This has Likely Been Done Before, but, Can We All Do Our 8 Values Mapping?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I would like to see how many of us are surprised, even shocked, at the results they get.


I was kind of surprised at mine.


And please don't derail the thread into a partisan pissing contest, mmmk?
Great now i wanna slice my wrists it called me a neo con ..i dont know if they have the definition right cause neo cons are former dems and traitors..mostly never trumper establishment cucks

could of been war answers and " "answering to the international community for the nations actions"" answers

neo con.JPG
I would like to see how many of us are surprised, even shocked, at the results they get.


I was kind of surprised at mine.

View attachment 260785

And please don't derail the thread into a partisan pissing contest, mmmk?

70 questions? Huh! I worked today already. I don't have a bleeping keyboard! It don't work on IPAD! What do i get for doing it?
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Some of the questions were not “agree/disagree.” Like “should research be done at an international level?” Sometimes, I guess, but that totally depends on the circumstances.

Some of the questions were not “agree/disagree.” Like “should research be done at an international level?” Sometimes, I guess, but that totally depends on the circumstances.
I ended up hitting the "neutral/unsure" button quite a few times because of the same thing--sometimes it wasn't that simple, and "unsure" was the closest thing to "that depends."

I keep telling y'all that I'm peaceful, moderate and social. Don't I?

So I had no idea what Social Liberalism is, so I looked it up.
Under social liberalism, the common good is viewed as harmonious with the freedom of the individual.[8] Social liberal policies have been widely adopted in much of the capitalist world.[9] Social liberal ideas and parties tend to be considered centrist or centre-left.

So all of you yahoos calling me a communist, take THAT.
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View attachment 260789

I told y'all I am a liberal.

According to the libertarian party-

Libertarians are neither. Unlike liberals or conservatives, Libertarians advocate a high degree of both personal and economic liberty.

Libertarians advocate freedom in economic matters, so we’re in favor of lowering and eliminating taxes, slashing bureaucratic regulation of business, and charitable — rather than government — welfare.

Libertarians are also socially inclusive. We think each person should be free to make their own choices so long as they do not infringe on others’ rights. We oppose laws that seek to control people’s personal choices.

Frequently Asked Questions | Libertarian Party
View attachment 260831
I keep telling y'all that I'm peaceful, moderate and social. Don't I?

So I had no idea what Social Liberalism is, so I looked it up.
Under social liberalism, the common good is viewed as harmonious with the freedom of the individual.[8] Social liberal policies have been widely adopted in much of the capitalist world.[9] Social liberal ideas and parties tend to be considered centrist or centre-left.

So all of you yahoos calling me a communist, take THAT.

Lol, I always knew you were more of a 'Fence Sitter', Old Lady.
View attachment 260789

I told y'all I am a liberal.

According to the libertarian party-

Libertarians are neither. Unlike liberals or conservatives, Libertarians advocate a high degree of both personal and economic liberty.

Libertarians advocate freedom in economic matters, so we’re in favor of lowering and eliminating taxes, slashing bureaucratic regulation of business, and charitable — rather than government — welfare.

Libertarians are also socially inclusive. We think each person should be free to make their own choices so long as they do not infringe on others’ rights. We oppose laws that seek to control people’s personal choices.

Frequently Asked Questions | Libertarian Party

so, socially liberal and economically conservative.

How is a survey biased in these cases?
The "nation - world" axis is kind of bogus.
Just because I see next to no value in globalist organizations and foreign aid, it doesn't necessarily follow that I'm a nationalist flag waver.

I think it is a valid axis of ideological alignment in general. It is trying to measure your nationalism vrs globalism leaning, but hey, you can live in denial all you like.
How is a survey biased in these cases?
The "nation - world" axis is kind of bogus.
Just because I see next to no value in globalist organizations and foreign aid, it doesn't necessarily follow that I'm a nationalist flag waver.

I think it is a valid axis of ideological alignment in general. It is trying to measure your nationalism vrs globalism leaning, but hey, you can live in denial all you like.
I reject all imposed authority, whether national or global....I only go along with it to stay out of jail.

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