This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?


The golden rule is about treating others right while alive.
It has nothing to do with health and death.
The golden rule is about treating others right while alive.
It has nothing to do with health and death.
Yes. Another perspective is that God does not need someone to be healthy in body and/or mind to love them. I know many teenagers who are very kind and gentle to teens in the special ed program. They befriend them and I know God blesses them. But as hard as they try, they do not and cannot love these special ed teens to the same extent they love many of their other classmates. For them to truly love these special ed kids, these kids need to be healed. The non-handicapped teens would gladly heal them if they could. And upon healing them, then they might truly love them.

On the other hand, true love can shine despite one's handicaps. In meditating on this, it is easy for one to wonder which group is truly handicapped--which group is truly in need of God's healing power.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.


do not confuse the gentiles with cabbalah-----keep the season in mind--
they got enough turmoil in their heads
just trying to fill their Christmas socks
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?


God does not destroy what He has created. That isn't God's nature. God cannot oppose His own nature.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.


do not confuse the gentiles with cabbalah-----keep the season in mind--
they got enough turmoil in their heads
just trying to fill their Christmas socks
Just curious here... do you even believe in God? Or are you just here for your own pleasure?
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.
How does that prove that Jesus is not consubstantial?
The golden rule is about treating others right while alive.
It has nothing to do with health and death.
Yes. Another perspective is that God does not need someone to be healthy in body and/or mind to love them. I know many teenagers who are very kind and gentle to teens in the special ed program. They befriend them and I know God blesses them. But as hard as they try, they do not and cannot love these special ed teens to the same extent they love many of their other classmates. For them to truly love these special ed kids, these kids need to be healed. The non-handicapped teens would gladly heal them if they could. And upon healing them, then they might truly love them.

On the other hand, true love can shine despite one's handicaps. In meditating on this, it is easy for one to wonder which group is truly handicapped--which group is truly in need of God's healing power.
Here is a slightly different perspective. We are told to love others as we love ourselves, right? So how do we love ourselves? We give ourselves the benefit of the doubt when we make mistakes. We should love others the same way.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.
How does that prove that Jesus is not consubstantial?

1) Because as the OP states as Jesus is claimed the All powerful then he'd be evil to carry that power and not use it as claiming to cure or eleviate death. It also makes him less then DR's and match the serpents promise in Genesis.
2) He was claimed consubstantial with Baal as the morning star (Rev 22:16)not with HaShem (Shalem)the Evening Star
(Dan 12:1-4).
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.
How does that prove that Jesus is not consubstantial?

1) Because as the OP states as Jesus is claimed the All powerful then he'd be evil to carry that power and not use it as claiming to cure or eleviate death. It also makes him less then DR's and match the serpents promise in Genesis.
2) He was claimed consubstantial with Baal as the morning star (Rev 22:16)not with HaShem (Shalem)the Evening Star
(Dan 12:1-4).
Ok then. So as far as you are concerned, Jesus is satan? Do I understand you correctly?

Exactly what faith do you practice?
Jesus was created as an adversary or contrary figure & didn't exist singularly historically, he's a created compiled image using a few martyrs who did exist along with other cultures mythologies including his mythological father Baal.

I am of God (reflection of), thus transcend all religions. But you like labels, so you'd call me Jewish, a Kohanim with a few popular Rabbis in my family line.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.
How does that prove that Jesus is not consubstantial?

1) Because as the OP states as Jesus is claimed the All powerful then he'd be evil to carry that power and not use it as claiming to cure or eleviate death. It also makes him less then DR's and match the serpents promise in Genesis.
2) He was claimed consubstantial with Baal as the morning star (Rev 22:16)not with HaShem (Shalem)the Evening Star
(Dan 12:1-4).
What is like to know before i reply
Jesus was created as an adversary or contrary figure & didn't exist singularly historically, he's a created compiled image using a few martyrs who did exist along with other cultures mythologies including his mythological father Baal.
24,000 written manuscript say otherwise.

I am of God (reflection of), thus transcend all religions. But you like labels, so you'd call me Jewish, a Kohanim with a few popular Rabbis in my family line.

You use label like it is a dirty word, the reality is that if there is a group of people who hold the same belief, then their dogma should have name. Knowing your beliefs is as helpful to me as your knowing my beliefs is helpful to you. It only seems right that we should know each other if we are going to have an honest discussion, don't you think? I am willing to wager that I hold a more favorable opinion of your people than you do of mine.
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.
How does that prove that Jesus is not consubstantial?

1) Because as the OP states as Jesus is claimed the All powerful then he'd be evil to carry that power and not use it as claiming to cure or eleviate death. It also makes him less then DR's and match the serpents promise in Genesis.
2) He was claimed consubstantial with Baal as the morning star (Rev 22:16)not with HaShem (Shalem)the Evening Star
(Dan 12:1-4).
Ok, so you are relying on an ancient text to know that Jesus was not consubstantial, right? Do you have any other basis for this belief?
This is incontrovertible proof that God is evil. God does not live by his own golden rule.

God kills when he could just as easily cure. This is irrefutable.

This is a clear violation of the golden rule. The golden rule as articulated by Jesus.

God then is clearly evil.

Do you agree with Jesus that anyone who breaks the golden rule is evil?



You just articulated why Jesus can't be God and why God can't be a man nor form.
It only makes sense if you teach the power and source of life as an Essence.


do not confuse the gentiles with cabbalah-----keep the season in mind--
they got enough turmoil in their heads
just trying to fill their Christmas socks

If you think that Christians do not know and study the Kabbalah, you are very much mistaken.
There are millions of us who do.
Some of the Kabbalah is in the Bible. Many Christians who study Jewish history also study the Kabbalah.
The two religion's are not all that very different, with the exception of Jesus.
Jews think he was a Prophet.
Christians believe he is the Son of God.
It's been one of the most heated dissusions between the two religions ever since Jewish Jesus and his Jewish deciples.
It continues to this very day.
Jesus was created as an adversary or contrary figure & didn't exist singularly historically, he's a created compiled image using a few martyrs who did exist along with other cultures mythologies including his mythological father Baal.
24,000 written manuscript say otherwise.

I am of God (reflection of), thus transcend all religions. But you like labels, so you'd call me Jewish, a Kohanim with a few popular Rabbis in my family line.

You use label like it is a dirty word, the reality is that if there is a group of people who hold the same belief, then their dogma should have name. Knowing your beliefs is as helpful to me as your knowing my beliefs is helpful to you. It only seems right that we should know each other if we are going to have an honest discussion, don't you think? I am willing to wager that I hold a more favorable opinion of your people than you do of mine.
quote:"24,000 written manuscript say otherwise."

This reply makes no sense, what's this supposed to mean without specifics and sources or meaning? You talk in blurbs to top post and bump posts, please talk with substance without such games and folly.

Regarding labels.
You have don't ask don't tell in the Military, yet you don't see how that would better be served with religion. If you all claim to be worshiping the same God then doesn't affiliation pride cause all the problems? Otherwise they have to admit when a religion spends millions converting people away from YHWH over to Jesus and slay over 50 million converting God worshipers to Jesus that Jesus is neither YHWH or other cultures definition of God.
Furthermore they all call the same name, you just don't see it through cultures use of that name changed with seperation of languages as the Torah said would happen.

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