This former NFL player hit the nail on the 2

It still hasn't been proven if Belichick or Brady had any involvement with altering the deflated footballs. At their respective press conferences on Thursday, both denied knowledge of how the balls would lose air pressure and didn't even realize that the balls were illegal

I say I hope a few people who get to vote vote NO on Brady the first time he's up for being nominated. He should still get in because he's the GOAT but a few people should make it so he doesn't get in unanimously.

Here is why Brady should be in the Hall of Fame. Because they allowed him to continue playing after it happened. If it was such a horrible offense then they should have kicked him out of football for life. But instead he won a Superbowl that year if I'm not mistaken and probably 3 more since. Hell, he even went to another team and won. Did Brady cheat in Tampa?

Who is this Doleman guy? Does he have brain damage?
As I stated if it’s true, than he should face consequences.

Doleman is in the HOF. So obviously, he’s someone who deserves our respect.
Wow! If it’s true beyond a reasonable doubt Brady and Belichick cheated, they should be forbidden from entering the HOF.

:yes_text12:thanks for coming on here,you are the ONLY poster that has come on this thread that is not a troll that has contributed anything worthy of discussing so its a refreshing change to have you on here. :thup:

I have no doubt the cheatriot apologists on here that have said brady is the greatest quarterback of all time and belicheat is a good coach ALL have the same fucked up logic WRONGwinger does,that the Rams are not back in LA and are still playing in stank louis as he trys to convince himself all the time,they all no doubt have the same warped mindset he does and also believe that im sure with the stuff they post.:auiqs.jpg:

you are the ONLY one that has come on here gipper that uses logic and common sense and lives in reality that BeliCHEAT has been exposed that he is not a good coach at all,that it was tom shady brady that made him look like a great coach,,they are too butthurt to come to grips with that reality the same way they make exucuse after excuse for belicheat and brady cheating to win big playoff games.:auiqs.jpg:

its fun getting the last laugh on these morons like wrongwinger,jarlaxle,pooper,Sunni Man and unkotore who always said he was a great coach ten years ago and i told them once Brady retired,he would be exposed that he was not a good coach same as mike shannahan was once elway retired,now they HAVE to deal with that reality now,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :auiqs.jpg: they come up with excuse after excuse to try and convince themselves otherwise following wrongwingers lead that the Rams would never come back to LA which im sure they also try to convince themselves same as him is also not true im sure. :auiqs.jpg:
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Chris Doleman played for the Vikings in the 80's & 90's and is in the HOF.
LA RAM FAN has brain damage.

Well…..if he played for the Vikings we no he has no rings to show for it.

Meanwhile, Brady sports SEVEN
:yes_text12:thanks for coming on here,you are the ONLY poster that has come on this thread that is not a troll that has contributed anything worthy of discussing so its a refreshing change to have you on here. :thup:

I have no doubt the cheatriot apologists on here that have said brady is the greatest quarterback of all time and belicheat is a good coach ALL have the same fucked up logic WRONGwinger does,that the Rams are not back in LA and are still playing in stank louis as he trys to convince himself all the time,they all no doubt have the same warped mindset he does and also believe that im sure with the stuff they post.:auiqs.jpg:

you are the ONLY one that has come on here gipper that uses logic and common sense and lives in reality that BeliCHEAT has been exposed that he is not a good coach at all,that it was tom shady brady that made him look like a great coach,,they are too butthurt to come to grips with that reality the same way they make exucuse after excuse for belicheat and brady cheating to win big playoff games.:auiqs.jpg:

its fun getting the last laugh on these morons like wrongwinger,jarlaxle,pooper,Sunni Man and unkotore who always said he was a great coach ten years ago and i told them once Brady retired,he would be exposed that he was not a good coach same as mike shannahan was once elway retired,now they HAVE to deal with that reality now,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :auiqs.jpg: they come up with excuse after excuse to try and convince themselves otherwise following wrongwingers lead that the Rams would never come back to LA which im sure they also try to convince themselves same as him is also not true im sure. :auiqs.jpg:
I recognize Brady is the GOAT but if it’s proven he cheated, he shouldn’t be in the HOF.

As far as Belechick goes, I never liked him. I think you’re right about him. Without Brady, he’s likely an average head coach. He’s a weirdo too.
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I recognize Brady is the GOAT but if it’s proven he cheated, he shouldn’t be in the HOF.

As far as Belechick goes, he never liked him. I think you’re right about him. Without Brady, he’s likely an average head coach. He’s a weirdo too.

I have always stated that shady brady is the best MODERN day quarterback that has played the game in the past 20 to 25 years.I have never denied he has special skills but the REALITY is,and this is a FACT that the brady ass kissers cant refute,he is not even close as the greatest quarterback of all time.:uhoh3:Not even in the top 20.

these brady apologist trolls that have their head up his ass like wrongwinger,unkotore,,sunniman and others who say that ignore pesky facts that prove he is not anywhere near as great as old timers like Johhny Unitas,Len Dawson,Roger Staubach,the snake,Bart starr,Terry bradshaw,Dan Marino,Joe Montans,John Elway,John Brody,Bob waterson,,ect ect is Brady had the luxary of playing in an era where defenses cant play defense anymore,came along at the most opportune time when fellow hall of famers Dan Marino and Jim Kelly were retiring so he got to play in the weakest division in the NFL playing against teams high school teams could beat any day of the year, :uhoh3:lets be honest here,we BOTH know,had he played in the same era against Jim Kelly Of the Bills and Dan Marino of the doplphins,two hall of famers that would have given him LEGITIMATE competition than what he playedin against that divsion for two decades, he is LUCKY if he wins one division title let alone makes it to ONE superbowl.anybody who says otherwise is living in a fantasyland or on crack.:auiqs.jpg:

But here is the cold hard evidence he does not even come close to being the greatest ever,back in the days when bradshaw,dawson,bart starr,Bob waterson johnny unitas and other greats played in,quarterbacks were thrown around like ragdolls,they got piled driven into the ground without flags ever being thrown,brady is a wuss,had he played in that era that montana,Marino,and Kelly played in,he wouldN'T have lasted ONE SEASON. The wuss could not even take a mere hit to the knee by a helmet without going down for the season,if he couldnt even survive that,think how long he would last in the NFL back then? he wouldnbt.:rofl:not one season and they know it. :rofl:

NONE of the ESPN commentaters ever want to touch that fact when they bill him as the greatest ever because it shatters their narrative.:rofl: i GUARANTEE you after that happened,he went to Goddel who has his head up robert krafts ass,and whine to him about changing the rules of hitting quarterbacks.

I guarantee you those quarterbacks i mentioned that played in yesteryear from DECADES ago that were REAL men,they would LOVE to be able to get into a time machine and go back and be 20 years old again to play in the NFL in this day and age to have this luxary Brady got to enjoy his entire career they never did.They would LOVE to play in this day and age that a flag gets thrown everytime a quarterback gets hit.:rofl:

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ESPN used to bill Joe Montana as the greatest QB ever which i thought was absurd back then which btw wrongwinger has stated he used to think Montana was the greatest till brady came along. :auiqs.jpg: Montana is not the greatest ever and was not back then,neither is Brady,that would be Johnny Unitas,anybody that has ever watched his footage knows that. the ESPN people and the ones on message boards here that say he is the greastest obviously never watched the footage of Unitas.

brady could not carry the jackstrap of Joe Montana or Terry Bradshaw,the REAL legitimate quarterbacks of the NFL who are tied at four a piece of the most superbowl wins,,he couldnt carry their jockstrap,let alone Johnny Unitas's..:rofl:

as far what you said on Belicheat,that is so totally accurate.:thup:

my local sports radio station brought up a fact ESPN sports WONT TOUCH when they call Belicheat the greatest coach of all time. they talked about how he was a total failure at cleveland,having only one winning season in the five years that he was there. His first year in NE when he had bledsoe,he only went 6-10, they started off the next season losing their first couple of games and because of a fluke injury to bledsoe,brady got to come in and he saved Belicheats ass from the toilet that year from having another season.Belicheat is such a great coach he did not even think brady was good enough yet to be a starter that season.yeah great coach there.:abgg2q.jpg:

we BOTH know and the cheatriot apologists do as well that had Bledsoe never got hurt,he would have left him in another season and would have had another losing season.

these kind of pesky facts the belicheat apologists like WRONGWINGER,POOPER,UNKOTORE AND SUNNIMAN,they do THIS- :scared1:everytime those facts are brough up knowing they have been checkmated.:abgg2q.jpg:
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As I stated if it’s true, than he should face consequences.

Doleman is in the HOF. So obviously, he’s someone who deserves our respect.
:thup: :yes_text12::thankusmile::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
as i said before,Doleman is not the only retired NFL player saying this i said and like HE said in the aritcle,he has spoken to MANY other retired NFL players that are saying the same thing and also as i stated earlier,other people have posted threads in the past of former NFL players backing up Doleman,yet trollboys like smellybozo,unkotore,WRONGwinger,pooper sunniman and many others want us to take THEM serious instead of respectable people like Doleman and other former retired NFL players of the past.comedy gold at its finest,this is shit you just cant make up. :auiqs.jpg: :rofl:

problem is gipper,the courts are so corrupt being the most corrupt in the world of all countries,there will never be a serious investigation into this. we both know that.
:yes_text12:thanks for coming on here,you are the ONLY poster that has come on this thread that is not a troll that has contributed anything worthy of discussing so its a refreshing change to have you on here. :thup:

I have no doubt the cheatriot apologists on here that have said brady is the greatest quarterback of all time and belicheat is a good coach ALL have the same fucked up logic WRONGwinger does,that the Rams are not back in LA and are still playing in stank louis as he trys to convince himself all the time,they all no doubt have the same warped mindset he does and also believe that im sure with the stuff they post.:auiqs.jpg:

you are the ONLY one that has come on here gipper that uses logic and common sense and lives in reality that BeliCHEAT has been exposed that he is not a good coach at all,that it was tom shady brady that made him look like a great coach,,they are too butthurt to come to grips with that reality the same way they make exucuse after excuse for belicheat and brady cheating to win big playoff games.:auiqs.jpg:

its fun getting the last laugh on these morons like wrongwinger,jarlaxle,pooper,Sunni Man and unkotore who always said he was a great coach ten years ago and i told them once Brady retired,he would be exposed that he was not a good coach same as mike shannahan was once elway retired,now they HAVE to deal with that reality now,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. :auiqs.jpg: they come up with excuse after excuse to try and convince themselves otherwise following wrongwingers lead that the Rams would never come back to LA which im sure they also try to convince themselves same as him is also not true im sure. :auiqs.jpg:
Brady is the goat. He’s just one player. Blame the coach.

Maybe the receivers did it. Don’t blame Brady
Brady is the goat. He’s just one player. Blame the coach.

Maybe the receivers did it. Don’t blame Brady
I suspect Brady had to know the ball was under inflated by feel. After all, he handled footballs all his life. That said wouldn’t the refs know it too, since they also handle footballs a lot?
I suspect Brady had to know the ball was under inflated by feel. After all, he handled footballs all his life. That said wouldn’t the refs know it too, since they also handle footballs a lot?
That's what a friend of mine said. That's up to the refs who touch the ball to say hey wait a minute. They do it in baseball and apparently soccer. He said the ref in soccer will say get a new ball in here when he senses the ball is low in air. So this is all stupid shit really. If the NFL allowed the QB and Ballboys to be in charge of regulating themselves, then that's on the league. Oopsy! From no on the refs who constantly touch the ball are in charge. Now no one can cheat. So this is a NOTHING burger. LA FAG BOY thinks that's going to keep Brady out of the HOF? Because this guy we've never heard about before thinks so? Fuck him. He probably cheated too. Back then they gave each other cheap shots all the time.
That's what a friend of mine said. That's up to the refs who touch the ball to say hey wait a minute. They do it in baseball and apparently soccer. He said the ref in soccer will say get a new ball in here when he senses the ball is low in air. So this is all stupid shit really. If the NFL allowed the QB and Ballboys to be in charge of regulating themselves, then that's on the league. Oopsy! From no on the refs who constantly touch the ball are in charge. Now no one can cheat. So this is a NOTHING burger. LA FAG BOY thinks that's going to keep Brady out of the HOF? Because this guy we've never heard about before thinks so? Fuck him. He probably cheated too. Back then they gave each other cheap shots all the time.
I don’t believe everyone cheats in the NFL. Accusing Doleman who was an extraordinary defensive lineman of cheating, is foolish.
I suspect Brady had to know the ball was under inflated by feel. After all, he handled footballs all his life. That said wouldn’t the refs know it too, since they also handle footballs a lot?
of course they knew it.nobody on the planet can state with a straight face that this is not WHY the cheatriots went to so many superbowls and won so many of them, :uhoh3: :rolleyes-41:

the cheatrios ALWAYS got this kind of special treatment by the refs in close playoff games and superbowls they wont,yep,no special treatment here.

they not only have to cheat to win but they also have to have the refs in their pockets.

the people that try and laugh off these facts are either one of two things,ONE a big fan of the cheatriots like pooper,wrongwinger,unkotore,jarlaxle,sunniman,ect,ect and cannot accept how they along with the refs have disgraced the game because it is their team or number two-they are not a cheatriots fan but cannot accept this reality either because it hurts to admit the truth a great sport they love so much has been tainted and the NFL is as much a corrupt cartel as our government is.

so many trolls here that are in denial mode on the cheatriots cant debate these facts that they are the ONLY team in the NFL where EVERY year they went to the superbowl and won a close playoff game to get there like deflategate against the Ravens at HOME of course,the refs ALWAYS made critical bad calls that were costly and cost them the game against the other team at the most critical time of the game towards the end but NEVER made bad calls against the cheatriots. when it happens over and over and over again,it does not take a genius to see the owner has the refs in their pockets.once or twice can be a coincidence but not when it is almost EVERY year,give me a fucking break already.:rolleyes-41:

we both know because it was 2001 because of the PATRIOT ACT being signed the NFL went out of their way to not only make sure they beat the raiders to go to the superbowl that year with the bullshit tuckrule instead of calling it a fumble as everyone on the planet knew it was,,but then they illegally as always in big games,taped the rams practices to win the superbowl and the refs allowed the defenders to MUG the rams recievers, their wide reciever issac bruce said he had NEVER played in a game his entire life where the refs allowed the defenders to MUG him with NO PENALTYS called against them.yep no refs in the pockets of the cheatriots for either of those games,nope.:uhoh3: this is coming from someone who back then was initially THRILLED the Rams lost that superbowl because i was bitter at them for leaving LA. that thrill went away quickly thoug when i found out within a couple weeks how the pats cheated illigally taping their practices and the refs giving all the calls to the pats that day letting them commit pass interference mugginf the rams recievers.

anytime i bring up these facts the cheatriot worshippers on here just post laughing smileys knowing they cant refute that evidence of the obvious bias the refs have on them in playoff games.. In one of tom bradys last games with the patriots in the playoffs,

I saw highlights of game against the jags where the jags like so many other teams,were robbed of a playoff win with a critical bad call against them in the final minutes and then when the pats won the game a ref patted brady on the back as you can see here.yep no bias by the refs here and no favorites here,yeah rightttttttttt sure.:uhoh3:

anybody with a brain knows the NFL went out of their way to rig that game against the jaguars that day to make sure the cheatriots went to the superbowl because they wanted a household name like tom brady in the superbowl instead of an unknown QB like the jaguars had.
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Hey gipper how did you like my well researched post in post#27 that takes the Belicheat apologists LIKE UNKOTORE,SUNNIMAN ,JARLAXLE AND WRONGWINGER on ESPN and around the world that Belicheat without Brady,is not a very good coach at all? :auiqs.jpg: that year he went down and won with matt castlewas obviously a fluke,he had randy moss to make him look good.

the chiefs also went 10 and 6 and made the playoffs with matt castle once, with coach todd haley,is haley a good coach as well? according to THEIR logic he is.:auiqs.jpg:

take a look at these videos,irrefutable proof those refs were criminals and were paid off by kraft the special treatment they always got over the years in playoff games. refs it cannot be denied as we both know,have WAY TOO MUCH POWER in the NFL and it will always be corrupt as long AS THAT IS THE CASE.

this video down below does not work but click on at youtube COMPILATION OF REFS SAVING PATRIOTS and you will see the bias in that video as well below they favored to the patriots i got done discussing in my previous post.

STILL MORE INFORMATIVE VIDEOS OF THE PATS CHEATING OR THE REFS PLAYING FAVORITES the black sox got nothing on the cheatriots of disgracing a sport,doesnt even come anywhere close to their level.


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man it cannot even be debated the NFL that the REASON the cheatriots had such huge success at home with such a winning record the two decades brady was there was the NFL went out of their way to give them a huge advatage to win,i just rewatched those videos and the fact that the opposing teams headsets so many times over the years malfuntioned yet the cheats did not,it cannot be debated, i remember peyton manning even once said the team would start having their meetings of their game plan out in the hallways because they felt they were being secretly recorded the fact when they ran the plays the players knew the plays like they were in their own huddle with them.

the black sox look like saints compared to the cheatriots,they dont even come close to tainting g the sport of baseball as they have.
Never knew this,the reason the eagles were able to beat the cheaters in the Super Bowl was they were aware of their history of illlegally taping practice games so they faked their scrimmage practice games they ran before the Super Bowl,very wise move that paid off. :thup: When the cheatriots can’t cheat,they can’t win big games,heck they cannot even beat a journeyman BACKUP quarterback no less in the Super Bowl when they can’t cheat. :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Belicheat will once again have another losing season,post Tom Brady,the players are already bitching about the schedule. :rofl:
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I don’t believe everyone cheats in the NFL. Accusing Doleman who was an extraordinary defensive lineman of cheating, is foolish.
I have already forgotten his name. And isn’t it odd the nfl is going to give shady Brady more money to announce? I doubt he will be interviewing what’s his name
Man that would suck if the cheatriots landed deandre Hopkins as it’s being rumored,that would make them playoff contenders again like Randy moss kept them a contender the year shady brady went down.
Man that would suck if the cheatriots landed deandre Hopkins as it’s being rumored,that would make them playoff contenders again like Randy moss kept them a contender the year shady brady went down.
My understanding from press coverage is that Buffalo could be his next stop.

I think that the Patriots have more pressing needs in other key positions if they hope to be playoff contenders in the immediate future.

I feel that Belichecks best days as a coach/leader are behind him, and Mac Jones IMO is not a championship caliber QB, especially when you look at the current crop of dominant quarterbacks in the AFC.

It should be an interesting year for the Patriots. IMO they will be rebuilding for a few years to come.

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