This Independence Day, We're More Dependent On Government Than Ever Before...

This Independence Day, We're More Dependent On Government Than Ever Before...

Speak for yourself. BTW, is Tucker Carlson the best source you could find?

Would record numbers receiving food stamps prod that belief system of yours? :D

Yes, let's bow our heads and give thanks to Bush for nearly destroying America...

Speak for yourself. BTW, is Tucker Carlson the best source you could find?

Would record numbers receiving food stamps prod that belief system of yours? :D

Yes, let's bow our heads and give thanks to Bush for nearly destroying America...


Is that why under obama that there are commercials urging people to get on food stamps, and Food Stamps have gone up more than 48% under Obama?


[ame=]Food Stamp Commercial - YouTube[/ame]
Would record numbers receiving food stamps prod that belief system of yours? :D

Yes, let's bow our heads and give thanks to Bush for nearly destroying America...


Is that why under obama that there are commercials urging people to get on food stamps, and Food Stamps have gone up more than 48% under Obama?


[ame=]Food Stamp Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

No, son, you're the DUMBASS for thinking Obama started two wars and the Great Recession.
True. Thanks for the Pub Depression, Voodoo, pandering to the greedy rich, the stupidest wars ever, see sig pp1. Pub dupes!
No, son, you're the DUMBASS for thinking Obama started two wars and the Great Recession.

Straw man anyone?

Obama has had almost four years to fix the problems we are facing. Has he? No. He's arguably made things much worse.
Obamacare is hardly what broke the camel's back. Our government has been in the business of behavioral modification for some time now.

its time for it to get out, i can understand helping, with an exit plan, i can understand helping those that need it, wounded soliders and true disabled people, but i loathe teh pig that abuses the system.

I loathe the system that abuses the pig.
Yes, let's bow our heads and give thanks to Bush for nearly destroying America...


BOOOSH/Obama. Like there's a difference. Two Big Government Globalists who Bankrupted our Nation. Both are miserable failures.
Only thing different between the two are social issues. Obama is Bush on Steroids. :eusa_shhh:

Yup. The joke's always on the American People. BOOOSH/Obama? I'm still surprised anyone really believes there's a difference.
And that's just the way Big Brother likes it.

Good article by Roger Custer

What do we celebrate on this Independence Day? It’s not just independence from Britain —it’s America’s independent spirit and commitment to free markets. Some call it the American Dream.

As we watch fireworks, eat barbeque and reflect on our history, our independent spirit is threatened by increased government dependence. The Heritage Foundation reports that today more than one in five Americans, or about 67 million, depend on the federal government for assistance, more than ever before. Thanks to Obamacare, we are set to become even more dependent on federal programs.

There are federal programs covering many parts of life. Mike Brownfield reports that “a full 70 percent of the federal government’s budget goes to pay for housing, food, income, student aid, or other assistance, with recipients ranging from college students to retirees to welfare beneficiaries.” To implement these programs, Congress has exercised powers not authorized by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

The Founding Fathers would be surprised by the growth of the federal government and Americans’ dependency on it. Patrick Henry said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.” When one in five Americans depend on government and fewer than half pay income taxes, people are not restraining the government.

Congressman Allen West doesn’t see the dependency trend reversing any time soon. As he wrote in a February blog post, “With the impending retirement of 77 million baby boomers and the continued liberal march toward government involvement in all parts of life, the trend in the number of Americans dependent on Washington seems to have only one direction: up.”

However, he does have confidence that “the essence of the American spirit does not want to be obliged to government for our daily routine. Americans want to fight for their independence and be successful providers for themselves and their families.” This is the independent American spirit that we celebrate on the Fourth of July...

Read more: This Independence Day, we're more dependent on government than ever before | The Daily Caller

Please don't include Me in the "We". Alan West sure seems to be government oriented. He's probably collecting a government pension check from the Army, he's collecting a government check for his congressional duties, and he will probably collect a government check for Social Security, and get on a government health program from Congress and a Government pension from Congress. So WHO IN THE FUCK IS HE TO TALK ABOUT PEOPLE BEING DEPENDENT ON GOVERNMENT? What a JOKE!!!!!
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Yes, let's bow our heads and give thanks to Bush for nearly destroying America...


Is that why under obama that there are commercials urging people to get on food stamps, and Food Stamps have gone up more than 48% under Obama?


[ame=""]Food Stamp Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

No, son, you're the DUMBASS for thinking Obama started two wars and the Great Recession.

No Obama started a couple MORE and keeps ONE going and Keeps GTMO OPEN...

Good for YOU...

Well, it isn't all that strange to see the liberals griping about the article.

Stop driving on our roads ?????

If the government didn't build roads....nobody would ?

If the government didn't run schools....there would be no schools ?

If the city government didn't set up a fire department...there would be none ?

Don't think so.

But it does not bother anyone (one the left) that so many have become dependent upon the government. Tell me how, in this enlightened age, so many people can be in such bad straights. And who are these people ? I'd really like to know. I keep hearing about how red states are a net drain the government....but when cities like New York have a great many people on food stamps (and in general minority groups tend to take the most government money and tend to vote heavily democratic) makes you wonder.

And who is paying for all these people on the dole ?
Ironic and sad.
Found this by Milo Nickels

The Merriam-Webster dictionary online defines independence as:

the quality or state of being independent

This definition isn’t all that helpful without defining the word independent. Once again we return to the Merriam-Webster dictionary online and find these definitions for the word independent:

a. “not subject to control by others”

b. 2) “not looking to others for one’s opinions or for guidance in conduct”

c. “not requiring or relying on others”

Therefore, a complete definition of the word independence would be:

the quality or state of not being subject to the control of others, not looking to others for guidance in conduct, and not relying on others.

Now ask yourself, according to this definition, are you independent?
Activist Post: Independence Day -- Yeah Right!!!

So are you really independent?
Romney is a Boooosh clone- with no personality. Pub dupes! Right off the wall.

Romneycare for all! A great success, dupes. No pub dupe horrors AT ALL. jfc
Obama is a Booooosh close.


When are you moving to Cuba. They need you there.

And we don't need you here.

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