This Independence Day, We're More Dependent On Government Than Ever Before...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
And that's just the way Big Brother likes it.

Good article by Roger Custer

What do we celebrate on this Independence Day? It’s not just independence from Britain —it’s America’s independent spirit and commitment to free markets. Some call it the American Dream.

As we watch fireworks, eat barbeque and reflect on our history, our independent spirit is threatened by increased government dependence. The Heritage Foundation reports that today more than one in five Americans, or about 67 million, depend on the federal government for assistance, more than ever before. Thanks to Obamacare, we are set to become even more dependent on federal programs.

There are federal programs covering many parts of life. Mike Brownfield reports that “a full 70 percent of the federal government’s budget goes to pay for housing, food, income, student aid, or other assistance, with recipients ranging from college students to retirees to welfare beneficiaries.” To implement these programs, Congress has exercised powers not authorized by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers would be surprised by the growth of the federal government and Americans’ dependency on it. Patrick Henry said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.” When one in five Americans depend on government and fewer than half pay income taxes, people are not restraining the government.

Congressman Allen West doesn’t see the dependency trend reversing any time soon. As he wrote in a February blog post, “With the impending retirement of 77 million baby boomers and the continued liberal march toward government involvement in all parts of life, the trend in the number of Americans dependent on Washington seems to have only one direction: up.”

However, he does have confidence that “the essence of the American spirit does not want to be obliged to government for our daily routine. Americans want to fight for their independence and be successful providers for themselves and their families.” This is the independent American spirit that we celebrate on the Fourth of July...

Read more: This Independence Day, we're more dependent on government than ever before | The Daily Caller
Obamacare is hardly what broke the camel's back. Our government has been in the business of behavioral modification for some time now.
Obamacare is hardly what broke the camel's back. Our government has been in the business of behavioral modification for some time now.

its time for it to get out, i can understand helping, with an exit plan, i can understand helping those that need it, wounded soliders and true disabled people, but i loathe teh pig that abuses the system.
With so many of us dependent on govenment, it may come to pass, that we may have to choose between making endless wars, outsourcing jobs, helping other nations, and helping our own citizens.
Then let's choose to act without the government.

lol, and yet you plan to vote for Mitt Romney, the guy that supported near all of Obama's big policies before Mitt ran for President.

About the OP, sad but true.

We have 2 choices and I'm not voting for Obama so now I have one choice, Romney. I don't like but that is just how it is.
Maybe Obama will declare, via Presidential Executive Order, that every day EXCEPT July 4th will be known as "Dependence Day".

It's the ultimate wet dream of the Obamanistas.
Then let's choose to act without the government.

lol, and yet you plan to vote for Mitt Romney, the guy that supported near all of Obama's big policies before Mitt ran for President.

About the OP, sad but true.

We have 2 choices and I'm not voting for Obama so now I have one choice, Romney. I don't like but that is just how it is.

Huh... It sounds like you have 2 choices because that is as many as you will allow. Last time I checked I and you can still vote for anyone. You can vote third party, you can vote for your dad, your mom, your brother, a friend and even Mickey mouse.

I will not tell you or anyone else who to vote for but try being honest and admit *YOU* have 2 choices, or I might think you're trying to tell me I am limited to who I can vote for when you was *WE* have 2 choices.

If you vote for a crappy candidate (someone you don't like), that says something about you, not me.
The problem that this royal regime has is with Americans who are still proud of themselves and still self reliant. The USDA is battling American values to institute the policies of slavery where there is no pride, and dependence on the master government.
lol, and yet you plan to vote for Mitt Romney, the guy that supported near all of Obama's big policies before Mitt ran for President.

About the OP, sad but true.

We have 2 choices and I'm not voting for Obama so now I have one choice, Romney. I don't like but that is just how it is.

Huh... It sounds like you have 2 choices because that is as many as you will allow. Last time I checked I and you can still vote for anyone. You can vote third party, you can vote for your dad, your mom, your brother, a friend and even Mickey mouse.

I will not tell you or anyone else who to vote for but try being honest and admit *YOU* have 2 choices, or I might think you're trying to tell me I am limited to who I can vote for when you was *WE* have 2 choices.

If you vote for a crappy candidate (someone you don't like), that says something about you, not me.

Yes.. but in states where it is close, a vote for a 3rd party candidate is basically a vote for Obama... and I think you would agree that Romney is no great choice but Obama is worse...
Me.. being in MD... I probably will vote 3rd party, as with this being such a fucked up liberal state (except the counties out where I am), there is no chance it will go R in the presidential election
Funny, the reason we declared independence from Britain was not government...but a system that unfairly taxed us and in return offered us nothing in the way of representation. It had nothing to do with being "anti-government".
As an one program that you can't use if you need to. Make no mistake...we all are represented.
Then let's choose to act without the government.

lol, and yet you plan to vote for Mitt Romney, the guy that supported near all of Obama's big policies before Mitt ran for President.

About the OP, sad but true.

Doesnt matter who is President. We dont have to depend on government if we choose not to.

Exactly. And why I sdvocate getting OUT of the system, the loop...thinking outside the box...detaching...and just DOING.
We have 2 choices and I'm not voting for Obama so now I have one choice, Romney. I don't like but that is just how it is.

Huh... It sounds like you have 2 choices because that is as many as you will allow. Last time I checked I and you can still vote for anyone. You can vote third party, you can vote for your dad, your mom, your brother, a friend and even Mickey mouse.

I will not tell you or anyone else who to vote for but try being honest and admit *YOU* have 2 choices, or I might think you're trying to tell me I am limited to who I can vote for when you was *WE* have 2 choices.

If you vote for a crappy candidate (someone you don't like), that says something about you, not me.

Yes.. but in states where it is close, a vote for a 3rd party candidate is basically a vote for Obama... and I think you would agree that Romney is no great choice but Obama is worse...
Me.. being in MD... I probably will vote 3rd party, as with this being such a fucked up liberal state (except the counties out where I am), there is no chance it will go R in the presidential election

Or is a vote for a third party actually a vote for Romney???

The debate continues.

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