This fits my definition of hell on earth

That's your fault. Or Californian's faults. If they aren't making enough, quit, move, leave, unionize, strike, SOMETHING!

But I'm glad to see you Republicans complaining that the rich are fucking us workers. I guess it has to happen to you in order for you to get it. But you still don't get it. What do you want Democrats to do? Do you want them to socialize these corporations?

Republicans seem unaware that even in the most blue states, corporations have rights. Too many rights. The Supreme Court and Republicans fault. And you've crushed unions.

I've told you cons this forever. As union membership declined in America from 35% of the work force down to 9%, wages have gone down. Why? Labor doesn't have a seat at the table anymore. Corporations have all the power.

Now I think you are starting to see that unions are necessary. And no place more than California. Agreed?

Also, we need to go after illegal employers. Leave the illegal immigrants alone. If they aren't working, all they are is tourists. Do you realize that? If I go to Canada, I'm not an illegal immigrant. Because no one will hire me. So I'm just a tourist. If you want to stop illegal workers??? Go after the American employers who hire them.

Did you see Biden just caught some MdDonald franchise owners in red states hiring 10 year olds? Working them overtime? That happens in California too. The Federal Government, or California government, should go after these illegal employers. Then you'll see change.
bobo stick your im a republican bullshit up your ass....your first sentance sounds just like the heartless assholes you vote with....and you are another here that doesnt have much of a memory...maybe to much pot?.....i have been a member of a union as long as you have been alive....we have already talked about this same shit....but you either dont want to remember or cant....which is it....
Why do people keep attacking Rand Paul? That's twice. Once from his neighbor and once his employee got stabbed?

And Matt Gaetz? This same guy?

In January 2018, Gaetz invited alt-right Holocaust denier Charles C. Johnson to attend Donald Trump's State of the Union address.

Gaetz directed a tweet to Cohen that implied without evidence that Cohen had had multiple extramarital affairs and also suggested his wife might be unfaithful while he was imprisoned due to new information disclosed to her.[62] Other members of Congress saw the tweet as an attempt to intimidate a witness.[63][64] Gaetz initially defended his tweet, saying it was part of "witness testing, not witness tampering" and "I don't threaten anybody." Asked to clarify, he said his "tweet speaks for itself".[65][66] After sharp criticism from other members of Congress and an implicit rebuke by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi,[67][68] Gaetz deleted the tweet and posted a tweet in which he apologized.

Federal investigations into sex trafficking​

I thought Trump was the biggest scumbag but you found someone a little worse. Or as bad.
Lots of words -- zero point.
bobo stick your im a republican bullshit up your ass....your first sentance sounds just like the heartless assholes you vote with....and you are another here that doesnt have much of a memory...maybe to much pot?.....i have been a member of a union as long as you have been alive....we have already talked about this same shit....but you either dont want to remember or cant....which is it....
I know but I still feel you don't get it that you need to pick a side and that's the Democratic side. Republicans are the ones who destroyed unions. Reagan. Remember???
in California the illegal problem is huge.....especially in the so called LA basin and the inner empire....its out of control....
When I was a kid ... I could ride my bike along the walkways surrounding the Angel Stadium. Not too long ago, they were cesspools of slime and degradation. I wouldn't let a child near the Stadium these days. I did hear that they were going to clean it up, but don't know if they did or not.
When I was a kid ... I could ride my bike along the walkways surrounding the Angel Stadium. Not too long ago, they were cesspools of slime and degradation. I wouldn't let a child near the Stadium these days. I did hear that they were going to clean it up, but don't know if they did or not.

Downtown Detroit is a nice ride. Just don't go left and drive too far down Jefferson. Eventually it gets rough. But where it's nice, it's a great ride. All the way into Belle Isle.


I know but I still feel you don't get it that you need to pick a side and that's the Democratic side. Republicans are the ones who destroyed unions. Reagan. Remember???
yea like democrats are just so much better.....sorry bobo i wont side with either of them.....they are all a bunch of fucking sure you dont agree with that.....
yea like democrats are just so much better.....sorry bobo i wont side with either of them.....they are all a bunch of fucking sure you dont agree with that.....

Then they win. They want to divide us dummy. You and me should agree 100% on economic matters. Why? Because we are both middle class Americans. But they got you convinced you shouldn't even vote at all. Or that the dems are no better. You're an idiot! Clearly you don't know how politics work. One party is better for you than the other. You stick with that party until you see the other party is better for you. Then and only then do you switch parties.

Republicans get it. You know the saying about how young people vote Democratic but older people vote Republican? Why do you think that is? Why do young liberals change into old Republicans? Because they become part of the investor class. They have MONEY! So they become more a part of the investor class and less a part of the worker class. So older Republicans get it. They were once Democrats but now are Republicans. Because they have money.

I see why you are confused. Because you never became a part of the investor class. So you are sort of stuck in limbo. You can't afford to be a Republican but you feel the Democrat have let you down. They didn't let you down. Voters let you down. YOU let you down. You either voted Republican, 3rd party, or you didn't vote at all. You fucked yourself Harry.
Then they win. They want to divide us dummy. You and me should agree 100% on economic matters. Why? Because we are both middle class Americans. But they got you convinced you shouldn't even vote at all. Or that the dems are no better. You're an idiot! Clearly you don't know how politics work. One party is better for you than the other. You stick with that party until you see the other party is better for you. Then and only then do you switch parties.

Republicans get it. You know the saying about how young people vote Democratic but older people vote Republican? Why do you think that is? Why do young liberals change into old Republicans? Because they become part of the investor class. They have MONEY! So they become more a part of the investor class and less a part of the worker class. So older Republicans get it. They were once Democrats but now are Republicans. Because they have money.

I see why you are confused. Because you never became a part of the investor class. So you are sort of stuck in limbo. You can't afford to be a Republican but you feel the Democrat have let you down. They didn't let you down. Voters let you down. YOU let you down. You either voted Republican, 3rd party, or you didn't vote at all. You fucked yourself Harry.
another great story vote for the so called lessor of two evils....but you are to stupid to realize that you are still voting for evil.....who did you vote for here bobo Lucifer or Dracula?....
another great story vote for the so called lessor of two evils....but you are to stupid to realize that you are still voting for evil.....who did you vote for here bobo Lucifer or Dracula?....
Then don't vote stupid. Stay home and shut up. Doesn't matter right?

You keep ignoring what I'm telling you. If you want the Republicans to change, they have to continue losing election cycle after election until they realize that they need to change their policies.

Trump sort of did this. He had a more middle class message right? He was full of shit but his message is exactly what the Republicans have to do in order to win over middle class voters. Instead they still cater to the rich and only woo you idiots over with social wedge issues. And if not that, convince you there is no difference so as long as you don't vote Democrat, Republicans win.

I can see why you are down on Democrats. They can't do much for you if you won't do for yourselves. It's up to workers to organize. Democrats pass a lot of policies designed to help the middle class and they stop Republican polices from hurting the middle class but it's up to voters to decide.

To me it sounds like most voters/Americans have a negative image of unions. Because you aren't in one, you swallow the bad shit Republican tell you. And if your employees try to unionize, the company does everything in their power to squash it.

So you are stuck with the pay those corporations are willing to pay in Cali. Clearly it's not enough because workers are leaving in droves. They should stay and unionize

California has been home to a handful of labor struggles over the past few months.

  • In September, hospitality workers at San Francisco International Airport went on a three-day strike that resulted in higher wages.
  • In November, the University of California academic workers staged the largest strike of 2022 in an effort to obtain labor contracts with fair pay and better benefits. That same month, workers at the Alamo Drafthouse New Mission movie theater announced their intent to unionize.
  • Last month, workers at Bay Area coffee chain Peet’s Coffee voted to unionize with the Service Employees International Union, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
Meanwhile, the California Labor Federation launched Unionize California last year in an effort to increase union membership throughout the state.
bobo will side with the money.....

To me it looks like unions are fighting back in Cali

Union election petitions were up 53% between October 2021 and September 2022, but unfair labor practice charges also increased 19%, according to the National Labor Relations Board.

What we're watching: Whether last year's dip was an anomaly and if increased support for unions elsewhere will result in a larger representation of union members in California.

  • In the Bay Area, Waechter said he expects workers will keep organizing for better jobs because "it's not getting any easier to live" here due to the increasing cost of living.
Then don't vote stupid. Stay home and shut up. Doesn't matter right?

You keep ignoring what I'm telling you. If you want the Republicans to change, they have to continue losing election cycle after election until they realize that they need to change their policies.

Trump sort of did this. He had a more middle class message right? He was full of shit but his message is exactly what the Republicans have to do in order to win over middle class voters. Instead they still cater to the rich and only woo you idiots over with social wedge issues. And if not that, convince you there is no difference so as long as you don't vote Democrat, Republicans win.

I can see why you are down on Democrats. They can't do much for you if you won't do for yourselves. It's up to workers to organize. Democrats pass a lot of policies designed to help the middle class and they stop Republican polices from hurting the middle class but it's up to voters to decide.

To me it sounds like most voters/Americans have a negative image of unions. Because you aren't in one, you swallow the bad shit Republican tell you. And if your employees try to unionize, the company does everything in their power to squash it.

So you are stuck with the pay those corporations are willing to pay in Cali. Clearly it's not enough because workers are leaving in droves. They should stay and unionize

California has been home to a handful of labor struggles over the past few months.

  • In September, hospitality workers at San Francisco International Airport went on a three-day strike that resulted in higher wages.
  • In November, the University of California academic workers staged the largest strike of 2022 in an effort to obtain labor contracts with fair pay and better benefits. That same month, workers at the Alamo Drafthouse New Mission movie theater announced their intent to unionize.
  • Last month, workers at Bay Area coffee chain Peet’s Coffee voted to unionize with the Service Employees International Union, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
Meanwhile, the California Labor Federation launched Unionize California last year in an effort to increase union membership throughout the state.
and you keep ignoring what im telling for evil is still voting for evil....people like you who keep doing that are keeping evil power....people like you should stay home and maybe things will change....
and you keep ignoring what im telling for evil is still voting for evil....people like you who keep doing that are keeping evil power....people like you should stay home and maybe things will change....
Oh please give this evil shit a rest. Stop being a snowflake.

If I stay home then Republicans win. Is that what you want? You prefer Don to Joe? McCarthy to Pelosi? You like the new Supreme Court?

That's all you have to tell me dummy. Do you prefer a conservative or liberal leaning supreme court.

Your behavior has produced a conservative supreme court. And I am angry at you for it.
What do you want? That shit happens everywhere in America. This is not national news. It's fucked up I'll give you that.

Let us know what happens to the criminals. Right now you are telling us a story but not the ending. Let us know it the 3 walk.

This reminds me of the story in NYC. I see both sides. Instead of chocking the man, did they try to talk to him first? Did he actually assault anyone?

But then again, where are the cops? If a society allows insane people to hang out on the subway pretending to be Michael Jackson and one day the guys on drugs or off his meds and he's threatening people, then if citizens have to take action into their own hands, I would give those citizens a benefit of the doubt.

We need to do something with these homeless people. Whatever Rudy did to clean up NYC, do that.

Imagine how many more nut jobs we will have if women who don't want kids can't get abortions.

They are busy trashing California crime yet you are more likely to be murdered in Texas than California.
If we have the power, which we don't, we would unionize. If California is liberal then the people would all be in unions.

I believe the corporations in Cali only pay the top CEO's and VP's well.

Top states Income Inequality

New York

So Florida is high up on the list too.

Anyways, yes, it's very expensive to live in Cali. If you are lower middle class and trying to live in Cali, you're an idiot. We all know NY and Cali are expensive and have the widest gaps between haves and have nots.

Income inequality is a made up leftist term. Here’s reality.
Income inequality = those who work hard and make good life decisions have more income than those who don’t.
Oh please give this evil shit a rest. Stop being a snowflake.

If I stay home then Republicans win. Is that what you want? You prefer Don to Joe? McCarthy to Pelosi? You like the new Supreme Court?

That's all you have to tell me dummy. Do you prefer a conservative or liberal leaning supreme court.

Your behavior has produced a conservative supreme court. And I am angry at you for it.
go fuck yourself bobo....only snowflakes whine like you if my behavior produced a liberal supreme court you would say i am a great guy?.....
Income inequality is a made up leftist term. Here’s reality.
Income inequality = those who work hard and make good life decisions have more income than those who don’t.
That's right! Tell Harry Dresden to quit blaming liberals in California. If you are a broke ass living in expensive California, move the fuck out. We get it. It's not the place for you.

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