This is another reason Democrats can't solve problems. This demonstrates why, THEY NEVER SEE THEM! El Paso spit-polished for President Biden's visit

You really think he doesn't know this?
I don't believe he knows what day it is much less anything else going on around him. I pity him and blame his wife and other loved ones for taking such advantage of an infirm old man.

IF he does know what is happening on our border, obviously he doesn't give a tinker's dam.

Why do his handlers believe that this disaster is a good thing for America?
As we expected, President Biden's handlers saw to it that their instrument never saw any problems in El Paso. Does anyone wonder why the Democrats cannot solve problems?
The fools don't know they exist!
President Diapers is fully aware of the problem.
Wow, you mean the city cleaned up when the President came?

I'm sure in Appalachia that would mean picking up the possum shit... Cities tend to do things differently, y'all.
No, the city didn't, President Biden's handlers made sure he only saw what they wanted him to see. Disgusting.

Why do you believe that open borders, with millions of illegal aliens pouring into our country bringing in tons of illegal drugs which killed over 100,000 people last year alone? That's twice the fatalities during the entire Vietnam war.
Weird that a clean up took place before a presidential visit. That never happens. Derp.
Gee, Cats...I guess if Joe visited different places along the border on a daily basis we wouldn't have a crisis? Oh wait...that's not going to happen because Joe and the Democrats created that crisis and don't really give a shit about what it's going to do to the country! Care to take a crack at explaining what this trip was supposed to do? It obviously wasn't about Biden seeing what's REALLY happening at the border or he would have gone to Eagle Pass! Instead he goes to a city controlled by a Democratic Mayor who fixes things up before Joe gets there so it looks like things aren't really that bad! You do realize that those tent cities full of illegals will be right back as soon as Air Force One lifts off? You on the left created this mess and now you're pretending it's not happening. The long term consequences of this are going to be damaging to the country but you don't care because you think it will cement your political power.
Gee, Cats...I guess if Joe visited different places along the border on a daily basis we wouldn't have a crisis? Oh wait...that's not going to happen because Joe and the Democrats created that crisis and don't really give a shit about what it's going to do to the country!

Both parties have created the crisis over decades.

Care to take a crack at explaining what this trip was supposed to do? It obviously wasn't about Biden seeing what's REALLY happening at the border or he would have gone to Eagle Pass!

You would have to ask the Biden administration. I can only speculate it was to project concern over border crossings both domestically and globally. To encourage moral and asses equipment needs etc. Typical political bs.

Instead he goes to a city controlled by a Democratic Mayor who fixes things up before Joe gets there so it looks like things aren't really that bad! You do realize that those tent cities full of illegals will be right back as soon as Air Force One lifts off?

When I was in the Navy and docked in the Middle East we had the secretary of defense visit our ship. Days before the cost we were working around the clock, painting, scrubbing, pumping bilges etc etc. That is just what happens when dignitaries visit.

You on the left created this mess and now you're pretending it's not happening. The long term consequences of this are going to be damaging to the country but you don't care because you think it will cement your political power.
The left didn't create the mess alone. The right has controlled the government multiple times over the past few decades and they have passed no new amnesty laws or VISA laws.

Anyone who claims any single party is the problem is themselves part of the problem.
Both parties have created the crisis over decades.

You would have to ask the Biden administration. I can only speculate it was to project concern over border crossings both domestically and globally. To encourage moral and asses equipment needs etc. Typical political bs.

When I was in the Navy and docked in the Middle East we had the secretary of defense visit our ship. Days before the cost we were working around the clock, painting, scrubbing, pumping bilges etc etc. That is just what happens when dignitaries visit.

The left didn't create the mess alone. The right has controlled the government multiple times over the past few decades and they have passed no new amnesty laws or VISA laws.

Anyone who claims any single party is the problem is themselves part of the problem.
So you're claiming that under Trump we had a border crisis like we have now? That we had one under Bush? Under Reagan? We didn't have one under Bill Clinton. We didn't have one under Barack Obama!!! We have one NOW because of Joe Biden's policies! We have MILLIONS of unvetted illegals pouring across the border, Cats and it's become such a crisis that not even liberal Mayors in cities like New York, Chicago and Washington DC can cope with it!
The bottom line is that you can not have open borders and also have entitlements! That's simple common sense because you won't be able to pay for it! You also can't have open borders and a secure nation. That's also common sense! We have enough drugs flowing into our country at the moment to kill every man, woman and child here three times over! We've caught over a hundred people crossing the border that were on the terror watch list! How many do you think we DIDN'T get? If that doesn't concern you then to be quite're an idiot!
Both parties have created the crisis over decades.

You would have to ask the Biden administration. I can only speculate it was to project concern over border crossings both domestically and globally. To encourage moral and asses equipment needs etc. Typical political bs.

When I was in the Navy and docked in the Middle East we had the secretary of defense visit our ship. Days before the cost we were working around the clock, painting, scrubbing, pumping bilges etc etc. That is just what happens when dignitaries visit.

The left didn't create the mess alone. The right has controlled the government multiple times over the past few decades and they have passed no new amnesty laws or VISA laws.

Anyone who claims any single party is the problem is themselves part of the problem.
As for asking the Biden Administration ANYTHING about the border? Why would anyone bother? The Biden Administration lies about the border on a daily basis and you know it!
So you're claiming that under Trump we had a border crisis like we have now? That we had one under Bush? Under Reagan? We didn't have one under Bill Clinton. We didn't have one under Barack Obama!!! We have one NOW because of Joe Biden's policies! We have MILLIONS of unvetted illegals pouring across the border, Cats and it's become such a crisis that not even liberal Mayors in cities like New York, Chicago and Washington DC can cope with it!
The bottom line is that you can not have open borders and also have entitlements! That's simple common sense because you won't be able to pay for it! You also can't have open borders and a secure nation. That's also common sense! We have enough drugs flowing into our country at the moment to kill every man, woman and child here three times over! We've caught over a hundred people crossing the border that were on the terror watch list! How many do you think we DIDN'T get? If that doesn't concern you then to be quite're an idiot!
We don't have open borders.
We don't have open borders.
Oh, bullshit! Nobody believes that lie. Our borders are wide open. You come in. You turn yourself into the Border Patrol. They process you and then they put you on a bus or out onto the streets. Then there are the hundreds of thousands who sneak in because the Border Patrol is so busy "processing" illegals that they can't partrol the border!
Oh, bullshit! Nobody believes that lie. Our borders are wide open. You come in. You turn yourself into the Border Patrol.

That is not an open border.

Sadly those are the amnesty laws that need to be changed. I am sure Republicans in the house will get right on that.

They process you and then they put you on a bus or out onto the streets.

Yeah, amnesty laws suck.

Then there are the hundreds of thousands who sneak in because the Border Patrol is so busy "processing" illegals that they can't partrol the border!
They are not processing illegals if they are claiming amnesty but sure, our employers will hire them. Captialism in action.
What does that even mean? Other than you know I'm right and don't have a response?
It means if your going to claim that everything Biden says is a lie, what is their to debate?

You are going to shut down apposing views because "they lie". Derp.
It means if your going to claim that everything Biden says is a lie, what is their to debate?

You are going to shut down apposing views because "they lie". Derp.
"You do you." is an opposing view? Seriously? Did you want to GIVE an opposing view? Show how the border actually IS secure? I'd love to hear it.
That is not an open border.

Sadly those are the amnesty laws that need to be changed. I am sure Republicans in the house will get right on that.

Yeah, amnesty laws suck.

They are not processing illegals if they are claiming amnesty but sure, our employers will hire them. Captialism in action.
The word is "asylum".
And anyone with a brain knows the borders ARE open.
That is not an open border.

Sadly those are the amnesty laws that need to be changed. I am sure Republicans in the house will get right on that.

Yeah, amnesty laws suck.

They are not processing illegals if they are claiming amnesty but sure, our employers will hire them. Captialism in action.
The Biden Administration hasn't enforced the immigration laws we currently have on the books! Why would passing new ones change that? You on the left want amnesty for illegals. That's completely different then securing the border. If you give amnesty without securing the border then you are going to continue to have the crisis we're having right now! That's so painfully obvious it boggles my mind that you don't seem to see it!
Why would I give an apposing view? You have already decided it's a lie.
I have already decided that the Biden Administration lies on this issue every day, Cats. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and listen to you defend your claim that the border is secure. Let's hear it....
So you're claiming that under Trump we had a border crisis like we have now? That we had one under Bush? Under Reagan? We didn't have one under Bill Clinton. We didn't have one under Barack Obama!!! We have one NOW because of Joe Biden's policies! We have MILLIONS of unvetted illegals pouring across the border, Cats and it's become such a crisis that not even liberal Mayors in cities like New York, Chicago and Washington DC can cope with it!
The bottom line is that you can not have open borders and also have entitlements! That's simple common sense because you won't be able to pay for it! You also can't have open borders and a secure nation. That's also common sense! We have enough drugs flowing into our country at the moment to kill every man, woman and child here three times over! We've caught over a hundred people crossing the border that were on the terror watch list! How many do you think we DIDN'T get? If that doesn't concern you then to be quite're an idiot!
Cats is an idiot who uses trespassers; she has never denied that fact.
I have already decided that the Biden Administration lies on this issue every day, Cats. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and listen to you defend your claim that the border is secure. Let's hear it....
I didn't say the border was secure. I said it wasn't open.

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