This Election Is A "Then They Came For Me" Moment


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Trump gives voice to the racists and anti semite crowd

Thankfully this is their last hurrah

Donald Trump Should Be Judged By The Anti-Semitic, And Otherwise Deplorable, Company He Keeps

Trump is incredibly popular with anti-Semitic people. He loves their attention. He even likes to make coded anti-Semitic statements himself and somehow wound up participating in some odd display of cultural appropriation while at a church.

Itā€™s certainly not helping that Trumpā€™s own son is helping bring most of these folks into the mainstream. (Youā€™ll remember his gas chamber/Holocaust ā€œjokeā€ from the other week and of course his offensive Skittles analogy.)

Itā€™s not hard to draw conclusions between these Trump supporters and Trump himself. It would be one thing if he were actively working to stop their influence and deny their legitimacy, but thatā€™s exactly the opposite of whatā€™s happening.Trump is playing right into their hands and heā€™s allowing their messages to move into the mainstream.

This is the company he keeps.

ā€™m certainly not the only one to see it. Bend the Arc Jewish Action, a national Jewish organization aimed at ā€œbringing together Jews from across the country to advocate for a more just and equal society,ā€ has been working on a campaign called, ā€œWeā€™ve Seen This Before.ā€

Among the centerpieces of the campaign is this video, ā€œA Message from Grandma and Grandpa":

For Jews (And All Of Us), This Election Is A "Then They Came For Me" Moment

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