This Is Just An Example Why You Should Never Send Your Money To People You Don't Know

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
It's because it sounds like these people are just scammers. I feel really bad for her gullible subscribers.

I give to charities and wll continue to do so G-d willing. Your point is duly noted but we also have to live without fear of our own shadow.
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The current trend is to authorize a charity to take about $20 out of your credit card every month forever. There are charities that do good work like Tunnels to Towers but I am reluctant to give out my credit card number.
Who the fuck sends money to someone you don't know, other than the irreparably stupid and gullible? Even charities can be graded. (I'll tell you who, those seeking salvation from God are the most scammed)

You get a pass if you're a senior citizen who has lived around decent people their whole lives and are not wise to these scams, but anyone less than 60 should already know better.
I givento charities and wll continue to do so G-d willing. Your point is duly noted but we also have to live without fear of our own shadow.
But a spirit of discernment is called for. If you give your money to scammers you take resources from those in need and enrich the dishonest people who run the scams, often as 'charities.' It doesn't hurt to be informed and wise.
It's because it sounds like these people are just scammers. I feel really bad for her gullible subscribers.

This is just one of thousands of similar scammers extracting money from the soft hearted gullible.

I have a friend, rather ex-friend now, who got involved in fan pages for various celebrities. The next thing we knew she advised us that she was in a romantic relationship with Anderson Cooper. We advised her that Anderson Cooper is openly gay but she said he assured her that he dabbled in that a bit in the past but he was straight now and he loved her. He took her for thousands.

Then she advised that Sam Heughan (Outlanders) had asked her to marry him. He has also taken her for thousands.

For awhile she was in a relationship with Yo-yo Ma the cellist. And Carol King has hired her as her road manager.

And most of the money she has sent to them because of people they said were in need.

I suspect 99% of those sad pictures we see on Facebook and elsewhere of a child in desperate need of an operation or whatever--please help if you can--are phony as a $3 bill and if you send in the money it enriches whatever scammer is running the scam.
It's because it sounds like these people are just scammers. I feel really bad for her gullible subscribers.

I forget, why am I supposed to spend 13 minutes listening to a guy talk to himself as he wanders through a department store talking about someone I never even heard of?
This is just one of thousands of similar scammers extracting money from the soft hearted gullible.

I have a friend, rather ex-friend now, who got involved in fan pages for various celebrities. The next thing we knew she advised us that she was in a romantic relationship with Anderson Cooper. We advised her that Anderson Cooper is openly gay but she said he assured her that he dabbled in that a bit in the past but he was straight now and he loved her. He took her for thousands.

Then she advised that Sam Heughan (Outlanders) had asked her to marry him. He has also taken her for thousands.

For awhile she was in a relationship with Yo-yo Ma the cellist. And Carol King has hired her as her road manager.

And most of the money she has sent to them because of people they said were in need.

I suspect 99% of those sad pictures we see on Facebook and elsewhere of a child in desperate need of an operation or whatever--please help if you can--are phony as a $3 bill and if you send in the money it enriches whatever scammer is running the scam.

That's sad, but unfortunately not unheard of.

I forget, why am I supposed to spend 13 minutes listening to a guy talk to himself as he wanders through a department store talking about someone I never even heard of?

Lol you don't have to, heck I never heard of her either. It just raises awareness about be careful of who you send your money too, although I too find it odd that he's wandering around a department store as he's talking about it. 🤣

TDS - Creepy Tits would talk about Trump in a cooking forum.

I agree but this isn't a cooking forum. Unless you're just making a point that he would talk about Trump anywhere and anytime.

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