This is how you deal with mass public shooters....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Mass public shootings are the rarest of rare events in this country. In 2021 there were 6 individuals who walked into public places and murdered 43 people with guns. In 2020 there were 2, who murdered 5 people.

Addressing these acts is not the same as addressing criminals using guns for crime and violence in democrat party controlled cities. The two problems are completely different with two completely different solutions....

This is how you deal with the mentally ill people who use guns to commit mass murder....

Sounds like a good start. I wish him success in getting it passed.
"The waiting list for community services for people with mental health issues now sits at 3,000 statewide."

The assumption is that potential mass shooters are within the 3000 mentioned.

However, his budget only provides slots (beds?) for an additional 600 patients, at a staggering cost of $383,000 per patient.

That leaves 2400 potential mass shooters without 'behavioral mental health' services.

He should find out what medications those 3000 are on first. Maybe there's a cheaper solution.
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Revised red flag laws will help.
Friends, family, co-workers, etc, report a person they believe to be a potential risk; these people are apprehended and held in protective custody until they can convince a court thy are not a threat.

A disturbed person, see, it a threat to himself and others, regardless if he has a gun.
Revised red flag laws will help.
Friends, family, co-workers, etc, report a person they believe to be a potential risk; these people are apprehended and held in protective custody until they can convince a court thy are not a threat.

Guilty until you prove yourself innocent. This is how many women found themselves locked into asylums in the past.

A disturbed person, see, it a threat to himself and others, regardless if he has a gun.

I see Trump as a disturbed person.

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