This election is weird

I dont know if anyone else has notice it but Hillary is trying to run a campaign to the right of Trump.
I have to wonder what research she did to decide to go this route.

No research needed. Hillary is in fact already in essence to the right of Trump. Trump isn't even on the political continuum at all, except that as for his left leanings, he allows demented men to use women's restrooms in Trump Tower. Trump is out in his own universe where truth is always subjective, facts are things that get in the way sometimes to his goals; and can be "fired" like people. He gauges the room when he walks in and that is his political leaning for that hour...sometimes it changes every five minutes. The only party that Donald Trump is loyal to is "the Donald Trump Party". All collateral casualties are acceptable as long as THAT party shines in the limelight. He doesn't even think about the end game. He's just addicted to winning; and then it's off to the next bloodletting.

The problem is that once you "win" the election, you have to become the nuanced and sober leader of the free world. So, Trump poses a problem if he should win. But that mouth of his will make that an exceedingly unlikely event. Poor republican Congressional hopefuls in close races...

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