This is a report worth reading.

No I am pointing out what ridiculous hypocrites the left continues to be.

They want to save everybody but now they wanted the president to lock down the country, hoard everything..

Its ridiculous .
It's time to slither away to your hole now.

FEMA Issues New Rule Clamping Down On The Export of PPE During COVID Crisis

"As health care workers around the country grapple with shortages in personal protective equipment during the COVID pandemic, the Federal Emergency Management Agency moved Friday to curtail the export of PPE abroad.

In a new temporary rule issued Friday and effective retroactively to April 7, FEMA is blocking the export of various classes of PPE – including N95 masks and surgical masks “without explicit approval by FEMA.”

The new rule also provides that FEMA has the authority to redistribute scarce supplies of PPE.

The rule will remain in effect until Aug. 10, 2020, a sign of how long pandemic conditions may persist in the United States."
Always reactionary, never proactive. This should have been done months ago, helping prevent the shortage of supplies in the US.
So she is saying we where not supposed to help forgein countries to keep the virus in check there and not let it spread across the globe?
The report provides evidence that because this admin did not take the warnings about the virus seriously it allowed medical supplies to be exported............leaving the US woefully short of those supplies.
That's a bunch horseshit. Those reports are in hindsight. They are put together with at least a two week to two month lag. You're a hack.
That's a bunch horseshit. Those reports are in hindsight.
Hindsight? Trump being warned of an impending outbreak which began in Jan. allowed for plenty of time to ensure we weren't exporting medical supplies that would be needed here. Just for a few hours pull your head out of your ass and examine what is actually happening. You'll be amazed at what reality looks like.
That's a bunch horseshit. Those reports are in hindsight.
Hindsight? Trump being warned of an impending outbreak which began in Jan. allowed for plenty of time to ensure we weren't exporting medical supplies that would be needed here. Just for a few hours pull your head out of your ass and examine what is actually happening. You'll be amazed at what reality looks like.
Like I said before... you need context with your accusations. Go to what WHO was telling the world in mid Jan. about
the virus. Your reports are hindsight and omitting key facts.
That's a bunch horseshit. Those reports are in hindsight.
Hindsight? Trump being warned of an impending outbreak which began in Jan. allowed for plenty of time to ensure we weren't exporting medical supplies that would be needed here. Just for a few hours pull your head out of your ass and examine what is actually happening. You'll be amazed at what reality looks like.
I've looked at the timelines. Trump played it on the conservative side and was chastised for it by the press and even a few dems. some of the moves he made were called "too early" and it turned out that he was in fact correct and probably should have been more conservative. I did NOT see one fucking democrats step up and say "Shut down Travel from China" before he actually took action. Not one. Same with Europe and same with the other actions he has taken. He preempted all of them. NON of them had any ideas or spoke about what should be done, only criticizing after the fact (hindsight is 20/20). You're a fucking hack.

NOBODY was even talking about medical supplies in January! Wake the fuck up.
Once again democrats pretend that the U.S. is a monarchy because they hate the President. Where was the democrat majority in congress at the time? In early March the governor of NY and the mayor of NYC were telling citizens it would be racist to be concerned about catching the virus.
The import data that we identified and reviewed also reveal that the Trump
Administration failed to prepare for COVID-19 and to protect the health of Americans.
From January to February, when the U.S. should have been stockpiling medical supplies,
the value of ventilator imports dropped by more than 10 percent. The data shows a
similar pattern with PPE and cleaning supplies, which fell by 11.3%, over $161 million,
from January to February 2020, and N95 masks in particular, which fell by 14.2%.

Yeah, imports fell because China stopped filling the orders, that just proves that shit should be made in the US. You commies are fucking idiots.

The US can make most anything and better than many. Faster too. Ju$t get the number$ right. Look at WW2 response and production. Difference was THEN we made all our own shit.
That's a bunch horseshit. Those reports are in hindsight.
Hindsight? Trump being warned of an impending outbreak which began in Jan. allowed for plenty of time to ensure we weren't exporting medical supplies that would be needed here. Just for a few hours pull your head out of your ass and examine what is actually happening. You'll be amazed at what reality looks like.
I've looked at the timelines. Trump played it on the conservative side and was chastised for it by the press and even a few dems. some of the moves he made were called "too early" and it turned out that he was in fact correct and probably should have been more conservative. I did NOT see one fucking democrats step up and say "Shut down Travel from China" before he actually took action. Not one. Same with Europe and same with the other actions he has taken. He preempted all of them. NON of them had any ideas or spoke about what should be done, only criticizing after the fact (hindsight is 20/20). You're a fucking hack.

NOBODY was even talking about medical supplies in January! Wake the fuck up.
Yup....people were trusting what WHO was telling them. Berg uses leftwing hack sites to attack his president. (I think Trump is his president...not sure).
The import data that we identified and reviewed also reveal that the Trump
Administration failed to prepare for COVID-19 and to protect the health of Americans.
From January to February, when the U.S. should have been stockpiling medical supplies,
the value of ventilator imports dropped by more than 10 percent. The data shows a
similar pattern with PPE and cleaning supplies, which fell by 11.3%, over $161 million,
from January to February 2020, and N95 masks in particular, which fell by 14.2%.

Yeah, imports fell because China stopped filling the orders, that just proves that shit should be made in the US. You commies are fucking idiots.

The US can make most anything and better than many. Faster too. Ju$t get the number$ right. Look at WW2 response and production. Difference was THEN we made all our own shit.

Exactly, most of our shit didn't come by container ship for all over the world.

To me the problem was that despite correctly shutting down tourist and non-essential travel from China effective February 2 (which Fauci and other advisors advocated and publicly supported), Trump wasted all of February and half of March ignoring his epidemiology experts, who warned that the virus would not be stopped from crossing into our country.

Trump was President. He was receiving -- if not reading -- all the best intelligence. He should simply acknowledge he was mistaken in not earlier taking the issue more seriously, not checking on our preparedness, not mobilizing resources, not ensuring we had the right tests.

In December and January and even in the beginning of February, offering help to China was absolutely appropriate. By February, though, it was already crystal clear that we needed to act energetically ourselves, much as South Korea did.

This is not to say the virus would have been stopped with a bit more testing, or more masks. Under Hillary there would also have been screw ups. The virus would still have reached us. But "I take no responsibility" is the wrong answer. The right answer is "the buck stop here."
So she is saying we where not supposed to help forgein countries to keep the virus in check there and not let it spread across the globe?

So you support aiding China while we are being attacked by the virus (creating shortages here)? This was in FEBRUARY
The report provides evidence that because this admin did not take the warnings about the virus seriously it allowed medical supplies to be exported............leaving the US woefully short of those supplies.

Trade Data Suggest Lack Of Prep For COVID-19: Dem Report

Trade data suggest that U.S. exports of medical supplies surged when the administration should have been preparing for a domestic coronavirus outbreak, according to a new report by Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA).

“In February 2020, the value of U.S. mask exports to China was 1094.0% higher than the 2019 monthly average,” Porter’s report said. “In February 2020, the value of U.S ventilator exports to China was 292.2% higher than the 2019 monthly average.”

The report, which was released Monday, pointed to specific Trump administration policies — rather than just a general increase in foreign demand due to the spread of COVID-19 abroad — as being a potential reason for the spike in export value. The New York Times reported in early March that the Commerce Department was touting a temporary change in regulations that facilitated exports of medical supplies to China by American vendors.

“Whether export numbers reflect increased per-unit costs for Chinese buyers, or an increase in units sold, the bottom line is the same: a payday for a few companies, and huge costs for the rest of us,” Porter’s report said.
The report is available to read so everyone can draw their own conclusions.
Trump once bragged he could make money by running for POTUS.

If he hasn't already conjured ways to profit from this pandemic, that would be a real miracle:

The White House Pushed FEMA To Give its Biggest Coronavirus Contract to a Company That Never Had to Bid

"Last month, as a deadly new virus swept over the globe, one Canadian defense contractor predicted on an earnings call that it would lead to a big business opportunity in the U.S. Thanks to the White House, that bet paid off just a few weeks later in a $96 million no-bid deal.

"In an unusual move, even in times of disaster, the White House stepped into the federal purchasing process, ordering the Federal Emergency Management Agency to award a contract to AirBoss of America."
So she is saying we where not supposed to help forgein countries to keep the virus in check there and not let it spread across the globe?

No, she is saying that the Trump Administration did everything possible to profit from the outbreak in China, and to export medical supplies to China, and nothing to prepare or supply the American medical system for the pandemic, even though the rest of the world was busy making sure their hospitals were ready.

The US government didn't even place orders for masks or ventilators until the middle of March, by which time the WHO had already declared a worldwide pandemic. The first time Donald Trump took the virus seriously was when he announced that Mike Pence would lead the national response - in Mid-March.

The Trump Administration was initially warned that something was going on in China in December. Three months wasted in preparing and supplying the nation's hospitals. Other countries aren't having shortages of PPE's. Even Italy, which saw their medical system completely overwhelmed, the staff had PPE's.


That is why the USA leads the world in cases and those numbers continue to go up at an alarming rate.
You are completely delusional.
How many threads have you created about those two, Berg?
None. I've been too busy refuting the lies you folks have been writing about them.
The day you were writing up your name and avatar? You misspelled BORG. :laughing0301:

Said the poster who uses a word she made up for her user name. What exactly is a "beautress"? When I google a definition it comes up "buttress", which is an ugly support wall.
It is a French name handed down to me by my mother who wanted to honor her mother. The meaning if the word is outside your narrow range and means in "beautiful tresses." I was born with a head full of light brown curls exactly like my grandmother beautresses' hair. And yeah, it is associated with people so into life and the living that you can never kill their second-to-no one's love for the unborn babies we have been known to defend against all takers of beautiful American lives so demons like Nancy Pelosi can be shamed for her role in supporting the insanity of abortion against the founders of this free and proud country known as the United States of America. I've seen in my lifetime my grandmother reduce apelike bad people to people with willow switch marks on the backside of their naughty little legs in a corner, who go on to quote the Nowevil poem called See nowevil, hear nowevil, speak nowevil for the duration of their transformed little lives. :texflag:

It's such a lovely story and so full of shit. It's neither French nor English. "Beautiful tresses" in French are "les beaux cheveux". And then you toss in your bullshit anti-abortion crap and I know your just another English as second language member of the 1000 post a month club.
So she is saying we where not supposed to help forgein countries to keep the virus in check there and not let it spread across the globe?

No, she is saying that the Trump Administration did everything possible to profit from the outbreak in China, and to export medical supplies to China, and nothing to prepare or supply the American medical system for the pandemic, even though the rest of the world was busy making sure their hospitals were ready.

The US government didn't even place orders for masks or ventilators until the middle of March, by which time the WHO had already declared a worldwide pandemic. The first time Donald Trump took the virus seriously was when he announced that Mike Pence would lead the national response - in Mid-March.

The Trump Administration was initially warned that something was going on in China in December. Three months wasted in preparing and supplying the nation's hospitals. Other countries aren't having shortages of PPE's. Even Italy, which saw their medical system completely overwhelmed, the staff had PPE's.


That is why the USA leads the world in cases and those numbers continue to go up at an alarming rate.
You are completely delusional.

Once again insults but no rebuttal.
How many threads have you created about those two, Berg?
None. I've been too busy refuting the lies you folks have been writing about them.
The day you were writing up your name and avatar? You misspelled BORG. :laughing0301:

Said the poster who uses a word she made up for her user name. What exactly is a "beautress"? When I google a definition it comes up "buttress", which is an ugly support wall.
It is a French name handed down to me by my mother who wanted to honor her mother. The meaning if the word is outside your narrow range and means in "beautiful tresses." I was born with a head full of light brown curls exactly like my grandmother beautresses' hair. And yeah, it is associated with people so into life and the living that you can never kill their second-to-no one's love for the unborn babies we have been known to defend against all takers of beautiful American lives so demons like Nancy Pelosi can be shamed for her role in supporting the insanity of abortion against the founders of this free and proud country known as the United States of America. I've seen in my lifetime my grandmother reduce apelike bad people to people with willow switch marks on the backside of their naughty little legs in a corner, who go on to quote the Nowevil poem called See nowevil, hear nowevil, speak nowevil for the duration of their transformed little lives. :texflag:

It's such a lovely story and so full of shit. It's neither French nor English. "Beautiful tresses" in French are "les beaux cheveux". And then you toss in your bullshit anti-abortion crap and I know your just another English as second language member of the 1000 post a month club.
My Choctaw and Cheroke family ancestors and my Mayflower Pilgrim ancestors were likely here long before yours, which means my language skills date back thousands of years, and they're currently all-American. Wouldn't you like to have my all-A university report cards, Ms. Know-it-all Horse Trader.
It's such a lovely story and so full of shit. It's neither French nor English. "Beautiful tresses" in French are "les beaux cheveux". And then you toss in your bullshit anti-abortion crap and I know your just another English as second language member of the 1000 post a month club.
THAT was funny. Thank you for that
So she is saying we where not supposed to help forgein countries to keep the virus in check there and not let it spread across the globe?

No, she is saying that the Trump Administration did everything possible to profit from the outbreak in China, and to export medical supplies to China, and nothing to prepare or supply the American medical system for the pandemic, even though the rest of the world was busy making sure their hospitals were ready.

The US government didn't even place orders for masks or ventilators until the middle of March, by which time the WHO had already declared a worldwide pandemic. The first time Donald Trump took the virus seriously was when he announced that Mike Pence would lead the national response - in Mid-March.

The Trump Administration was initially warned that something was going on in China in December. Three months wasted in preparing and supplying the nation's hospitals. Other countries aren't having shortages of PPE's. Even Italy, which saw their medical system completely overwhelmed, the staff had PPE's.


That is why the USA leads the world in cases and those numbers continue to go up at an alarming rate.
You are completely delusional.

Once again insults but no rebuttal.
Your bullshit is so lame there is nothing to rebut. Mocking is all you rate.
My Choctaw and Cheroke family ancestors and my Mayflower Pilgrim ancestors were likely here long before yours, which means my language skills date back thousands of years, and they're currently all-American. Wouldn't you like to have my all-A university report cards, Ms. Know-it-all Horse Trader.
People been bullshitting you for your entire life and you just eat it up
So she is saying we where not supposed to help forgein countries to keep the virus in check there and not let it spread across the globe?

No, she is saying that the Trump Administration did everything possible to profit from the outbreak in China, and to export medical supplies to China, and nothing to prepare or supply the American medical system for the pandemic, even though the rest of the world was busy making sure their hospitals were ready.

The US government didn't even place orders for masks or ventilators until the middle of March, by which time the WHO had already declared a worldwide pandemic. The first time Donald Trump took the virus seriously was when he announced that Mike Pence would lead the national response - in Mid-March.

The Trump Administration was initially warned that something was going on in China in December. Three months wasted in preparing and supplying the nation's hospitals. Other countries aren't having shortages of PPE's. Even Italy, which saw their medical system completely overwhelmed, the staff had PPE's.


That is why the USA leads the world in cases and those numbers continue to go up at an alarming rate.
You are completely delusional.

Once again insults but no rebuttal.
Your bullshit is so lame there is nothing to rebut. Mocking is all you rate.

OK, let me know when't you're ready with the mocking. I'm keen to see what you come up with. Political Chic is the only practicioner of that art here and she's really bad at it.

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