this is horrifying racism: Dunkin' Donuts worker calls police on student speaking Somali with family

Maybe not racism. That word is being overused now. More likely, its ignorance and stupidity. Some people need to be kept out of the public because they too moronic to be out and about and even working with said public.
They weren't told to stop speaking in their native language. They were told stop yelling. I can't blame the employee, Time and again black people, yelling at one another, have escalated into destroying the entire business.
^^^ I don't blame those who work there either. When someone creates a disturbance, not calling the law will only make the other customers get up and take their business elsewhere.

God bless you and the workers and their real clientele always!!!

Maybe the family was discussing in Somali about how they were going to rob the store and the employee understood Somali.
Just because they are minorities, doesnt give them the right to be loud and obnoxious. We hear different languages every day. No one is surprised by it. If she called the cops on every non English speaking customer, the cops would be there all day. Obviously they arent calling the cops over trivial shit all day, or we would know about it.
Somali isn't a race
there is NO proof it was racially motivated
....just like the Starbucks crap and most of all the other ''''''racial''' incidents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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