This is not good news....


Active Member
Jul 22, 2013
In U.S., Fewer Young Adults Holding Full-Time Jobs in 2013

In U.S., Fewer Young Adults Holding Full-Time Jobs in 2013

Decline holds, regardless of education level

Fewer Americans aged 18 to 29 worked full time for an employer in June 2013 (43.6%) than did so in June 2012 (47.0%), according to Gallup's Payroll to Population employment rate. The P2P rate for young adults is also down from 45.8% in June 2011 and 46.3% in June 2010


I know 4% doesn't seem like a big number....but it is.

It's a gigantic number.

A 4% drop in young people working full time jobs over the past 12 months means one thing: The economy is not recovering.

Worst part is. It never was recovering. And all of this quantitative easing the Obama administration has been doing over the past 6 years has done nothing for the economy. In fact, all it has done is massively devalued the dollar and put the dollar in a very dangerous spot of losing its status as the world reserve currency and in addition to that, your paycheck is less because your dollars are worth less. You're losing purchasing power. In other words. You're becoming poorer and you don't even realize it yet.

Obama needs to come clean. Him and his democrat dregs need to stop misleading people by going around championing their job creation numbers, because those jobs are all part time and pay minimum wage.

That is NOT a job recovery. That's like a doctor putting a band aid on a torso with a deep gash caused by a machete and then releasing you from the hospital. You will bleed out and die and if you don't see a competent doctor.

Or in this case, serious leadership who's not in it to make themselves look good!

If Obama was a good president. If the democrats actually cared about the country. They'd stop faking a recovering economy and get serious about fixing it regardless if Obama's legacy is one of medocrity or forgetfulness.

He WILL have a legacy by fixing the economy. Gay marriage, social equality...these things is not what will give Obama a good reputation in the history books. Fixing a failing economy will. And he's failed to do that.

Obama will be remembered as a president who only cared about his image, not about actually helping the country.

What a disgrace.
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I think you are right in saying unemployment is a serious problem. It is. But this is a structual issue that is occuring world-wide, and doesn't necessarily relate to Obama's economic performance.

Two big factors facing us today are globalization (and its shifting of jobs to the cheapest markets), and the digital revolution that is replacing ever more work categories. The trends have been relentless, and that's why we are seeing a "recovery", in which there is growth and an increase in corporate profits, but job growth is still problematic.

Obama probably had little choice than to flood the economy with liquidity; to have done otherwise could have meant a return to the 1930s. Although, IMO, he would have been better off to also spread more money around within the working class, where it would have been better put to use.
Well...there's only so many nursing or engineering or accountant jobs available.

Pushing everyone into college was a bad idea. Now we have millions of people with degrees and only enough jobs to employ 10% of those people.

This "Educated Society" idea was a stupid idea. Pun not intended.

I don't have a college degree so I certainly feel the pressure out there and it's tough finding work. Skilled trades are IMO going to be the only way to guarantee people success, because there's enough of those kinds of jobs to go around.

Secondly, if this government passes amnesty we are done for. That instantly gives tens of millions of people the right to work jobs americans "do" want. No more mexicans mowing grass or working contruction. They'll be competing with us for those jobs that we want.

They better not pass this amnesty. If they do, then heads will roll.

First let me hope that you have gotten full emotional value out of the fit of funk.

In U.S., Fewer Young Adults Holding Full-Time Jobs in 2013

Decline holds, regardless of education level

"Fewer Americans aged 18 to 29 worked full time for an employer in June 2013 (43.6%) than did so in June 2012 (47.0%), according to Gallup's Payroll to Population employment rate. The P2P rate for young adults is also down from 45.8% in June 2011 and 46.3% in June 2010."

Worst part is. It never was recovering.

A correct analysis of the current employment market.

And all of this quantitative easing the Obama administration has been doing over the past 6 years has done nothing for the economy.
First, quantitative easing is a policy of the Federal Reserve, not the administration. But your illogical leap to assert that it had no effect on the economy is staggering. I suppose that having declared all monetary policy irrelevant, you will never in the remainder of your lifetime blame inflation on monetary policy?

And exactly what monetary policy did you recommend in 2008? What monetary policy do you recommend today? Deleverage the Fed?

In fact, all it has done is massively devalued the dollar and put the dollar in a very dangerous spot of losing its status as the world reserve currency and in addition to that, your paycheck is less because your dollars are worth less. You're losing purchasing power. In other words. You're becoming poorer and you don't even realize it yet.

A counterfactual. "Devalue" haws a specific meaning in international economics and by that definition, the dollar is not devalued. But I suppose you live in an alternate universe with its own dictionary? Since I'm convinced you know nothing of what you are talking about and parroting some blogger's talking points that neither you nor the blogger understand, I won't waste everyone's time debating whether there dollar is is debased (which I think is what you mean), depreciated, or devalued (three different concepts you undoubtedly thing as interchangeable as they are used only as perjorative terms). If you think you know what you are talking about, give me the numbers that support your position.

Obama needs to come clean. Him and his democrat dregs need to stop misleading.....

No need to quote the rest of your screed; it is devoid of evidence or argument.

I will extend you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are capable of a basic level of reasoning about economic matters and are not a robotic shill for batshit crazy ideology.

1. Do you favor breaking up large financial institutions that are "too big to fail"?

2. Do you favor vigorous anti-trust enforcement to prevent collusion?

3. Do you favor separation of insured commercial banking from risky investment banking?

4. Do you favor making esoteric financial devices proven to be systemically dangerous illegal to trade?

5. Do you favor a full-employment fiscal policy?

6. Do you favor restoring parity to the minimum wage and indexing it?

I doubt if you are, since you sound like a Judas goat for the middle and working class.
First let me hope that you have gotten full emotional value out of the fit of funk.

In U.S., Fewer Young Adults Holding Full-Time Jobs in 2013

Decline holds, regardless of education level

"Fewer Americans aged 18 to 29 worked full time for an employer in June 2013 (43.6%) than did so in June 2012 (47.0%), according to Gallup's Payroll to Population employment rate. The P2P rate for young adults is also down from 45.8% in June 2011 and 46.3% in June 2010."

Worst part is. It never was recovering.

A correct analysis of the current employment market.

And all of this quantitative easing the Obama administration has been doing over the past 6 years has done nothing for the economy.
First, quantitative easing is a policy of the Federal Reserve, not the administration. But your illogical leap to assert that it had no effect on the economy is staggering. I suppose that having declared all monetary policy irrelevant, you will never in the remainder of your lifetime blame inflation on monetary policy?

And exactly what monetary policy did you recommend in 2008? What monetary policy do you recommend today? Deleverage the Fed?

In fact, all it has done is massively devalued the dollar and put the dollar in a very dangerous spot of losing its status as the world reserve currency and in addition to that, your paycheck is less because your dollars are worth less. You're losing purchasing power. In other words. You're becoming poorer and you don't even realize it yet.

A counterfactual. "Devalue" haws a specific meaning in international economics and by that definition, the dollar is not devalued. But I suppose you live in an alternate universe with its own dictionary? Since I'm convinced you know nothing of what you are talking about and parroting some blogger's talking points that neither you nor the blogger understand, I won't waste everyone's time debating whether there dollar is is debased (which I think is what you mean), depreciated, or devalued (three different concepts you undoubtedly thing as interchangeable as they are used only as perjorative terms). If you think you know what you are talking about, give me the numbers that support your position.

Obama needs to come clean. Him and his democrat dregs need to stop misleading.....

No need to quote the rest of your screed; it is devoid of evidence or argument.

I will extend you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you are capable of a basic level of reasoning about economic matters and are not a robotic shill for batshit crazy ideology.

1. Do you favor breaking up large financial institutions that are "too big to fail"?

2. Do you favor vigorous anti-trust enforcement to prevent collusion?

3. Do you favor separation of insured commercial banking from risky investment banking?

4. Do you favor making esoteric financial devices proven to be systemically dangerous illegal to trade?

5. Do you favor a full-employment fiscal policy?

6. Do you favor restoring parity to the minimum wage and indexing it?

I doubt if you are, since you sound like a Judas goat for the middle and working class.

What a bunch of desperate drivel.

I'll admit, I don't hold a candle to you when it comes to ecnomics, but you don't need a degree in economics to see what's going on in front of you. All you need is a pair of eyes and a basic understanding of economics.

Just go down to the store and look at price tags. Everything is higher because the dollar has lost value. You can sit here and come up with all of these bullshit reasons as to why that's not the case but for the average american who's suffering. It is the case.

Fancy words doesn't make you right. I don't need a college educated dreg like yourself to tell me the sky is blue. I have eyes of my own.

Better hope this economy improves because dregs like yourself will serve the same fate as those degenerates in greece who were drug out of their homes or ran out of the country.
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The drop in full time employment for young adults is also caused by ObamaCare.
The drop in full time employment for young adults is also caused by ObamaCare.

It hasn't even gone into effect yet. It's more than just ObamaCare.

Its a fake recovery full of part time and minimum wage paying jobs.

That is a fact.
I did say "also"...and ObamaCare is in effect. We're already paying some taxes for it.
This is great news for Democrats. It is one more thing they can blame on Republicans in both 2016 and 2018.

You forgot to add "Booooooooooooooooooossssssshhhhhh".
Obama is doing all he can to crush the life out of the US economy. The 30 hour "work week" in Obamacare was intentional
I'll admit, I don't hold a candle to you when it comes to ecnomics, but you don't need a degree in economics to see what's going on in front of you. All you need is a pair of eyes and a basic understanding of economics.

Just go down to the store and look at price tags. Everything is higher because the dollar has lost value. You can sit here and come up with all of these bullshit reasons as to why that's not the case but for the average american who's suffering. It is the case.

Fancy words doesn't make you right. I don't need a college educated dreg like yourself to tell me the sky is blue. I have eyes of my own.

Better hope this economy improves because dregs like yourself will serve the same fate as those degenerates in greece who were drug out of their homes or ran out of the country.

You have managed to combined another self-indulgent funk with an anti-intellectual screed. You have no suggestions or program, only ridicule for those who do. Some people see the distress in America and try to alleviate it. You wallow in it.

And yes, I have a degree in economics. I've supported measures to make the American economy better for everyone since the early sixties. I've sought to learn and understand rather than be proud of willful ignorance. Your whining is pathetic. Either learn how to think and write effectively to formulate and defend a position or turn your skills to fantasy writing and romance novels where your ability to emote rather than reason would be appropriate. You're in the wrong forum.

I also have been self-employed (in the sense that I owned a majority interest in my businesses) for most of my business career, endured government regulation, met payrolls, and created actual jobs in the real economy, and did it without sniveling. It takes a Randian "capitalist" to justify their failures by reference to government, real businessmen just make it work.
I'll admit, I don't hold a candle to you when it comes to ecnomics, but you don't need a degree in economics to see what's going on in front of you. All you need is a pair of eyes and a basic understanding of economics.

Just go down to the store and look at price tags. Everything is higher because the dollar has lost value. You can sit here and come up with all of these bullshit reasons as to why that's not the case but for the average american who's suffering. It is the case.

Fancy words doesn't make you right. I don't need a college educated dreg like yourself to tell me the sky is blue. I have eyes of my own.

Better hope this economy improves because dregs like yourself will serve the same fate as those degenerates in greece who were drug out of their homes or ran out of the country.

You have managed to combined another self-indulgent funk with an anti-intellectual screed. You have no suggestions or program, only ridicule for those who do. Some people see the distress in America and try to alleviate it. You wallow in it.

And yes, I have a degree in economics. I've supported measures to make the American economy better for everyone since the early sixties. I've sought to learn and understand rather than be proud of willful ignorance. Your whining is pathetic. Either learn how to think and write effectively to formulate and defend a position or turn your skills to fantasy writing and romance novels where your ability to emote rather than reason would be appropriate. You're in the wrong forum.

I also have been self-employed (in the sense that I owned a majority interest in my businesses) for most of my business career, endured government regulation, met payrolls, and created actual jobs in the real economy, and did it without sniveling. It takes a Randian "capitalist" to justify their failures by reference to government, real businessmen just make it work.

Obama's Economic plan sucks mooseock, ATM's hurt the economy? What?

Putin is right: Obama is either an idiot or intentionally running down the economy
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I'll admit, I don't hold a candle to you when it comes to ecnomics, but you don't need a degree in economics to see what's going on in front of you. All you need is a pair of eyes and a basic understanding of economics.

Just go down to the store and look at price tags. Everything is higher because the dollar has lost value. You can sit here and come up with all of these bullshit reasons as to why that's not the case but for the average american who's suffering. It is the case.

Fancy words doesn't make you right. I don't need a college educated dreg like yourself to tell me the sky is blue. I have eyes of my own.

Better hope this economy improves because dregs like yourself will serve the same fate as those degenerates in greece who were drug out of their homes or ran out of the country.

You have managed to combined another self-indulgent funk with an anti-intellectual screed. You have no suggestions or program, only ridicule for those who do. Some people see the distress in America and try to alleviate it. You wallow in it.

And yes, I have a degree in economics. I've supported measures to make the American economy better for everyone since the early sixties. I've sought to learn and understand rather than be proud of willful ignorance. Your whining is pathetic. Either learn how to think and write effectively to formulate and defend a position or turn your skills to fantasy writing and romance novels where your ability to emote rather than reason would be appropriate. You're in the wrong forum.

I also have been self-employed (in the sense that I owned a majority interest in my businesses) for most of my business career, endured government regulation, met payrolls, and created actual jobs in the real economy, and did it without sniveling. It takes a Randian "capitalist" to justify their failures by reference to government, real businessmen just make it work.

You assume too much. I never started this thread with the intention of "solving" the problem.

Not directly atleast.

My original intention was to attack the leftist degenerates in washington who are doing damage to the dollars value by printing money. You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that printing trillions of dollars to "prop up" an economy is doing any good.

With the economic reports we're getting this "stimulus" has done fuck all nothing for the economy. All we've done at this point is devalued our currency for nothing.

I'm inclined to believe that you're nothing more than a kool-aid drinking shill with an opinion worth that of a pile of bird shit.

You assume too much. I never started this thread with the intention of "solving" the problem.

Not directly atleast.

My original intention was to attack the leftist degenerates in washington who are doing damage to the dollars value by printing money. You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that printing trillions of dollars to "prop up" an economy is doing any good.

Actually, he could. And he would be right. Our economy depends on the circulation of money, and the liquidity provided to banks helped free up credit, and keep things moving. The classic mistake of the great depression was the (initial) reluctance of government to get involved and spend some money to get things back on track. The great economist JM Keynes described this, and his theory was proven by subsequent actions. FDR was brutalized for suggesting even modest social programs and interventions in the economy. But when the biggest "intervention" one could imagine came along (WW2), with over the top spending, and a vast recruitment for government jobs, the depression was over within months- and it didn't return.

A trillion may seem a lot, but his sort of money flies about the world every minute today. The world bond market alone is worth about $80 trillion. Where Obama could have done better, IMHO, would have been to distribute more directly to workers, who would have spent it to greater effect than some large corporations are doing right now.

With the economic reports we're getting this "stimulus" has done fuck all nothing for the economy. All we've done at this point is devalued our currency for nothing.

Actually, the stimulus has helped. We've avoided a '30s style meltdown. And the US dollar is doing fine. It has not sunk in relation to other major currencies, and there is a healthy appetite for US treasury bills.

I'm inclined to believe that you're nothing more than a kool-aid drinking shill with an opinion worth that of a pile of bird shit.

I'll admit, I don't hold a candle to you when it comes to ecnomics, but you don't need a degree in economics to see what's going on in front of you. All you need is a pair of eyes and a basic understanding of economics.

Just go down to the store and look at price tags. Everything is higher because the dollar has lost value. You can sit here and come up with all of these bullshit reasons as to why that's not the case but for the average american who's suffering. It is the case.

Fancy words doesn't make you right. I don't need a college educated dreg like yourself to tell me the sky is blue. I have eyes of my own.

Better hope this economy improves because dregs like yourself will serve the same fate as those degenerates in greece who were drug out of their homes or ran out of the country.

You have managed to combined another self-indulgent funk with an anti-intellectual screed. You have no suggestions or program, only ridicule for those who do. Some people see the distress in America and try to alleviate it. You wallow in it.

And yes, I have a degree in economics. I've supported measures to make the American economy better for everyone since the early sixties. I've sought to learn and understand rather than be proud of willful ignorance. Your whining is pathetic. Either learn how to think and write effectively to formulate and defend a position or turn your skills to fantasy writing and romance novels where your ability to emote rather than reason would be appropriate. You're in the wrong forum.

I also have been self-employed (in the sense that I owned a majority interest in my businesses) for most of my business career, endured government regulation, met payrolls, and created actual jobs in the real economy, and did it without sniveling. It takes a Randian "capitalist" to justify their failures by reference to government, real businessmen just make it work.

Obama's Economic plan sucks mooseock, ATM's hurt the economy? What?

Putin is right: Obama is either an idiot or intentionally running down the economy

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Of course the economy is not better. For the finance industry and large corporations - it is CERTAINLY better. For the investment industry - it is outstanding. Two of the best years in Wall Street history occurred since 2008...thanks to the stimulus and government handouts to Wall Street.
But for everyone else - no. It is not better. In many cases things are worse now than in 2009.
Has there REALLY BEEN an enormous increase in the DOLLARS in existence?

I ask because it is clear that many of you believe this to be the case. Most of you also think that is the effect of the FED purchasing Bonds.

I'm not seeing this enormous increase in the total specie.

If I have missed it, I'd appreciate someone showing me those statistics.
You assume too much. I never started this thread with the intention of "solving" the problem.

Not directly atleast.

My original intention was to attack the leftist degenerates in washington who are doing damage to the dollars value by printing money. You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that printing trillions of dollars to "prop up" an economy is doing any good.

Actually, he could. And he would be right. Our economy depends on the circulation of money, and the liquidity provided to banks helped free up credit, and keep things moving. The classic mistake of the great depression was the (initial) reluctance of government to get involved and spend some money to get things back on track. The great economist JM Keynes described this, and his theory was proven by subsequent actions. FDR was brutalized for suggesting even modest social programs and interventions in the economy. But when the biggest "intervention" one could imagine came along (WW2), with over the top spending, and a vast recruitment for government jobs, the depression was over within months- and it didn't return.

A trillion may seem a lot, but his sort of money flies about the world every minute today. The world bond market alone is worth about $80 trillion. Where Obama could have done better, IMHO, would have been to distribute more directly to workers, who would have spent it to greater effect than some large corporations are doing right now.

With the economic reports we're getting this "stimulus" has done fuck all nothing for the economy. All we've done at this point is devalued our currency for nothing.

Actually, the stimulus has helped. We've avoided a '30s style meltdown. And the US dollar is doing fine. It has not sunk in relation to other major currencies, and there is a healthy appetite for US treasury bills.

I'm inclined to believe that you're nothing more than a kool-aid drinking shill with an opinion worth that of a pile of bird shit.


I agree. I've posted before that things are better now than they were around election time 2008 when everything seemed in free fall. Republicans think Obama is a disaster but do they really know that a republican would have done better? Austerity used in bringing economies out of recession doesn't have a very good track record so far.
Of course the economy is not better. For the finance industry and large corporations - it is CERTAINLY better. For the investment industry - it is outstanding. Two of the best years in Wall Street history occurred since 2008...thanks to the stimulus and government handouts to Wall Street.
But for everyone else - no. It is not better. In many cases things are worse now than in 2009.

Employment numbers would be better if there hadn't been so many layoffs of government workers across the land. There's no getting around the fact that republicans like paul ryan conspired on inauguration day in 2009 to stonewall and sabatoge anything the new president tried to do. Link below. They basically declared war on the U.S. economy, so maybe give them a little blame if you don't think thing are getting better.

Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » Frank Luntz, Paul Ryan, and the GOP Inauguration Night Conspiracy

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