This Is A Program I Won't Be Watching

I feel your anger.

I stopped going to theaters back around 2015 or earlier. Nothing but shitshows, ass kissing, and extreme racism against white actors and white characters.

I stopped watching TV for the same reasons many years ago. I found I can watch what I want, when I want, for free, online. So I got rid of my tv and my cable. I got a bigger monitor/flat screen and internet. Been doing that for about 20 years now, or more. Have never regretted my decision.

I've watched very few new shows, as they turn my stomach. I usually watch shows I grew up with or shows that aren't filled with sex, drugs, racism, and murder.
Yeah, promoting miscegenation is the new obligatory casting. I can't be looking at that.

It happens we watch a lot of videos of Shakespeare. Sometimes (I'm looking at you, Kenneth Branagh) a director thinks it's somehow a GOOD idea to put blacks in wholly, totally inappropriate roles. This drives me crazy. Shakespeare DID of course have the occasional black in his play, even a sort of native American once (Caliban in The Tempest), and there are some roles for which a substitution from the usual is plausible, more or less. I'm okay with that, if not overused, but I hate to see ethnics used for completely inappropriate roles in ANY plays or movies or series, and won't watch that. It's not about the play when they do that: it's about Wokeness. Like that one on Broadway about Alexander Hamilton: give me a break.
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Are they thinking of a "new" Cinderella?

A"new" Snow White? :rolleyes:
Too late ---- I saw an ad on Amazon this week for the new Cinderella.

She's Hispanic and a smartalec.

They'll just cancel Snow White, I suppose.
If blacks were now represented at 13% the same as their population you could call that progress

But what we have is a counter revolution
Good point ---- most of the New Yorker cartoons now have black characters.

I'd say this is the revolution, though: the counter-revolution will be when we take it all back from this craziness.
The same thing was done with the original Tom Clancy novel that made his fame. It was called WITHOUT REMORSE. It was the precursor to many of his popular books and especially the character John Clark, often seen in the Jack Ryan books. I'm not RAY-SUS, either, but when obviously white or Hispanic characters are recast with black actors it just proves they're trying to shove a narrative and an agenda down our throats. I'm DONE with that stupidity and won't be supporting it. Another instance is the WHEEL OF TIME series. It was a cast of characters that were never mentioned as black and it had almost NO white or straight actors. Those who enjoy that can enrich the prigs who make those decisions, they don't need my money.
Without Remorse was killed by the TV movie. The book had a fantastic plot that was made to be a movie. The movie was a simple revenge story with no character.
The Critics will compare her performance with the original actress that made it a hit. They may be brutal so I hope she and those involved have thick skin.

She has to have thick skin if she realized that she was a black girl being cast for a white role and that people were going to comment about it. You know, if this was reverse and a white person wanted a black role it would be looked at as racist, but now the ones who are upset about this like me are supposedly the racist ones. How fucked up is that?

Now... if the recasting is done for HUMOR, then I'd have no problem with it at all. One of the FUNNIEST remakes I've ever seen was the DEATH AT A FUNERAL with an all black cast.
Then there's this:

Oh yeah, have you seen this one before? :p This was to poke fun at the 2014 version of Annie. XD

A remake of the Wizard of Oz with a black cast flopped and it did have some top class talent .

That's different. The original Wiz was a cast of African Americans because it was a spoof of The Wizard of Oz.

They already did a black Annie movie in 2014. Are they so hard up they need to remake remakes now?

That's exactly what I was thinking.

I don't really mind if they portray characters in different races. That is call creative license. That doesn't really bother me.

What does bother me is when people try to creat a race issue when there is not one. There is nothing on earth pisses me off more than that.

If anyone wants to see the claws come out, start throwing around the race issue when there is not one. That's when I really go hard. If I am going to be accused of it, I'm gonna get my pound of flesh.

Do you mean this thread or when blacks pull the race card?
They're doing the same with "The Wonder Years"...

I've never seen that show before, but I'm going through some wonder years myself. Ever since Biden had stolen the election I've never stopped wondering.

They'll just cancel Snow White, I suppose.

Probably rename her Black Coal.
The same thing was done with the original Tom Clancy novel that made his fame. It was called WITHOUT REMORSE. It was the precursor to many of his popular books and especially the character John Clark, often seen in the Jack Ryan books. I'm not RAY-SUS, either, but when obviously white or Hispanic characters are recast with black actors it just proves they're trying to shove a narrative and an agenda down our throats. I'm DONE with that stupidity and won't be supporting it. Another instance is the WHEEL OF TIME series. It was a cast of characters that were never mentioned as black and it had almost NO white or straight actors. Those who enjoy that can enrich the prigs who make those decisions, they don't need my money.
I looked up the book, Without Remorse --- the cover shows a black man! That cannot possibly be in the book -- all his characters were white, IIRC. It would be like turning Reacher black (they already made him short in the movie --- a 5'4" Jack Reacher?? Darn.)

This has been a good topic for me, as it has been confusing seeing all this blackness in movies and new books and series, WAAAAAAAAAY out of proportion to anything realistic. And you'd think nobody white ever hooked up sexually with another white person, to watch all these, but I'd say it would be pretty foolish for a white man or woman to get into all that. I'm pleased to see many of you have simply rejected this as blatant propaganda, and I am going to also. Anything with too many blacks, pushing miscegenation, mis-casting implausibly ---- off it goes. Good. Clears that up.

I don't mind a movie with blacks if it is relevant and important to the point and plausible --- the best recent one was the horror Get Out. Excellent!! I think I'll see it for the fourth time soon. I don't like the first scenes, of course, so I just skip those and get on into the horror part. Now THAT was an interesting take on slavery. I recommend it.
The Wiz even had pretty decent music.
The Wiz was great! I've watched it over and over. The music! Evilene ---

When I wake up in the afternoon
As it pleases me to do
Don't nobody bring me
No bad news.

And that was the one that had Michael Jackson as Scarecrow (still fat and black at that stage, but he did the moonwalk!).

Black movies or blacks in movies are fine if they are real, true --- but as pure propaganda, I think a lot of people are starting to turn them off. And if so, that will change the movie-makers because they hate to lose money.
May I also just add that it seems like it is now politically incorrect to be proud to be white? I saw a comment on here once before that I can't find the thread for it now about somebody saying that and then that they believed that whites own the world. That second comment went too far, but why can't a white person be just as proud to be white as a black person is proud to be black?
When will hollywood do a remake of The Executioners Song but with a black guy playing Gary Gilmore?

How ‘bout never?
You guys want a laugh? The original lady who played Lily St. Regis in the 1982 version of Annie says it's okay to have a black Annie as long as it makes sense, but the thing is it doesn't. What a lot of people think is equality towards blacks and whites is racism towards white people. At least in my book.

Pop culture follows the demographic..hence 'Pop'. the demographic is skewing younger and darker...thus so is entertainment and advertising.
Many here choose to see a nefarious cultural or political agenda, when what is really responsible is money, as always. What sells is what is seen.

To put it in the terms of today..older white people are not trending well, these days. Shrinking market, ya know?
I think that choosing to use this fact to bolster a white victimhood a fool's game.
It’s not “ trending”. It’s being forced by the entertainment industry and big corporations.
That's NCIS Hawaii. Only a vehicle for woke propaganda. No wonder stations like Me, Cozi and Decades are so popular.
Yep. And Ive also been watching lots of mysteries on Tubi and Plex instead of the main streaming services. There is lots of good stuff available for free :)
So America, for no particular reason, decided that white was out, and all black or mixed race couples are in?

I dont think do

That required years of lib brainwashing
And oddly in the 70’s 80’s 90’s I liked and watched lots of black programming.

Not any more. Hollywood has turned me off of it.
The are re-doing the series "The Wonder Years" with an all Black cast (except for a couple of token Whites).

I'm getting sick of every TV series and movie being Black.
Yep. The live action Lady and The Tramp was race swapped as well. Nevermind the fact that the acting and writing sucked.
Oh and I forgot that I was going to bring this point up too. Sometimes roles that nobody has place a specific race and looks upon,.. it can be more flexible to cast different people than you expected. I'm speaking of course of the 1997 version of Cinderella with Brandy in it as to this day it's still my favorite adaptation of it. :)

And oddly in the 70’s 80’s 90’s I liked and watched lots of black programming.

Not any more. Hollywood has turned me off of it.

What about Family Matters and The Cosby Show? I still like watching them. :)
Yep. The live action Lady and The Tramp was race swapped as well. Nevermind the fact that the acting and writing sucked.

Really? I never saw that as I don't own Disney Plus.
Really? I never saw that as I don't own Disney Plus.

We have a young granddaughter that lives nearby and she spends a lot of time with us.

We have Disney + just so she has something to watch when she gets bored with grandpa and grandma.

We would not have the service other wise and I get pissed with the wokeness they have.

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