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This guy exposes Obama for what he is

Which is why you are so terribly uninformed. Cling to the Soros funded Huffington Post for what's best for America. ;)

Sorry to inform you, but it is the Faux News viewers that are uninformed. You all don't recognize truth anymore, if it hit you on the face. This is from Forbes....a right wing source, to boot! So, you've swallowed the lie....continue to drink the KoolAid....:)

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes

Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Why would I (or anyone with any sense at all) want to spend any time listening to someone who is not credible? Certainly not me. If his story is accurate, whatever it is, maybe a credible source like the NY Times or something similar, will pick it up....then I'll read it and believe it. Until then...quit trying to push Beck as a credible source. He is a known liar and you may believe it since he exists in the same Faux News Bubble......but puleeezzzzzzze......some of us have standards.
So how does the right explain how they haven't been able to corroborate his info about Obama except through a disenfranchised talk show host who used to do shit like this.

Elementary school yard asshole:

Which is why you are so terribly uninformed. Cling to the Soros funded Huffington Post for what's best for America. ;)

Sorry to inform you, but it is the Faux News viewers that are uninformed. You all don't recognize truth anymore, if it hit you on the face. This is from Forbes....a right wing source, to boot! So, you've swallowed the lie....continue to drink the KoolAid....:)

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes

Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Why would I (or anyone with any sense at all) want to spend any time listening to someone who is not credible? Certainly not me. If his story is accurate, whatever it is, maybe a credible source like the NY Times or something similar, will pick it up....then I'll read it and believe it. Until then...quit trying to push Beck as a credible source. He is a known liar and you may believe it since he exists in the same Faux News Bubble......but puleeezzzzzzze......some of us have standards.

The schtick is from 2014. No one picked up on it because nothing that Beckie said could be verified.
Sorry to inform you, but it is the Faux News viewers that are uninformed. You all don't recognize truth anymore, if it hit you on the face. This is from Forbes....a right wing source, to boot! So, you've swallowed the lie....continue to drink the KoolAid....:)

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes

Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Obama told his sheep to hate Fox news and since they can't think for themselves they have to agree.

My point is the poster need to actually address the op and stop trying to change the subject to Fox.

We are addressing the OP.....Glenn Beck is a known liar, and he used to be on Faux News.........and we're saying that the OP needs to post some other credible links if he wants anyone to believe his drivel.....Glenn Beck is not credible, neither is Faux News (most of the time).

Glenn Beck lost his job at Fox because he was so full of shit and so offensive that advertisers left his show in droves.

Glenn Beck told the truth about Muslims and offended Muslims and of course in this politically correct sensitivity era that has replaced free speech, your not allowed to offend Muslims.
Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Obama told his sheep to hate Fox news and since they can't think for themselves they have to agree.

My point is the poster need to actually address the op and stop trying to change the subject to Fox.

We are addressing the OP.....Glenn Beck is a known liar, and he used to be on Faux News.........and we're saying that the OP needs to post some other credible links if he wants anyone to believe his drivel.....Glenn Beck is not credible, neither is Faux News (most of the time).

Glenn Beck lost his job at Fox because he was so full of shit and so offensive that advertisers left his show in droves.

Glenn Beck told the truth about Muslims and offended Muslims and of course in this politically correct sensitivity era that has replaced free speech, your not allowed to offend Muslims.

What was the truth that Beck told? If Muslims are so bad like Beck says, why do all conservatives support Bush's idea that we should stay in Iraq (hello - Muslims) when we discovered there were no WMDs, and help them build a democracy? Why should we care what kind of government Iraq has? You all need to make up your mind......if you hate Muslims, don't support sending our soldiers to die helping them.
We gave that country months to get rid of the wmd by announcing our intentions long before we acted. According to the Bible code, there were indeed wmd's and they were sent to Syria by way of the road to Damascus. Just because we didn't find them doesn't mean they didn't exist.
Beck exposed the Arab Spring agenda that Obama is so fond of. He exposed the politicians that are NWO supporters, and the Federal Reserve Bank of the NWO.
NWO didn't like that. So he's gone and we still close our ears to the Bushes, Clintons and Obama who flat out tell us the NWO is what they intend to put this country under. Obama just told us Congress wasn't going to vote on a deal with Iran but the UN would be the ones deciding whether or not the Iran deal would be adopted. Beck is right. Elect another NWO president and this country will never recover.
Obama told his sheep to hate Fox news and since they can't think for themselves they have to agree.

My point is the poster need to actually address the op and stop trying to change the subject to Fox.

We are addressing the OP.....Glenn Beck is a known liar, and he used to be on Faux News.........and we're saying that the OP needs to post some other credible links if he wants anyone to believe his drivel.....Glenn Beck is not credible, neither is Faux News (most of the time).

Glenn Beck lost his job at Fox because he was so full of shit and so offensive that advertisers left his show in droves.

Glenn Beck told the truth about Muslims and offended Muslims and of course in this politically correct sensitivity era that has replaced free speech, your not allowed to offend Muslims.

What was the truth that Beck told? If Muslims are so bad like Beck says, why do all conservatives support Bush's idea that we should stay in Iraq (hello - Muslims) when we discovered there were no WMDs, and help them build a democracy? Why should we care what kind of government Iraq has? You all need to make up your mind......if you hate Muslims, don't support sending our soldiers to die helping them.

What Muslims? Sunni, Shiite? Who supports pouring our hard earned tax dollars to fight Iran in Yemen, help Iran in Iraq, money here, money there, everywhere a Muslim handout. What Obama is supporting has nothing to do with what is best for this country. Radical Islam is what he supports, and Iran is the best of the best at churning out Muslim terrorists.

Americans didn't want a world war either, but we stayed in Japan to make sure they didn't create another military to attack us with.
Tell me how you think turning Iran into a world power is good for anybody but terrorist Iran and the radicals Iran supports...
We gave that country months to get rid of the wmd by announcing our intentions long before we acted. According to the Bible code, there were indeed wmd's and they were sent to Syria by way of the road to Damascus.
Yes right, and only conservatives have access to that "Bible code" and are able to interpret it. That is all bullshit spread by conservatives who won't admit that Bush erred in starting a war with Iraq, and then decided that since we were already there, we might as well help Muslims, which your party hates. Makes a lot of sense.

Just because we didn't find them doesn't mean they didn't exist.

We do have "Intelligence" that would corroborate your fantasy, but unfortunately, they debunk that idea.

But intelligence and congressional officials say they have not seen any information — never “a piece,” said one — indicating that WMD or significant amounts of components and equipment were transferred from Iraq to neighboring Syria, Jordan or elsewhere.

Search draws to a close The administration acknowledged last week that the search for banned weapons is largely over. The Iraq Survey Group’s chief, Charles Duelfer, is expected to submit the final installments of his report in February. A small number of the organization’s experts will remain on the job in case new intelligence on Iraqi WMD is unearthed.

But the officials familiar with the search say U.S. authorities have found no evidence that former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein transferred WMD or related equipment out of Iraq.

Officials No signs WMD moved from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News

Beck exposed the Arab Spring agenda that Obama is so fond of. He exposed the politicians that are NWO supporters, and the Federal Reserve Bank of the NWO.
NWO didn't like that. So he's gone and we still close our ears to the Bushes, Clintons and Obama who flat out tell us the NWO is what they intend to put this country under. Obama just told us Congress wasn't going to vote on a deal with Iran but the UN would be the ones deciding whether or not the Iran deal would be adopted. Beck is right. Elect another NWO president and this country will never recover.

I'm surprised that you have embraced the fear that has been propagated regarding NWO, since it is my belief that you have claimed to be a Christian. True Christians do not have the spirit of fear, and believe the Bible where it tells us (not in code, either), that every person elected to lead a country has been put there by God. I'm not saying that every leader is Godly, but is there for God's purpose, who is superior to any group or power here in the world.

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

When you have the actual country that we are empowering tell us that our President is a liar, you don't need Beck. You need to listen to Iran tell you about our president. He is a liar. We are the ones being lied to.

When you have American citizens praising enemy nations (Russia/Iran) and believing them over our own President you have a bunch of malcontent treasoners .

Iran is not a country to be trusted, why the Obama administration is looking to strike a deal with them.
Republican Congressmen (47 of them) defied the Constitution by directly approaching another country, an enemy country at that, and putting our own President down.

You should be ashamed of yourself for making such absurd comments and believing an enemy country (if indeed any of what you say is true, since you never back your crap up with links) and for even posting such bullshit.
You have me confused with a Bush supporter, Iraq supporter, Afghan supporter...
Do you support Obama in his bid to turn terrorist Iran into a world power? Your Bushy, righty/lefty thingy promotes the divide that our NWO leaders needs to continue it's takedown of our rights. Why is Obama insisting that the UN vote on the Iran deal to the exclusion of our own government?

It is heartbreaking to watch this country decay, but decay it is. What we are witnessing now will culminate in WW3. If we support Iran, and Russia supports Iran, then everything the Bible says about Israel will be possible. Hitler eradicated 1/3 of the Jews. The aforementioned countries will eradicate 2/3. And we will help them.
How much of your paycheck will Obama give to Iran with your approval?

And anyone and everyone has access to the Bible code.
Which is why you are so terribly uninformed. Cling to the Soros funded Huffington Post for what's best for America. ;)

Sorry to inform you, but it is the Faux News viewers that are uninformed. You all don't recognize truth anymore, if it hit you on the face. This is from Forbes....a right wing source, to boot! So, you've swallowed the lie....continue to drink the KoolAid....:)

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes

Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Obama told his sheep to hate Fox news and since they can't think for themselves they have to agree.
You're delusional. Most everyone that is not a conservative sheeple dislikes the way Faux News lies to the viewers - and this was the case long before Obama became President.

Obviously you picked that little snippet from Faux News, since you're the one that can't think for yourself.

I wouldn't watch Fox news if I thought they lie all the time. You should do the same.
Mert, you use Bush's overthrow of Iraq like a club and yet think nothing of Obama overthrowing an ALLY, Egypt at the behest of his radical Muslim advisors and created a mess left to Egypt to correct. Iraq not ok, Egypt, Libya good?

No one that I know of has praised Russia or Iran. I don't know where you get that, but there is no treason in suspecting a politician of being up to no good. Kerry is listening to what they say isn't he? Especially this one, who has overthrown more than one ally bows to Muslim Kings. His back room deals with the Castro brothers took place in Canada.

And you do not strike deals with those that can't be trusted to keep their part of the deal. There is nothing visited in the Iran "deal" for noncompliance. That is one of those blanks that gets filled in later, just like the Obamacare deal when it was sent to the CBO to verify it's financial viability.

Listen to everyone. Watch everyone. Russia seems to have leeway. Iran is overthrowing nations. They want a bomb. What makes you think they should have a bomb? And will they let you conduct an unannounced inspection to make sure that the nation that you admit can't be trusted is trustworthy?
Which is why you are so terribly uninformed. Cling to the Soros funded Huffington Post for what's best for America. ;)

Sorry to inform you, but it is the Faux News viewers that are uninformed. You all don't recognize truth anymore, if it hit you on the face. This is from Forbes....a right wing source, to boot! So, you've swallowed the lie....continue to drink the KoolAid....:)

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes

Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Obama told his sheep to hate Fox news and since they can't think for themselves they have to agree.

My point is the poster need to actually address the op and stop trying to change the subject to Fox.

We are addressing the OP.....Glenn Beck is a known liar, and he used to be on Faux News.........and we're saying that the OP needs to post some other credible links if he wants anyone to believe his drivel.....Glenn Beck is not credible, neither is Faux News (most of the time).

Evidently neither are you, if you can't stay on topic which is the information in the video, you need to butt the fuck out of the conversation.
Which is why you are so terribly uninformed. Cling to the Soros funded Huffington Post for what's best for America. ;)

Sorry to inform you, but it is the Faux News viewers that are uninformed. You all don't recognize truth anymore, if it hit you on the face. This is from Forbes....a right wing source, to boot! So, you've swallowed the lie....continue to drink the KoolAid....:)

A poll by Farleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes

Glenn isn't with Fox, so how about you actually address the op and stop editorializing about Fox. Watch the video and refute any point you wish, with evidence of course. Glenn uses your dear leaders own spoken and written words to make his points but you're welcome to have a go.

Why would I (or anyone with any sense at all) want to spend any time listening to someone who is not credible? Certainly not me. If his story is accurate, whatever it is, maybe a credible source like the NY Times or something similar, will pick it up....then I'll read it and believe it. Until then...quit trying to push Beck as a credible source. He is a known liar and you may believe it since he exists in the same Faux News Bubble......but puleeezzzzzzze......some of us have standards.

The schtick is from 2014. No one picked up on it because nothing that Beckie said could be verified.

Actually he provided excerpts from speeches and your dear leaders book to verify everything he said, you obviously didn't watch it.
Glenn Beck is very reliable.

Bwahahaha....that was funny. Did you think that up all by yourself?:badgrin:
No. I had to research it for a while. It was a tough conclusion to make with much evidence weighing in on both sides. At least he's a real person who can get angry on the radio so we know who he is.
And sobs his wittel heart out to tug at those emotive tea farters...He's either a damn good actor or he has emotional problems with his mood swings...

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