This Forum is the Most Depressing on USMB. Let's Cheer It Up

I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

Thank you for weighing in. There is no doubt about it: leftists will call you "racist" if you don't buy into their entire Orthodoxy. I reject it utterly and it no longer affects me at all. It never really did but anymore it's like brushing a gnat away, which is sad in a way--they have watered down a serious charge to the weight of a gnat.

In short if you don't like their big gov't schemes you are 'racist'.

It's a con.
This is where the depression is coming from:

11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their reality. It works much better than you may think. Anyone is susceptible to gaslighting, and it is a common technique of abusers, dictators, narcissists, and cult leaders. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn't realize how much they've been brainwashed. For example, in the movie Gaslight (1944), a man manipulates his wife to the point where she thinks she is losing her mind.

In my book Gaslighting: Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive People - and Break Free I detail how gaslighters typically use the following techniques:

1. They tell blatant lies.

You know it's an outright lie. Yet they are telling you this lie with a straight face. Why are they so blatant? Because they're setting up a precedent. Once they tell you a huge lie, you're not sure if anything they say is true. Keeping you unsteady and off-kilter is the goal.

2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.

You know they said they would do something; you know you heard it. But they out and out deny it. It makes you start questioning your reality—maybe they never said that thing. And the more they do this, the more you question your reality and start accepting theirs.

3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.

They know how important your kids are to you, and they know how important your identity is to you. So those may be one of the first things they attack. If you have kids, they tell you that you should not have had those children. They will tell you'd be a worthy person if only you didn't have a long list of negative traits. They attack the foundation of your being.

4. They wear you down over time.

This is one of the insidious things about gaslighting—it is done gradually, over time. A lie here, a lie there, a snide comment every so often...and then it starts ramping up. Even the brightest, most self-aware people can be sucked into gaslighting—it is that effective. It's the "frog in the frying pan" analogy: The heat is turned up slowly, so the frog never realizes what's happening to it.

5. Their actions do not match their words.

When dealing with a person or entity that gaslights, look at what they are doing rather than what they are saying. What they are saying means nothing; it is just talk. What they are doing is the issue.

6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.

This person or entity that is cutting you down, telling you that you don't have value, is now praising you for something you did. This adds an additional sense of uneasiness. You think, "Well maybe they aren't so bad." Yes, they are. This is a calculated attempt to keep you off-kilter—and again, to question your reality. Also look at what you were praised for; it is probably something that served the gaslighter.

7. They know confusion weakens people.

Gaslighters know that people like having a sense of stability and normalcy. Their goal is to uproot this and make you constantly question everything. And humans' natural tendency is to look to the person or entity that will help you feel more stable—and that happens to be the gaslighter.

8. They project.

They are a drug user or a cheater, yet they are constantly accusing you of that. This is done so often that you start trying to defend yourself, and are distracted from the gaslighter's own behavior.

9. They try to align people against you.

Gaslighters are masters at manipulating and finding the people they know will stand by them no matter what—and they use these people against you. They will make comments such as, "This person knows that you're not right," or "This person knows you're useless too." Keep in mind it does not mean that these people actually said these things. A gaslighter is a constant liar. When the gaslighter uses this tactic it makes you feel like you don't know who to trust or turn to—and that leads you right back to the gaslighter. And that's exactly what they want: Isolation gives them more control.


Source: StockLite/Shutterstock
10. They tell you or others that you are crazy.

This is one of the most effective tools of the gaslighter, because it's dismissive. The gaslighter knows if they question your sanity, people will not believe you when you tell them the gaslighter is abusive or out-of-control. It's a master technique.

11. They tell you everyone else is a liar.

By telling you that everyone else (your family, the media) is a liar, it again makes you question your reality. You've never known someone with the audacity to do this, so they must be telling the truth, right? No. It's a manipulation technique. It makes people turn to the gaslighter for the "correct" information—which isn't correct information at all.

The more you are aware of these techniques, the quicker you can identify them and avoid falling into the gaslighter's trap.​

Leftists are masters at this.
I see the individual first.
Of course that statement means nothing to the race gimps that fill these pages.
I consider this section just to be another wing of the Rubber Room.

Thing is, I have never once used a racial slur on these pages, but apparently calling out idiots makes you a racist.

I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
The individual is most always the important factor for me regardless of race, gender, blah, blah. Whether I determine someone’s a good person or an a-hole has nothing to do with any of that stuff.

Individualism is severely idealistic, severely weak, and in the end is without value, hardly even a moral value, even.

Survival dictates that we tend to get along better with our own group, and that other groups can be a threat by division, or by overtaking for dominance.

To bring too many different groups into a situation, often leads to conflict, and chaos.

It's called Balkanization, and it's caused war, massacres, genocide, and even wiping out of cultures across the globe.

None of this is anything favorable.

Also, Individualists tend to be quitters on their groups, instead of letting them thrive.... Like we see in Western European societies they're too busy letting the Individual be judged, that they've let in hostile intruders invade to the point of slowly collapsing themselves

While, it maybe true there's good, and bad, smart, and dumb in all groups.

They occur at very different proportions, for example we find that the Black collective often leads to more violence, decay, and poverty worldwide, regardless of they're being good, or smart Blacks, their societies are left behind.

Once again, nothing that should be supported.

Frankly if you're in my group, I will stick with Individualism. That word salad just comes across to be as divisive as the rest of the shit on here.
I have seen enough of your posts to conclude we have absolutely nothing in common.

Those who choose conflict will find it no matter what "group" they are in.

Take the Balkan wars.... Catholic Croats vs Orthodox Serbs vs Bosniak Muslims.

They all speak the same language..... Could they get along?

Absolutely not.

That's how Balkanization goes down, over, and over, and over again.

It doesn't matter that you have cute little ideals.

When the sh(t hits the fan, you will be dragged in as the lines fault.

I've spoken to Bosniaks in the war in the 1990's, her Serbian neighbors came in, and started shooting up their house.

That's the reality, and vice versa, Bosniaks did the same to Serbs too in the 1990's.

Idealistic Individualism will still get you killed, even if you have cute feelings of Individualism for the other, it won't save your life in the end.

Look at Amy Biehl, an anti-Racist activist in South-Africa, who still got killed by Blacks, because of the Black vs White divide there.

The problem is Individualism is idealistic, and holds absolutely no value in the real World.

Speaking of "cute little ideals", you can't even acknowledge yourself as an American. You actually think you're Polish. You list yourself as Putnam county born and Putnam county raised as if that means you're NOT American.

You wanna talk "cute little ideals"?? That's cute. Check your passport chump. You're American.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

I've tried this many times on this forum of hate and ignorance. It won't take with this crowd, but kudos for the effort.

Hate, perhaps, perhaps not.... You can state facts, and opinions which are politically incorrect,without being hateful.. BTW.

The ignorance is from yourself.

Racism, and other prejudices are natural.

So, you can't really do much to change that.

So, then actually, by supporting importing diversity by immigration, you're increasing prejudices, and racism.

Especially, in the form of victimization, because racist opinions don't hurt people in a homogeneous society, they can hurt people in a diverse society.

This is just how ignorant you Anti-Racist types tend to be.

You're so deeply ignorant you ramble about immigration but apparently think the Muslim immigration into Western Europe was cool because the Muslims don't like your biggest fall guy, the JOOOOOOSSSS

I hold back a lot of what I want to say to you because it counters my "cute little ideals"
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.

Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.

Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.
Funny thing is. My family has been in America for 5 generations coming from Poland. I consider myself 100% American and my Polish roots are nothing but a curiosity. Folks like Slobinski are giving Poles a bad name with his Jewish rants. He knows nothing about being an American.
Just as divisive and disgusting as the rest of the Race Gimps.
We have been convinced by the Elite who runs the Media and other Institutions to focus on our MINOR differences. Most of us are pretty similar and want the same things.

Safe environment
Opportunity to earn a living, and attain some form of "success"
Nice, functional living space
Education for ourselves and our children
Good Health
Freedom and Liberty

I don't think many would disagree with that. Instead we are told to focus on minor differences like skin color, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc. Stupid!
No it is believing some races are superior or inferior leading to discrimination or prejudice. Which usually manifests in slurs and other things.
And which you've accepted in light of your comments on Native Americans.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.

Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.
Polacks are Europe's doormats. You guys need to stand up for yourselves more and stop surrendering.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!

I've tried this many times on this forum of hate and ignorance. It won't take with this crowd, but kudos for the effort.

Hate, perhaps, perhaps not.... You can state facts, and opinions which are politically incorrect,without being hateful.. BTW.

The ignorance is from yourself.

Racism, and other prejudices are natural.

So, you can't really do much to change that.

So, then actually, by supporting importing diversity by immigration, you're increasing prejudices, and racism.

Especially, in the form of victimization, because racist opinions don't hurt people in a homogeneous society, they can hurt people in a diverse society.

This is just how ignorant you Anti-Racist types tend to be.

You're so deeply ignorant you ramble about immigration but apparently think the Muslim immigration into Western Europe was cool because the Muslims don't like your biggest fall guy, the JOOOOOOSSSS

I hold back a lot of what I want to say to you because it counters my "cute little ideals"

When did I support Muslim immigration into Western Europe, exactly?

I've been staunchly against Muslim refugees, since I've arrived here on the forum.

What I've stated is that many Muslim nations aren't as bad as many Western nations, because they're more Nationalistic, Conservative, and anti-Globalist, than the Western Europeans.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.

Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.
I hate what gets written here for the most part. Hate it. I could go into many details but I won't here. Maybe in the thread.

So anyway, if you come to this forum but you believe in Individual over Race, give me a holler below. I do not mean that "color-blind" hooey, like race does not matter. Of course race factors into who we are. But I mean that you see people AS INDIVIDUALS first, with names, histories, and stories, rather than "races" being the primary characteristic of a person.

On the eve of the 4th of July, this strikes me as deeply American...and Christian. So let's sound off!
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.

Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.
Polacks are Europe's doormats. You guys need to stand up for yourselves more and stop surrendering.

Typical dumb & primitive Brit comment.
You Brits are the most ignorant, and most arrogant people of Europe by far.

Yeah, like in the Battle of Komarow in 1920, when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviet forces.

That's more outnumbered than Texans were when they brag about losing the Alamo.

You're totally clueless on Polish history.

Nor is it surprising that Poland surrounded by much bigger Germany, and Russia would be vulnerable at times.

You're completely thoughtless, and primitive, a typical Brit.
I see the Muslim first. other than that, I don't care what color you are.

Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Not my nation, honey, YOUR nation. Unless and until you move and renounce your citizenship.

Do this soon.
Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Personally, I don't like empty big-mouthed racists who lack the courage of their convictions. Such wretches don't deserve to be in my country any more than illegal aliens do.

In order to save the country, idiots like you must be deported.
Muslims have killed a lot less White Americans, than African Americans have.

Even if the attacks by Muslims are more gruesome, they're pretty sparse.

Also African-Americans pay less in taxes, overload the system a lot more, and yet take more welfare by far.

It just goes to show you're not thinking very clearly.

Not saying that Muslims aren't a problem, but you Hicks tend to be not completely rational on the situation, in the first place.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Not my nation, honey, YOUR nation. Unless and until you move and renounce your citizenship.

Do this soon.

It's not my nation, it's the nation of the Chosen elite.
I forgot, I meant I see Muslims and Polacks first...

As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Personally, I don't like empty big-mouthed racists who lack the courage of their convictions. Such wretches don't deserve to be in my country any more than illegal aliens do.

In order to save the country, idiots like you must be deported.

Why? To where?

I love my country. You have stated many times how much you hate America.
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As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

You must certainly are an idiot.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Personally, I don't like empty big-mouthed racists who lack the courage of their convictions. Such wretches don't deserve to be in my country any more than illegal aliens do.

In order to save the country, idiots like you must be deported.

Why? To where?

I love my country. You have stated many times how much you hate America, and you have been blowing hot air about leaving for years now. How can someone so lacking in the courage of their convictions have any self-respect at all?

The problem with America is it's filled with idiots, and violent predators.

You most certainly are an idiot.
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As if Poles in the USA create all the issues Blacks in the USA have.
Wow, you're very irrational, and vindictive.

Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Not my nation, honey, YOUR nation. Unless and until you move and renounce your citizenship.

Do this soon.

It's not my nation, ......

Then you need to leave. At this point you are nothing but an unwanted squatter.

The fact that you love America, says everything that needs to be said, about how low America, and Americans have sunk in the Intelligence dept.
Duuuuude you're not a "Pole". You're American. DO NOT lecture any American here about "cute little ideals" when you DO NOT EVEN GET YOUR OWN CITIZENSHIP RIGHT.

Now, you're dismissed.

Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Not my nation, honey, YOUR nation. Unless and until you move and renounce your citizenship.

Do this soon.

It's not my nation, ......

Then you need to leave. At this point you are nothing but an unwanted squatter.

The fact that you love America, says everything that needs to be said.....

It sure does.
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Since the Iraq war, I've started considering myself more Polish, than American.

Because of how embarrassing America is.

I might be an American, that doesn't mean I have to identify as such.

Personally I don't like your violent, war mongering, Multicultural nation a heck of a lot.

Not my nation, honey, YOUR nation. Unless and until you move and renounce your citizenship.

Do this soon.

It's not my nation, ......

Then you need to leave. At this point you are nothing but an unwanted squatter.

The fact that you love America, says everything that needs to be said.....

It sure does. Now pack your trash bag and get out of my country.

The Founding Fathers setup the USA to be a White Nation, as specifically proven by the Naturalization Act of 1790.

You should really get out of this country, all you, and your Multiculturalists do is soil the Founding Fathers, and White Americans.

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