This is another reason Democrats can't solve problems. This demonstrates why, THEY NEVER SEE THEM! El Paso spit-polished for President Biden's visit


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
As we expected, President Biden's handlers saw to it that their instrument never saw any problems in El Paso. Does anyone wonder why the Democrats cannot solve problems?
The fools don't know they exist!
As we expected, President Biden's handlers saw to it that their instrument never saw any problems in El Paso. Does anyone wonder why the Democrats cannot solve problems?
The fools don't know they exist!
You assume the Inflationary Groomers are there to fix problems, they are not. They are there to create more problems so people will turn to them for more "help", so they can create bigger problems

Wash, rinse, repeat.

It has always amazed me how someone like Commie Harris, who is in charge of the border, says the border is secure, and in the next breath blames the GOP for the border crisis.


People just can't get enough of her.
Want more proof that Joe Biden is the most useless President in the history of the country? We've got millions of illegals pouring across the southern border...thousands each day...yet President Potato Head visits the border AND HE CAN'T FIND ONE OF THEM TO TALK TO!!!

Go back to your beach house and take a nap, Joe! You're a joke!
“El Paso being cleaned up as if nothing unusual ever happened there. Just in time for Biden’s ‘visit to the border,'” tweeted the Border Patrol Union. “We suggest landing in Des Moines, Iowa and telling him it’s El Paso. He’ll never know the difference.”

The sad thing is the above quote is probably spot on...Joe WOULDN'T know the difference!
As we expected, President Biden's handlers saw to it that their instrument never saw any problems in El Paso. Does anyone wonder why the Democrats cannot solve problems?
The fools don't know they exist!
Where do all these people eat and take a shit
As we expected, President Biden's handlers saw to it that their instrument never saw any problems in El Paso. Does anyone wonder why the Democrats cannot solve problems?
The fools don't know they exist!
All anyone has to do is turn on Fox News and see what it looks like. Before and after. Do you think the Biden admin watches the news?
You assume the Inflationary Groomers are there to fix problems, they are not. They are there to create more problems so people will turn to them for more "help", so they can create bigger problems

Wash, rinse, repeat.

It has always amazed me how someone like Commie Harris, who is in charge of the border, says the border is secure, and in the next breath blames the GOP for the border crisis.


People just can't get enough of her.
I so wish you were 100% wrong. But, you are not.
All anyone has to do is turn on Fox News and see what it looks like. Before and after. Do you think the Biden admin watches the news?
Progs know what is going on. They would have to be ludicrously stupid to not know the issues. They let millions in the last couple of years for votes. They talk smarter when they want to. Especially when fooling the public.
Wow, you mean the city cleaned up when the President came?

I'm sure in Appalachia that would mean picking up the possum shit... Cities tend to do things differently, y'all.
Wow, you mean the city cleaned up when the President came?

I'm sure in Appalachia that would mean picking up the possum shit... Cities tend to do things differently, y'all.
Do you know what the term "Potemkin Village" refers to, Candy? What happened in El Paso prior to President Biden making his quick stop there is a perfect example of just that.
Wow, you mean the city cleaned up when the President came?

I'm sure in Appalachia that would mean picking up the possum shit... Cities tend to do things differently, y'all.
you might be right…the feds had to come in and clean up all their illegal aliens concentration camps for the cameras…far different then just a opossum. (also you might want to learn to spell the name of the animal…i am sure someone from Appalachia could teach you).
As we expected, President Biden's handlers saw to it that their instrument never saw any problems in El Paso. Does anyone wonder why the Democrats cannot solve problems?
The fools don't know they exist!
You really think he doesn't know this?

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