This fits my definition of hell on earth


Liberals WANT electric cars just like Fatso wants the double bacon cheeseburger with jumbo fries and a large milk shake 3 times a day

If you got your wish the grid could not support them all anyway and the next liberal demand would to force everyone into public transportation
We will figure out a better way despite your concerns. We can't keep doing what we are doing. How many people on this planet? How many cars and motorcycles and powerplants and dairy farms?

We are not so evolved a species that you should think we are doing things the best way YET. First we burn coal, gas, then we do windmills and solar, etc. Get my point? We can't continue doing fossel fuels.

I'm not going to try too hard to convince you. Hopefully we transition before your way of thinking destroys us.
You should pay attention to their policies. Yes those democrats are rich. You have to be rich to run for politics. But what about their policies? Democratic policies favor the middle class and the rich control the Republican party. They don't even try to pretend. Look at the conservative supreme court. It favors corporations over we the people 100% of the time. Republicans are trickle down Democrats are Middle Class First.

Do you like the new Supreme Court? Then you are socially conservative. Fiscally, you don't have enough money to be voting Republican. So they've duped you girl.
You keep running and deflecting from your failed opinions. You keep posting comments having nothing to do with your previous comment.

You are like a stray dog wandering aimlessly.

Again I ask

What policy, specifically are talking about
Imagine you are an 80 year old widow living alone and three street bums are camping out below and just outside your window smoking dope

The police do not respond to your calls

When you son tries to roust them out and away from your home he is beaten to within an inch of his life

Then the lib Soros DA blames the incident on him instead of the homeless bums

This is the piss covered rat infested trash dump that California has become

Yet red states have lower education, higher obesity and higher murder rates.

You keep running and deflecting from your failed opinions. You keep posting comments having nothing to do with your previous comment.

You are like a stray dog wandering aimlessly.

Again I ask

What policy, specifically are talking about

I know you and corporations keep hoping Biden goes into a recession but so far so good

Data from Bureau of Labor Statistics out Friday showed there were 339,000 jobs created in May, topping Wall Street estimates for 195,000.

This marked the 14th-straight month that job creation came in above what Wall Street economists had expected and the largest monthly increase since January.

The data sent stocks higher on Friday

Uncertainty hurts the economy. With Trump you had uncertainty. With Biden you have stability.

It's not one policy. You sound stupid asking that dumb question.

You did this to Obama. He added jobs every month for like 80 months in a row. What policies did he do to give us 8 years of growth?

What policies did Clinton do to give us 8 years of good times?

IDK. You tell me. Trump lost his good economy by lying to us about how serious corona was. His fault. Biden took over and look. 14 straight months of adding jobs.

And the Feds are fixing inflation. Don't vote for Trump thinking he's going to fix it.
Yet red states have lower education, higher obesity and higher murder rates.

This is why corporations only open up business' in blue states or blue cities. Democratically run cities.

This is why Republicans want government to pass laws so corporations in blue cities don't have to pay taxes. We say they need to pay their fair share of taxes. If they want access to our roads, courts and educated citizens, they have to help pay for roads and schools and courts.

Notice they never try to lure these corporations to their red cities or red states? Or when they try corporations say no thanks. Even if they don't have to pay any taxes, fuck living in a red state. Logistically they are nightmares.

I also wish we started charging people for US Mail differently. If you live in a rural place out in the country you should have to pay $10 to mail something from your home. In blue cities where we are all living in close proximity it makes sense to only charge 50 cents but people in red states like Alaska.
Are you kidding? Capitalism relies on having poor people. Ditch diggers. Who else is going to work for your Walmarts and Subways and McD's?

We gave you social security you ungrateful bitch. So you can retire with dignity even though you are broke at age 65. Then Republicans want to make you work an extra 2 years. Talk about a tax. I'd rather you tax me more now and not make me work an extra 2 years when I'm old.

You must be stupid. You bite the hand that fed your sorry ass.

I laugh at you when think about my dad who only made it 20 years at Ford but STILL received a pension. How that guy who didn't even finish highschool was able to amass $800,000 in his and my mom's lives. How now that he's retired, his bank account gets bigger every year where yours goes down because you have to tap into your savings. My dad lives off the interest, pension and social security.

Actually he doesn't have a pension anymore. He took the buy out which was about $100,000. He added it to his $ and he's collecting interest on it.

He thanks that union every day of his life. So do I because I'll get half when he goes to heaven to be with my mom.

I went to college when I was 17. Had I went to Ford and made it 30 years, I would have retired at age 47. Now I'm 52 and I have to work till I'm 62. And I have a college degree. My dad, a uneducated cook in the Ford cafeteria, did better than I am and I have a college fucking degree. LOL.

Like I said, liberals created that kind of middle class. You argued with Republicans as they dismantled it. Fucking idiot!!!
You know who is suppose to work at McD, Subway or Wal-Mart's? Elderly people who want extra money and high school kids just entering the work force.

Sounds like your dumbass got hooked on the college degree is needed lie. Instead you could have joined the armed services they would have paid for your school. You're in the position you're in because of the choices you made no one else

And now you're counting the days til your pops kick it so you can get his money LOL what a ghoul you are
I know you and corporations keep hoping Biden goes into a recession but so far so good

Data from Bureau of Labor Statistics out Friday showed there were 339,000 jobs created in May, topping Wall Street estimates for 195,000.

This marked the 14th-straight month that job creation came in above what Wall Street economists had expected and the largest monthly increase since January.

The data sent stocks higher on Friday

Uncertainty hurts the economy. With Trump you had uncertainty. With Biden you have stability.

It's not one policy. You sound stupid asking that dumb question.

You did this to Obama. He added jobs every month for like 80 months in a row. What policies did he do to give us 8 years of growth?

What policies did Clinton do to give us 8 years of good times?

IDK. You tell me. Trump lost his good economy by lying to us about how serious corona was. His fault. Biden took over and look. 14 straight months of adding jobs.

And the Feds are fixing inflation. Don't vote for Trump thinking he's going to fix it.
Name one policy, you cant, because you never figure things out, you just watch TV and believe. You search google, the democratic party propaganda tool, find a link that tells you your opinion is right and you believe.

Name the law, rule, regulation, executive order, name a policy.
I know you and corporations keep hoping Biden goes into a recession but so far so good

Data from Bureau of Labor Statistics out Friday showed there were 339,000 jobs created in May, topping Wall Street estimates for 195,000.

This marked the 14th-straight month that job creation came in above what Wall Street economists had expected and the largest monthly increase since January.

The data sent stocks higher on Friday

Uncertainty hurts the economy. With Trump you had uncertainty. With Biden you have stability.

It's not one policy. You sound stupid asking that dumb question.

You did this to Obama. He added jobs every month for like 80 months in a row. What policies did he do to give us 8 years of growth?

What policies did Clinton do to give us 8 years of good times?

IDK. You tell me. Trump lost his good economy by lying to us about how serious corona was. His fault. Biden took over and look. 14 straight months of adding jobs.

And the Feds are fixing inflation. Don't vote for Trump thinking he's going to fix it.
Where is the fed fixing inflation? If those job numbers were truth maybe inflation would be going down. Everything still costs more than it should so that's proof you're lying
I'm not going to try too hard to convince you. Hopefully we transition before your way of thinking destroys us.
I know many people are like Greta Thunberg who thinks we are facing Doomsday and it will be the most horrible disaster since the Great Flood

The end of civilization as we know it

All because of fossil fuels that have been a blessing to mankind

So far the predictions have always been for 20-40 years in the future

But someday never comes

Which does not stop the left from pounding societies head against a brick wall anyway
This is why corporations only open up business' in blue states or blue cities. Democratically run cities.

This is why Republicans want government to pass laws so corporations in blue cities don't have to pay taxes. We say they need to pay their fair share of taxes. If they want access to our roads, courts and educated citizens, they have to help pay for roads and schools and courts.

Notice they never try to lure these corporations to their red cities or red states? Or when they try corporations say no thanks. Even if they don't have to pay any taxes, fuck living in a red state. Logistically they are nightmares.

I also wish we started charging people for US Mail differently. If you live in a rural place out in the country you should have to pay $10 to mail something from your home. In blue cities where we are all living in close proximity it makes sense to only charge 50 cents but people in red states like Alaska.
Then why are corporations along with everyone else leaving blue states? Especially blue cities. San Francisco is a beautiful city. Big tourist haven. Most stores have closed. Speaking of tourists, Hilton Hotels closed Hilton and Parq55. They just notified the mortgage holder that no further payments will be made. They notified the state that no property taxes will be paid. Just walk away. Companies find the business climate in California most attractive. But,,,, Geico, State Farm and now Allstate pulled up stakes and have all but left the state. The insurance that vandals and looters rely on to pay off damage claims isn't there.

Hollywood Studios are slithering out hoping to stay under the radar.

If you imagine, in a drug induced delusional state, that blue California is still a destination you are using your way back machine too much. It's not all bad, there are a couple of empty hotels in San Francisco they can pack full of illegals.
You know who is suppose to work at McD, Subway or Wal-Mart's? Elderly people who want extra money and high school kids just entering the work force.

Sounds like your dumbass got hooked on the college degree is needed lie. Instead you could have joined the armed services they would have paid for your school. You're in the position you're in because of the choices you made no one else

And now you're counting the days til your pops kick it so you can get his money LOL what a ghoul you are

I have news for you dummy. Elderly people don' work at Walmart because they "want" extra money, you fucking idiot. You'll see when you get there I'm sure.

I can't imagine giving up my easy 6 figure a year job to retire and going back to work at McDonald's because I'm bored. What a loser you must be if that's what you choose to do.

Hey idiot! You can't take it with you. Why would a senior WANT extra money. You meant need right?

Regarding college. I got my degree when it cost $5000 a year. My brother went to MSU so $6000 for him. He now makes $1 million dollars a year. I make $100K. His kids schools are all paid for and I don't have kids. So you can imagine, I'm rich too. Not rich like him but I don't have any expenses so I will probably retires with $1 million dollars. That should be enough but it won't hurt if a old folks home doesn't eat up my dads $800K and I get half of it. Do you think I want an old folks home getting it? Ha! I'd rather uncle sam get it.

My buddy joined the Navy and he's retired at 54. He has a couple/few million. No kids so he and his wife figure why work any more than they have to. Can't take it with them and no kids to worry about.

And that's bullshit when you say
You're in the position you're in because of the choices you made no one else

That's not true. Are you telling me my nephews aren't privileged to have a rich father? One grandfather who gave them $200 every xmas and bday that would mature at age 18 to take all that money to college with them. A father who saved up so they don't have to pay one dime for school? Are you saying a poor black kid in Detroit is in the position they are in because of choices they made? Or are they victims of the parents who gave birth to them?
Then why are corporations along with everyone else leaving blue states? Especially blue cities. San Francisco is a beautiful city. Big tourist haven. Most stores have closed. Speaking of tourists, Hilton Hotels closed Hilton and Parq55. They just notified the mortgage holder that no further payments will be made. They notified the state that no property taxes will be paid. Just walk away. Companies find the business climate in California most attractive. But,,,, Geico, State Farm and now Allstate pulled up stakes and have all but left the state. The insurance that vandals and looters rely on to pay off damage claims isn't there.

Hollywood Studios are slithering out hoping to stay under the radar.

If you imagine, in a drug induced delusional state, that blue California is still a destination you are using your way back machine too much. It's not all bad, there are a couple of empty hotels in San Francisco they can pack full of illegals.

And they go right past red states to Mexico and China. Wake up white America.

If Cali sucks so much, what state should the people in Cali flock to? Please don't say shithole texas. Because if they go to Texas, it'll be to a Democratic run city.
I know many people are like Greta Thunberg who thinks we are facing Doomsday and it will be the most horrible disaster since the Great Flood

The end of civilization as we know it

All because of fossil fuels that have been a blessing to mankind

So far the predictions have always been for 20-40 years in the future

But someday never comes

Which does not stop the left from pounding societies head against a brick wall anyway
OMG global warming effects are here and on the news every day and you're still not getting it? More natural disasters, more severe natural disasters,

You know what? Forget it. Like if I said forest fires are proof, you'll say global warming has nothing to do with forest fires. Because you are one dumb son of a bitch.

Research shows that changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions, leading to longer and more active fire seasons.

Air quality levels in parts of the U.S. plunge as Canada wildfires rage​

I have news for you dummy. Elderly people don' work at Walmart because they "want" extra money, you fucking idiot. You'll see when you get there I'm sure.

I can't imagine giving up my easy 6 figure a year job to retire and going back to work at McDonald's because I'm bored. What a loser you must be if that's what you choose to do.

Hey idiot! You can't take it with you. Why would a senior WANT extra money. You meant need right?

Regarding college. I got my degree when it cost $5000 a year. My brother went to MSU so $6000 for him. He now makes $1 million dollars a year. I make $100K. His kids schools are all paid for and I don't have kids. So you can imagine, I'm rich too. Not rich like him but I don't have any expenses so I will probably retires with $1 million dollars. That should be enough but it won't hurt if a old folks home doesn't eat up my dads $800K and I get half of it. Do you think I want an old folks home getting it? Ha! I'd rather uncle sam get it.

My buddy joined the Navy and he's retired at 54. He has a couple/few million. No kids so he and his wife figure why work any more than they have to. Can't take it with them and no kids to worry about.

And that's bullshit when you say

That's not true. Are you telling me my nephews aren't privileged to have a rich father? One grandfather who gave them $200 every xmas and bday that would mature at age 18 to take all that money to college with them. A father who saved up so they don't have to pay one dime for school? Are you saying a poor black kid in Detroit is in the position they are in because of choices they made? Or are they victims of the parents who gave birth to them?
Im already retired and you're waiting for your pops to die LOL

The rest of your psychobabble isn't worth a reply

So go back to head butting walls like a slipknot season ticket holder ya fuckin melon
OMG global warming effects are here and on the news every day and you're still not getting it? More natural disasters, more severe natural disasters,

You know what? Forget it. Like if I said forest fires are proof, you'll say global warming has nothing to do with forest fires. Because you are one dumb son of a bitch.

Research shows that changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions, leading to longer and more active fire seasons.

Air quality levels in parts of the U.S. plunge as Canada wildfires rage​

4 wildfires started by former college professor

Yoga Shaman starts wildfire

Im already retired and you're waiting for your pops to die LOL

The rest of your psychobabble isn't worth a reply

So go back to head butting walls like a slipknot season ticket holder ya fuckin melon
Do you work at McD because you want some more funny money? I bet you are on such a budget.

My concern is can I afford to retire at 62 and pay for private healthcare from 62-65 when I can get social security. It will be expensive for private insurance for an old fuck in his 60's right?

So when did you retire? How young? Did you get a pension? Probably. Did you hear they want to raise social security to 67? You cons always cry about Democrats raising taxes. Imagine me telling you that you can't retire yet. You have to work 2 more years. Now that's what I call a tax hike.

This is how the rich have shifted the tax burden on to us. They got tax breaks and now the kitty is empty. Dumb fuck.

But you're a boomer right? Yea, you guys ruined this country.

You know who is suppose to work at McD, Subway or Wal-Mart's? Elderly people who want extra money and high school kids just entering the work force.

Sounds like your dumbass got hooked on the college degree is needed lie. Instead you could have joined the armed services they would have paid for your school. You're in the position you're in because of the choices you made no one else

And now you're counting the days til your pops kick it so you can get his money LOL what a ghoul you are

Baby boomers claim the younger generations ruin everything, but here are 11 things baby boomers have actually ruined:​

1. Our economy.​

Enough time has passed, and we can take a look at the numbers and say "trickle-down economics" destroyed the middle class. This keeping-the-rich-in-mind concept basically emptied the middle class as the US knew it. How people actually bought the concept that rich people filling their pockets more would result in them sprinkling money down on everyone else, I don't know.

They made cuts to education​

The shift away from entry-level jobs to unpaid internships.​

Choosing colorblindness over dealing with racism directly has contributed to ignoring discrimination.​

The housing market has become unaffordable​

What, you want increases in your salary? Nah. $7.25 is where it's at!​

Taking too many slices of the pie from Social Security.​

The pure quantity of baby boomers may result in the depletion of Social Security. Some predict retiree benefits will be drained by 2034, and one of the only ways to save it: bumping up the retirement age in order to ease the system back to health.

In other words, hope you like working, millennials!

College's unaffordability has every student in debt for simply chasing a higher education.​

Irreversible damage to the environment has screwed future generations long after you are dead.​

Do you work at McD because you want some more funny money? I bet you are on such a budget.

My concern is can I afford to retire at 62 and pay for private healthcare from 62-65 when I can get social security. It will be expensive for private insurance for an old fuck in his 60's right?

So when did you retire? How young? Did you get a pension? Probably. Did you hear they want to raise social security to 67? You cons always cry about Democrats raising taxes. Imagine me telling you that you can't retire yet. You have to work 2 more years. Now that's what I call a tax hike.

This is how the rich have shifted the tax burden on to us. They got tax breaks and now the kitty is empty. Dumb fuck.

But you're a boomer right? Yea, you guys ruined this country.

On a budget? LOL I pay all my bills first part of the month still have plenty left over and my only budget now is because I'm moving. Saving the rest and my FICO score is 798 so looks like you're wrong again SeeyaBooHoo

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