This Is for All Those Who Thought Biden Had an Ounce of Sanity

I think most of them are wating for the creation of a gender that really speaks to them, lass.

I mean, what with the way we have gone from just 2 to what?, like 56 of them today, just imagine the limitless possibilities the future has in store.
Still don't get peoples interest in other peoples sex life. I would be much more interested in there expertise & the kind of job they are capable of doing. Do agree she/he looks bad, but does that reflect on the job?
Still don't get peoples interest in other peoples sex life. I would be much more interested in there expertise & the kind of job they are capable of doing. Do agree she/he looks bad, but does that reflect on the job?

Transgender has nothing to do with physical sexual activity.
Shame on you. You must be far right!
Go get’em leftists!
I think it's more than odd. Do the democrats not realize how this looks to the rest of the country that isn't hard Left? Great, they'll get most of the 27% of the country that is solid blue but lose to the other 73% that thinks they are being ridiculous. This can't be good for their brand, they locked up the LGBTQ crowd but at what cost?
No, they don‘t realize how it looks. They are so blinded by their arrogance that they have convinced themselves that they are morally superior and far advanced of we flawed mortals.
If you are claiming being against "conversion therapy" being a science denier, you are completely wrong. Conversion therapy has long been recognized as quackery, and who to know better than Brinton, who suffered through conversion therapy for two years. While I believe one can call into question Levine's nomination, Brinton's background and skillset fit the job. MIT, specializing in nuclear waste fuel cycle and concentrating on disposal, well yeah, seems a good fit for the Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Secretary. Like "Duh Huh".

Look, I see it all the time in my professional life. Gay, and transgender people, leveraging their gayness or their gender identity in order to gain promotions in companies seeking diversity. Sometimes, it is obvious, that transgender people are faking it. But it is just as wrong to deny someone a position because of their sexual identity as it is to give them one because of their sexual identity. In both cases, productivity and growth are stifled.
You're wrong. It is absolutely correct to deny someone a position because of their "gender identity", because if like you> they think in terms of "gender identity" (which there is no such thing) they are nuts.

There is no such thing as gender identity, there is only gender, and there are only 2 of those. Critically important jobs in the federal government should be filled by normal people, not lunatics.
Still don't get peoples interest in other peoples sex life. I would be much more interested in there expertise & the kind of job they are capable of doing. Do agree she/he looks bad, but does that reflect on the job?
It reflects on the nation if this administration is putting mentally ill people in leadership positions.
That is totally backwards. First, Biden is far more intelligent than Trump. Sure, Biden is not the leader Obama was, Obama wasn't the leader Bush was, and Bush was not the leader Clinton was. Then there is all this total bullshit about how Biden has made tons of money due to his government service. Where is it? Does he have it buried in his backyard? Because when he was a senator his net worth was among the lowest of all the senators. He didn't even capitalize that much on his position as VP to the first black president. Sure, he has made money speaking and writing books, but nothing like some of his predecessors. Can you say Al Gore?

But it takes a total fool to work for Donald Trump, in any capacity. He will throw your ass under the bus at the drop of the hat. He will gleefully take credit for any of your accomplishments. He has proven this time and time again. He is, in no way, a leader. He is a self-absorbed, selfish, mentally ill ASSHOLE in the highest degree. I will go so far to say that I would not have made an appearance on his reality show if you paid me a million dollars. You know going in, even if you win, you are going to end up getting screwed at some point.

Trump needs one thing, and I hate to say it, and his father, who has been long gone, had no problem dishing it out to him. He needs an ass-whoopin. I mean he needs to be beat like a damn dog. The way he treats people, everyone, but especially his own children, is despicable. How the hell anyone can respect him is beyond my comprehension. I mean this man is more than willing to throw the Constitution away, run the country into the ground, lose all respect we have with nations abroad, simply to retain his place of power and sit on his ass watching FOX news and indulging in confirmation bias while flushing official documents that might make him look bad, down the toilet. Damn, makes one wish for the days when the biggest problem we had with our leaders was them getting a blow-job from an intern.
Now that you have dumped a pile of MSNBC horseshit on us, that you have obviously been DUPED and deranged by, here's the reality you missed, by watching that idiot station, instead of Newsmax, where you could/should/would have learned this >>

1. RECORD positive numbers on the economy, record highs in stock market, despite Covid shutdowns
2. stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, and reduced the amount of imports coming from China.
3. holding China accountable for cyber theft,
4. taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration,
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
12. highest median wage in US history .
13. Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE,
14. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases,
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
16. Signed Right-To-Try legislation,
17. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
18. Signed VA Accountability Act,
19. expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself),
20. United States was a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957,
21. withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord,
22. pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016,
23. made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces,
24. withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, 25. moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem,
25. protected Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court, 26. issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay,
27. MCA deal,
28. reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports
29. greatest number of heavily attended rallies in US history
30. net exports increased $59 Billion in 2018,
31. improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement,
32. we were BUILDING THE WALL.
33. provided quality detention centers for migrant children in Southwest Key Programs
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
35. Got Israel/UAE/Bahrain aggreement (the Abraham Accord), establishing Middle East peace
36. Defeated ISIS and killed their leaders incl. # 1 al Baghdadi.
37. Killed Iranian terrorist leader Sulemani.
38. Stopped domestic terrorist mobs by sending federal troops & National Guard
39. record of number of regulations cut, further boosting the economy
40. opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that),
41. rebuilt the US military to a $721 Billion/yr budget
42. increased wages for military personnel
43. Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that the president has done.
44. Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
45. the Navy hospital ships sent to New York,
46. the stimulus checks,
47. The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
48. opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
49. federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
50. travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
51. Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
52. fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
53. Created & signed the MISSION ACT, replacing the failed Obama Choice Act
54. Presided over the largest GDP growth (33.1%) in US history.
55. Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.

Damn right. I am an asshole. When you need an asshole, you contact me. Because sometimes, everyone needs an asshole. I call it like I see it, I don't hold anything back, and most of the time, I am spot on. In this case, I am going to proclaim your ass as both hypocritical and stupid. The defining characteristics of a Trump supporter.
You're lost.
If we let them get away with stealing another one, we will be almost as much to blame as they are.

I hope America's Hispanics (almost totally Catholic) are watching all this. Most blacks are quite Christian religious also. This can't be sitting well with them.
Party trumps morality for most minorities. They vote for Santa Claus even if he wears a dress
It reflects on the nation if this administration is putting mentally ill people in leadership positions.
This is a case where a mentally ill administration is putting other mentally ill people in leadership positions. And if they don't like saluting the stars & stripes, they could design a new flag that represents them. It could look like this >>
Here is Richard Levine, posing as a woman, and calling himself "Rachael Levine". Biden just appointed this nutjob to the second highest job in HHS, and made him a 4 star admiral in something.


Why any mother would let Levine near her kids is a mystery. But that question aside, Biden thinks the The Man in High Heels is just right for the job.
Said the leader of the party of science, which denies the biological reality of sex:

Really ? So we "need" to have a total lunatic teaching college students about psychiatry (Levine does) and giving medical treatment to children. WOW, is this country ever messed up right now.

Biden Appoints “Transgender” To Be HHS No. 2. And No Mean Jokes! - The New American

“President-elect” Joe Biden has appointed another transgender to his administration. ...

Why Rachel Levine is Still a Man

Richard Levine is still a man, despite calling himself Rachel Levine. He has X and Y chromosomes in every cell of his body, which can never change. He also, more than likely, has his family jewels intact. So despite popular opinion he is a man, not a woman.


And here are pictures of Sam Brinton, the looney tune drag queen that Biden just appointed to a top job in his Dept. of Energy, handling nuclear waste disposal.
Yes folks, this a MAN (sort of).......Gag!

Biden Appoints Gay Drag Queen Top Official for Nuclear Energy

Sam Brinton is a drag queen, a critic of gay conversion therapy, and an LGBTQ+ activist who has lectured on kink at college campuses and participated in interviews about fetish roleplay. A photo ta…




Appointing a science-denier to a top government health job — for which accepting modern science would seem to be required — is bad enough. But in November, Biden picked a “transgender” to oversee the transition team’s defense end, as The New American reported.

Biden Picks Transvestite for Transition’s DoD Review - The New American

Joe Biden, who has been declared “president-elect” by the media, is really woke about men who pretend they’re women, and women who pretend they’re men. ...

Here is Shawn Skelly Biden's Tranny Looney pick for the important DOD job, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness >>

Don't be deluded. This is a MAN folks >>


Joe Biden. :rolleyes: Will this country ever survive another year of this dude ?
I think you should consult your priest as a matter of urgency. You certainly have some xenophobia issues and paranoia.
Saying things like "Biden hasn't an ounce of sanity" is an out right lie. saying that is your personal opinion fine, even though have no idea how you could measure that down to the ounce.
The measurement is right there in the OP (as well as just about everything crazy/creepy Joe has done. If you "have no idea" you must have been living in a closet for the past year.
Still don't get peoples interest in other peoples sex life. I would be much more interested in there expertise & the kind of job they are capable of doing. Do agree she/he looks bad, but does that reflect on the job?
It reflects on everything. It can also be a disruption to other employees in the office, some of whom may quit, out of sheer DISGUST.
I think you should consult your priest as a matter of urgency. You certainly have some xenophobia issues and paranoia.
It is not xenophobia to recognize insanity. It is insanity (or stupidity) to not recognize insanity. That is YOUR issue.
You're just another hate filled ignorant red neck Republican .
Try and select a subject you are fluent with
Gender dysphoria is a mental-medical sickness that the far left queers deny exists. Instead they (radical homosexuals) call gender dysphoria 'normal' and are now teaching our children to be confused as to their natural born sex. This brainwashing procedure results in a population of groomed children susceptible to homosexuality. Remember, homosexuals cannot procreate with same sex partners therefore, they need to CREATE a young homosexual population from heterosexuals. In order to do this, they HAVE to either commandeer a uterus or plant confusing sexual signals into young teens so they can have a young population. This is how they 'procreate.' It's unnatural, immoral and should be illegal.
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