (This one from a sanctuary city area) (Colorado, another blue state right?)

Colorado's dead voters
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%

You're a liar and an idiot, not one of those figures is even close!
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%
I haven't listened to Rush in over a decade.

Blow it out your ass leftard
Dang, those Russians are good. Hey wait, where are all the folks that insist Russia has infiltrated our voting system.
Waiting on their talking points. Tomorrow will be a full press by them after they receive their marching orders.

Hence this thread was created tonight

You preemptively are crying about winning a republican seat by a dogs hair?
Are these the new talking points? Minimize/marginalize the victory?

You do realize that will have no impact of any kind right? It doesn't better your chances in upcoming elections. Nor does it have any impact on her future role in DC.

Do you have ANYTHING to bring to the plate of actual value?

No I clearly said a Republican won a Safe Republican seat. Congrats, but if you're attempting to say that it wasn't close that's clearly not true since Romney won it by 20 points previously. Also, saying that a Republican won a Republican seat is surprising. The only way that surprises anyone is if you thought the Republican was going to lose.

Its like putting you against a horse in a race and when the horse wins the horse team cheers emphatically
Actually when considering all the election fraud which has now been proven, Hillary didn't even win the popular vote either. Millions of illegals were allowed in the U.S. before the election, they were given ballots to vote as well as the names of dead people to use, were allowed to vote numerous times, and this was all coincidentally done in blue states near so called sanctuary cities.

That is a very clear picture of the situation, Skieler. This is no accident why the Dems are so hell bent on letting illegals in, inviting them in, encouraging them, giving them benefits, protecting them. They try to use the various banners of rights, national identity, humanity, economy and liberty. Truth is they are an indispensable, sewn-up voting block for the DNC, one that might not be around after Trump is finished! Libs bust a nut telling us how vital and important they are, part of the American Way, but the American Way is LEGAL immigration and self-actualization.

Given a straight up honest election with both sides laying all their cards on the table about what they really stand for and want to do, no democrat would ever win an election even for dog-catcher. Only an idiot would vote for someone out to harm them! Even that Jon Ossoff had to totally lie about his real positions--- originally he was pretty up-front about his positions but then like Hillary, swung towards the middle as more a moderate, hoping to fool the voters. You see, the Dems need to pretend they are moderate publicly to try for BROAD VOTER APPEAL, but they need to also let on to their base of backers that no, they are still full-on Hard Left fascist radicals with their backs covered. But Libs made the mistake under Obama of taking all their clothes off naked and revealing what they really are! They became so comfortable and confident under him that they let down all pretense. Heck, Obama even lit up the White House in rainbow colors to proclaim to all the world!

Now the Hard Left is in 5th gear in overdrive, they thought they owned the store and were ready to tear forward under Hillary, but in a single hour they went from Warp 6 to reverse when the election actually turned out for Donald Trump! Now they are busting gears and springs are flying all over the place as they careen all over the highway trying to regain control. And they lie both to themselves and try to the world to explain to their backers that it wasn't their fault.

Trump didn't even get the popular vote! It is this damned system!
Trump had help from the Russians.
There is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy within the White House.
Those damned Deplorables did it.

The Radical Left which now runs the DNC say they are Americans but they are NOT Americans; they say they are patriots, but they are NOT patriots. They say they are for the poor, but they create more poor, make them poorer and hold them down forced onto government programs that keep you poor. They say they are for rights and liberty and you are victims, but they are the first ones to violate other people's rights and want liberty only for themselves! The Radical Left had made plain what they stand for and want, and one by one, they are being summarily rejected by the people.

What benefits do illegals get? No illegal is stupid enough to walk into a Welfare Office, or voting precinct and risk immediate deportation just so they can cast a single vote.


If anything needs to be checked it's people who voted for Trump, because he was campaigning on a rigged election, and actually encouraging his supporters to vote more than once.


A Woman Was Arrested for Voter Fraud. It Was a Donald Trump Supporter

And another in Texas
Trump supporter arrested for allegedly voting twice to ‘test the system’

Trump's Bogus Voter Fraud Claims -
Let me take a wild guess here you don't believe in sanctuary cities either right? Hopefully you at least acknowledge those exist. And if so, do you really think those officials in charge would risk breaking federal laws to harbor illegals which could not only cause them to lose not only their political careers but could also get them indicted for obstruction of justice as well? I mean they would do all that but they wouldn't also hand them a ballot to vote for them in upcoming elections?

If that dumb it's no wonder after eight years of this idiocy this country in such dire consequences. I mean America would be better off putting their trust in a box of rocks. But since you knew enough to pull up a leftist link, then maybe you'll enjoy these as well. Some even came from your own biased media sources such as CBS. But before going there, wasn't it Obama who advocated that voter ID's wouldn't be required in the 2016 election?

'Voter fraud'? California man finds dozens of ballots stacked outside home
(And ooh look this one is from Obama and Hillary's old stomping ground!) (This one from a sanctuary city area) (Colorado, another blue state right?)

Colorado's dead voters

Florida Elections Worker: I Was Fired For Witnessing Possible Absentee Ballot Fraud

And if needed I could link several more as well! :)
Last edited:
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%
You're a liar and an idiot, not one of those figures is even close!
it has been reported that at $56 million this was the most expensive congressional race in history. Do the math if you can.

Karen Handel wins Georgia House special election -
Handel bested Ossoff by 3.8 percentage points in the most expensive House race in history.
It was a much closer margin than the 20-plus point wins typically posted by former Rep. Tom Price -- whose departure to become Trump's health and human services secretary created the vacancy.

But it wasn't what Democrats who pumped $23 million into Ossoff's campaign so desperately craved: A win.
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%
You're a liar and an idiot, not one of those figures is even close!
it has been reported that at $56 million this was the most expensive congressional race in history. Do the math if you can.

Karen Handel wins Georgia House special election -
Handel bested Ossoff by 3.8 percentage points in the most expensive House race in history.
It was a much closer margin than the 20-plus point wins typically posted by former Rep. Tom Price -- whose departure to become Trump's health and human services secretary created the vacancy.

But it wasn't what Democrats who pumped $23 million into Ossoff's campaign so desperately craved: A win.

Never fear for our wallet-) Hell, we could easily afford it, eventhough your numbers are off quite a bit!


Because we used part of the money we saved when Trump kicked Hilly's ass and spent next to nothing to do it, lololololol!
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.
That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.
It takes a special kind of stupid to parrot your MessiahRushie's lies.
The GOP spent $33 million and won by 3.8%, The Dems spent $23 million.

Candidate Votes Percentage
R - Karen Handel 134,595 51.9%
D - Jon Ossoff 124,893 48.1%
I haven't listened to Rush in over a decade.
Blow it out your ass leftard
And yet you still manage to parrot his lies exactly!
You must be psychic.
No I clearly said a Republican won a Safe Republican seat. Congrats, but if you're attempting to say that it wasn't close that's clearly not true since Romney won it by 20 points previously. Also, saying that a Republican won a Republican seat is surprising. The only way that surprises anyone is if you thought the Republican was going to lose.

Its like putting you against a horse in a race and when the horse wins the horse team cheers emphatically
The Republicans flipped WI, FL, MI and PA while the Dems can't flip a single congressional district anywhere with the Republican president's approval rating at 35% according to some infallible polls, 0 for 4 in fact.

Frigging losers!
Republicans have a traditional margin of +8 and won by +7.

That means that your THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS bought one lousy percentage point.

Compared to +20 in the past. But continue to be comforted. Nothing to worry about come 2018.
Dang, those Russians are good. Hey wait, where are all the folks that insist Russia has infiltrated our voting system.
Waiting on their talking points. Tomorrow will be a full press by them after they receive their marching orders.

Hence this thread was created tonight
Be patient. It took 2 years for watergate.
Be quicker if Don the con released his returns. I see he's got an extension for 2016 too

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