This is disgusting

As you claim, you find parents unfit whether they be scared of them for sexual abuse or for telling them they want to chop off their wing wang.

You think the state makes a better parent.
I don't find the parents anything. It's the kids who don't want their parents to find out. I assume that's for a reason.
I don't find the parents anything. It's the kids who don't want their parents to find out. I assume that's for a reason.
So the parents may be good parents? Then again, you don't know, do you, and neither does the school

But they are treated as if they are bad parents because they fear telling them about their child in case they react the "wrong way".

I could have sworn you just said children have more to fear from their parents than the school when it came to sexual abuse

You obviously think the state could raise them better.
Then I guess you are in favor of removing children from their parents and raising them by the state. They can all where Nazi uniforms and salute to the Furor.
The Nazi salutes to the furhrer is for conservative homeschooled kids.

So the parents may be good parents. Then again, you don't know, do you, and neither does the school

But they are treated as if they are bad parents after they find out.
There's a massive difference between being a good parent and being bad enough to have your kids taken away, so this entire argument is dishonestly simplistic.

Again, it's the kids who want this information kept from their parents. The school merely respects that wish. Kids would be in the best position to know.
The Nazi salutes to the furhrer is for conservative homeschooled kids.

So those who don't send their children to public schools are Nazis?
You do realize the Nazis ran government run schools so they could indoctrinate them, right?
There's a massive difference between being a good parent and being bad enough to have your kids taken away, so this entire argument is dishonestly simplistic.

Again, it's the kids who want this information kept from their parents. The school merely respects that wish. Kids would be in the best position to know.
Bottom line, you are prejudging parents to be bad parents by not telling them about their children wanting to change genders or have an abortion. You assume the state knows best and will protect them the best in both cases

Yes or no?
You fucktards can't figure out parents are responsible for their children, not the State.

If the government can prove abuse, then let the government have at it.

Trying to help your kid through peer induced gender confusion isn't abuse.
This isn't about helping kids. It's about a meaningless culture war and kids are nothing but pawns.

If the kids actually thought their parents wanted to help, they wouldn't be afraid to tell them.
Bottom line, you are prejudging parents to be bad parents by not telling them about their children wanting to change genders or have an abortion. You assume the state knows best and will protect them the best in both cases

Yes or no?
I'm not prejudging anyone. It's the kids who don't want their parents to be told.
This isn't about helping kids. It's about a meaningless culture war and kids are nothing but pawns.

If the kids actually thought their parents wanted to help, they wouldn't be afraid to tell them.
Children are afraid to tell their parents a great many things. Most of these fears are misplaced as the parents should know for their own good. But they are kids.

However, the schools are colluding with these judgements with the children.

You refuse to answer whether the schools are better parents in relation to whether their children change genders or have an abortion.


Meanwhile, a child can't get an aspirin from the school nurse without so much as a consent from their parents?

Does that make any sense to you?

I know of a parent who had a child get an abortion with the help of the school, and she died.

The parent was not notified and has not legal recourse.

Does that seem sane to you?

And what of the children who have changed genders and regret it?

You do realize they are out there, right? Why are we letting children make the decision to change sex when they are not old enough to even have sex?
I know for a fact 99% of Asian kids are paying attention, doing homework, making grades, not troublemaking etc. They are doing College level Calculus in early HS. China, Korea, Malaysia. Compare that to inner city BALT? or any US "inner city". I would say the US wake up before too late.....but that was before 2020 Election Fraud installed those working FOR the enemies of America. Rapid decline is now certain. There will be no "repair" or change of course. Your Vote is meaningless forever now. The rules are being edited, also.

Try giving a kid $10.03 to pay a $9.28 bill at a Burger King drive thru and watch them stumble around and hand you a giant handful of wrong change. hint for Leftist puke, its' 3 quarters back. A Grade school education should do ti.
their reality is they are what ever sex they were born as. externally they want to be another thus delusional.
Wanting to be something different than what you are isn't delusional. Should I reprint the definition?

If someone was born a male sex and thought they weren't born a male sex, that'd be delusional. That's not what is happening. They know that they're born a certain sex. They don't want to be that way.
Children are afraid to tell their parents a great many things. Most of these fears are misplaced as the parents should know for their own good. But they are kids.

However, the schools are colluding with these judgements with the children.

You refuse to answer whether the schools are better parents in relation to whether their children change genders or have an abortion.


Meanwhile, a child can't get an aspirin from the school nurse without so much as a consent from their parents?

Does that make any sense to you?

I know of a parent who had a child get an abortion with the help of the school, and she died.

The parent was not notified and has not legal recourse.

Does that seem sane to you?

And what of the children who have changed genders and regret it?

You do realize they are out there, right? Why are we letting children make the decision to change sex when they are not old enough to even have sex?
This isn't a choice between letting parents know or not letting them know. It's a choice between kids being able to trust their teachers or not being able to trust their teachers.

Take away the policy, the kids just won't tell the teachers and have a place where they feel safe. The parents still don't know if the kids don't want them to.
This isn't a choice between letting parents know or not letting them know. It's a choice between kids being able to trust their teachers or not being able to trust their teachers.

Take away the policy, the kids just won't tell the teachers and have a place where they feel safe. The parents still don't know if the kids don't want them to.
Sure, trust your teacher, not your fricken stupid.
Wanting to be something different than what you are isn't delusional. Should I reprint the definition?

If someone was born a male sex and thought they weren't born a male sex, that'd be delusional. That's not what is happening. They know that they're born a certain sex. They don't want to be that way.

Any nine year old kid does not know anything of that sort without some Adult loon coaching garbage into their head.

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