This fits my definition of hell on earth

Baby boomers claim the younger generations ruin everything, but here are 11 things baby boomers have actually ruined:​

1. Our economy.​

Enough time has passed, and we can take a look at the numbers and say "trickle-down economics" destroyed the middle class. This keeping-the-rich-in-mind concept basically emptied the middle class as the US knew it. How people actually bought the concept that rich people filling their pockets more would result in them sprinkling money down on everyone else, I don't know.

They made cuts to education​

The shift away from entry-level jobs to unpaid internships.​

Choosing colorblindness over dealing with racism directly has contributed to ignoring discrimination.​

The housing market has become unaffordable​

What, you want increases in your salary? Nah. $7.25 is where it's at!​

Taking too many slices of the pie from Social Security.​

The pure quantity of baby boomers may result in the depletion of Social Security. Some predict retiree benefits will be drained by 2034, and one of the only ways to save it: bumping up the retirement age in order to ease the system back to health.

In other words, hope you like working, millennials!

College's unaffordability has every student in debt for simply chasing a higher education.​

Irreversible damage to the environment has screwed future generations long after you are dead.​

How many times you gonna reply to the same comment? Hey Golfing Gator now here's someone hysterical over the world ending. One of your climate change pals

You cons who live in Texas sure do care a lot about what's going on in the great state of California.

What state do you live in? Besides denial.

Because the leftists who created that shit hole leave, and flee to Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Arizona........and start voting the same way they did in California which created that mess......

So, in order to protect the free states from that fate, we have to work to clean out the crap you guys created .....
And they go right past red states to Mexico and China. Wake up white America.

If Cali sucks so much, what state should the people in Cali flock to? Please don't say shithole texas. Because if they go to Texas, it'll be to a Democratic run city.
Austin isn't the only city in Texas. I know plenty of people that went to Texas. They are quite happy they made that move. They didn't go to a democratic run city.
You cherry pick one story and want us to do what? I could do the same thing in Detroit I'm sure. I could go find ONE fucked up story where someone did something fucked up to someone somewhere in Texas or Oklahoma.

Smoking pot is legal in California. Sorry Granny but mind your own business.

It's not one is life in major California cities, and other democrat party controlled crap holes...

As Dennis Prager states....everything the left touches they destroy.
Because the leftists who created that shit hole leave, and flee to Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Arizona........and start voting the same way they did in California which created that mess......

So, in order to protect the free states from that fate, we have to work to clean out the crap you guys created .....
Don't worry I'll be voting Red when I get to Texas or 3rd party
Don't worry I'll be voting Red when I get to Texas or 3rd party

Voting 3rd party right now is voting democrat.............I would be more than happy with the election being republicans vs. a 3rd party.....but not if it leads to giving the democrats more power.
Voting 3rd party right now is voting democrat.............I would be more than happy with the election being republicans vs. a 3rd party.....but not if it leads to giving the democrats more power.
Right now yes I should have added the addendum if they ever become viable

My point being I'll never vote democrat again
Yea right. One of the best places on earth to live and you'd hate it. Anywhere on the coast. You'd hate that?


How many times you gonna reply to the same comment? Hey Golfing Gator now here's someone hysterical over the world ending. One of your climate change pals


Damn, they are almost as fearful as you, but not quite.

By the way, do you have any clue what my view on climate change is?
On a budget? LOL I pay all my bills first part of the month still have plenty left over and my only budget now is because I'm moving. Saving the rest and my FICO score is 798 so looks like you're wrong again SeeyaBooHoo

Remember you thought I was waiting for my dad to croak so I could get half his money? My nephew just told me last night both he and his brother get $5 million dollars EACH when my brother dies. He's 21 now and said if it happens in the next few years it's set up to where he can't touch it until he is 40.

Imagine that. Knowing you got $5 million coming to you. Wouldn't it be great? That's the benefit of being rich.

And the rich don't care what you think about this. It is goolish that he is happy to know his father is setting him up? No. He's still going to college. Going to become a lawyer. But even if all he ever does is become a dish washer, he is set for life.
And their Governor wants to be your President…
California is in rapid decline economically and socially

It represents a massive failure of liberalism

I dont think Newsome can use it as a springboard to the whitehouse

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