This Explains A Lot: Hundreds Of Tik Tok Employees Worked Previously For ChiComs

When we were kids, China was barely above 3rd world country status. Now they are our equal militarily and economically and openly hostile on every front. But just keeping chugging the Kool-Aid GGator, Master Xi and China Joe say everything just fine! :113:

Tis the nature of the world, countries rise and countries fall. Once England was the mightiest of all, now not so much.

But yeah, it is all because of Tik Tok....Facebook, Twitters, SnapChat, Instagram and all the rest were not a problem at all.!

Fuck, you are funny
My grandparents said the same thing about TVs, my parents said the same thing about the internet and now we have you.....

It is a fact our children are more out of shape, under educated, may be proficient in desired field of study but not worldly wise, have less loyalty, have a greater chance of being into criminal endeavors, more prone to violence including little children and the elderly, lacking manners and civility and more. And our political class pushes this to weaken our nation as just one of their agendas broken down to prime us for total entry into the Liberal World Order.
It is a fact our children are more out of shape, under educated, may be proficient in desired field of study but not worldly wise, have less loyalty, have a greater chance of being into criminal endeavors, more prone to violence including little children and the elderly, lacking manners and civility and more. And our political class pushes this to weaken our nation as just one of their agendas broken down to prime us for total entry into the Liberal World Order.

It all started with MTV, that was the end of the world as we know it!

:5_1_12024: :banana:
Tis the nature of the world, countries rise and countries fall. Once England was the mightiest of all, now not so much.

But yeah, it is all because of Tik Tok....Facebook, Twitters, SnapChat, Instagram and all the rest were not a problem at all.!

Fuck, you are funny
There is a purpose to every single thing that the CCP does. Keep giggling up your sleeve, you are the perfect minion for the Democrats and the Jinping regime.
Tik Tok is turning our youth into a bunch of lazy asses who don't want to work. They spend hours every day trying to come up with the next viral craze. This is part of the CCP strategy to weaken our country just like shipping Fentanyl chemicals to the Mexican drug cartels.

Dear Tik Tok users: Fentanyl is good for you. Makes you strong like bull!!
Dear Tik Tok users: Fentanyl is good for you. Makes you strong like bull!!
Bags of skittles with counterfeit colored Fentanyl pills are showing up in Arizona. I just saw the report yesterday on my local news broadcast. I guess some folks need to see a family member drop over dead from eating one of these CCP/Cartel pills before they wake the f*k up.
China isn't equal militarily but as close as is necessary to being able to discount the ultimate US military threat.

China has taken huge amounts of mistreatment by the West and especially from England.

England will be eternally grateful for the MAD deterrant but likely won't escape turnabout completely.
Historically it is true that China has been kicked around. But that all changed when Nixon and Kissinger opened the doors to Chinese Capitalism. Now they are the definition of an evil empire. Every country in the world had better take notice of what they are doing.
It's my 'commie' leaning in your mind that's causing you to keep me entertained, no matter how many times you tell me that you don't care.

Can you let it go as you keep promising?

Even though you're just a spamming, profane, precocious, and angry teenager, I'm not going to release you.
Keep telling yourself that duck. I was a teenager before you were born. I was enjoying life while you were being indoctrinated, comrade.
Apparently you weren't watching during the Vietnam war. A Chicom is a Chinese Communist or maybe you were on their side.
Being born in 1953 I watched that war from the beginning to the end and went to every anti-war protest that I could. I wasn`t on anyone`s side but I wanted my friends and relatives to come home safely. Both sides sucked.

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