This is not the baseball news I want to hear after such an enjoyable weekend

Have the same people tested again, by another doctor if possible. Especially since it is Florida and some want to politicize that state in particular.

Brazils president has been positive three different times now. A day after the third positive he retested himself and it came back negative. How is this possible with the apparent immunity? I don't trust the tests.
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

I want NBA cancelled so Ugly ass lebron cant win a title
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.

If they cancel baseball and football I will need to be in a bubble because I will be on the verge of SNAPPING THE FUCK OUT LOL
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble
I'm good with that, my Reds have no bull pen................again.

In fact, cancel baseball for about the next 5 years and then check back to see if they can field a half was decent team.
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble
I'm good with that, my Reds have no bull pen................again.

In fact, cancel baseball for about the next 5 years and then check back to see if they can field a half was decent team.

Hah, hence your name.

Votto might be the best ball player Canada has produced outside of Larry Walker. Just tied his record for a Canadian player for HR's in his first two games. He's loyal too, he snubbed Toronto efforts to get him, remaining loyal to the Reds basically because he felt he owed them for the opportunities they gave him.

I can respect that. If I were him, I'd do the same thing. Most who leave Canada for success rarely want to come back. In fact, I find it hard to name one that came back.

He's not as well liked now in Canada because we are sensitive to criticism especially from our own, however backhanded or even innocuous it was.
BREAKING: The Miami Marlins' season opener tonight has been canceled due to a COVID-19 breakout, according to @espn . At least 14 people, including players and coaches, have tested positive in recent days, sources tell ESPN.

Well? I Guess this is Great Douche Magic at work, then!

Great Douche failed on COVID and 150,000 died, so far. All blood is on the trumpster team hands.

So DOPers! Who will post first to have the MLB slow or stop testing first?
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Good, the kneeling scum need to go down, just all liars like you.
Wait until the league - meaning owners and players - realize that their income will be cut to zero pretty soon

the owners may be ok but the players have a lot of baby mommas to support
Good, the kneeling scum need to go down, just all liars like you.
No one is kneeling. As the game was canceled.
And if they choose to do so. Why does it matter?

U.S. Troops kneel all the time.


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BREAKING: The Miami Marlins' season opener tonight has been canceled due to a COVID-19 breakout, according to @espn . At least 14 people, including players and coaches, have tested positive in recent days, sources tell ESPN.

Well? I Guess this is Great Douche Magic at work, then!

Great Douche failed on COVID and 150,000 died, so far. All blood is on the trumpster team hands.

So DOPers! Who will post first to have the MLB slow or stop testing first?

Actually it was Cuomo and 5 other Dem led states that killed 95,000 of the US 150,000 total. The other 44 states that listened to the President have done very well with increased testing, more cases and way fewer deaths. Maybe its just a democrat problem
No one cares.....go home little millionaire ball players...we have gotten along fine without ya....

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