This is disgusting

No one is "teaching" such a thing.
You are full of shiite, quit defending these social justice warrior teachers, who are not qualified to say anything about this, it is mental illness, which requires a gentle touch from a professional to walk these kids through what they are going through, Teachers leave those kids alone!
The only reason people even care about trans now is because they grouped themselves into the gay movement. Which is where the virtue signaling takes over.
But now these fucking freaks want to fuck with our kids


I think it is pretty obvious that the end purpose of this faggot/tranny grooming of children is to create gender-confused, developmentally-stunted, compliant prey, for homosexual child molesters. And anyone who supports this shit at any stage of it, is complicit in the physical sexual abuse of children that is the intended purpose behind all of this, as well as the severe and permanent psychological harm being done to these children, even if they don't end up being being victims of physical sexual assault.
This is some satanic garbage.

You are full of shiite, quit defending these social justice warrior teachers, who are not qualified to say anything about this, it is mental illness, which requires a gentle touch from a professional to walk these kids through what they are going through, Teachers leave those kids alone!
Defending them from what?

Your ignorance, credulity and hysteria?
Defending them from what?

Your ignorance, credulity and hysteria?
You are defending them being delusional idiots, trying to play mommy, and daddy, when they have no business doing anything but teaching. If I found out the teacher was hiding something from me about MY child, they are done, because they are causing mental harm to said child, by allowing them to live in a delusional state, kind of like people like you live in.

I think it is pretty obvious that the end purpose of this faggot/tranny grooming of children is to create gender-confused, developmentally-stunted, compliant prey, for homosexual child molesters. And anyone who supports this shit at any stage of it, is complicit in the physical sexual abuse of children that is the intended purpose behind all of this, as well as the severe and permanent psychological harm being done to these children, even if they don't end up being being victims of physical sexual assault.

Yep. see the two FAGS in ATL who were allowed to ADOPT. They actually farmed out the 11 yr old to other queers and damaged his rear end. GOVT missed another one.
You seem to be confusing your insane, fucked,-up, sexually-depraved delusions with anything that any sane person would recognize as science.

They are not the same thing at all. Not even close.
Kill yourself....You're an imbecile...

“Children who are born with atypical sex characteristics are often subject to irreversible sex assignment, involuntary sterilization, involuntary genital normalizing surgery,” a 2013 report from the United Nations special rapporteur on torture found, noting that they were left “with permanent, irreversible infertility and causing severe mental suffering.” Human Rights Watch has condemned such procedures.

Germany Must Allow Third Gender Category, Court Rules (Published 2017)
You are defending them being delusional idiots, trying to play mommy, and daddy, when they have no business doing anything but teaching. If I found out the teacher was hiding something from me about MY child, they are done, because they are causing mental harm to said child, by allowing them to live in a delusional state, kind of like people like you live in.
Are you qualified to diagnose delusion?

Tell me honestly....did you enable The Big Lie about the 2020 election?
Teachers should teach, and stay the hell out of that families business unless they are being physically abused, if that kid goes to a teacher, the teacher should simply stay the hell out of it,
Teachers are a huge part of kid's lives. They should be able to trust them.

You want to turn them into uncaring and soulless automatons. That's not what motivates teachers.

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