This is not the baseball news I want to hear after such an enjoyable weekend

Good, the kneeling scum need to go down, just all liars like you.
No one is kneeling. As the game was canceled.
And if they choose to do so. Why does it matter?

U.S. Troops kneel all the time.

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All of the strikes. The destruction of the game through the steroid era. The massive cheating that goes on. The lack of ethics and morals from Americans and the men from Central, South America and the Islands is a disgrace. Let baseball die. And let a new way arise. No more stadiums built on the taxpayer's back. Put any resources into the physical infrastructure of living areas.
You want to be outraged by idiots who use steroids and guys who hail from certain regions? You don't approve of athletes being paid lots of money for playing a game you could never have played as well? That's fine. Your choice. Tune out.

As for me, I enjoy the game. Sadly, it will end. I knew it was almost over years ago when they played with pink bats every Mother's Day for breast awareness.

I thought the decline would be slower. The covid panic ramped up the end. I'm a Tigers fan. Seeing Ron Gardenhire wearing a mask in the dugout tells me the end is very close. But I'm a fan, I'm an optimist. I will watch the little biddy 2020 season and hope that sanity prevails and there will be a next season.

Actually that's for breast cancer awareness.

Breast awareness needs no publicity.
As usual you missed the point. On the other hand, it is vaguely interesting to learn that you appreciate breasts.

I jest knows how ta reed, that sall.
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.

If they cancel baseball and football I will need to be in a bubble because I will be on the verge of SNAPPING THE FUCK OUT LOL
A 180 degrees difffererent than me.i will be the happiest man alive.
BREAKING: The Miami Marlins' season opener tonight has been canceled due to a COVID-19 breakout, according to @espn . At least 14 people, including players and coaches, have tested positive in recent days, sources tell ESPN.

Well? I Guess this is Great Douche Magic at work, then!

Great Douche failed on COVID and 150,000 died, so far. All blood is on the trumpster team hands.

So DOPers! Who will post first to have the MLB slow or stop testing first?

Have sex with under-aged girls and get COVID.
Now you can blame Trump.
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.

If they cancel baseball and football I will need to be in a bubble because I will be on the verge of SNAPPING THE FUCK OUT LOL
A 180 degrees difffererent than me.i will be the happiest man alive.

Well that's because you are gay and prefer not to watch sports and rather sniff dicks
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble
It’s stupid to even think about a baseball season this year and a contact sport like football,there shouldn’t even be discussions on having one this year same goes for hockey
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.

If they cancel baseball and football I will need to be in a bubble because I will be on the verge of SNAPPING THE FUCK OUT LOL
A 180 degrees difffererent than me.i will be the happiest man alive.

Well that's because you are gay and prefer not to watch sports and rather sniff dicks
Problem with your babble is I used to love the nfl and mlb before they became corrupt as they are now,I love watching the games from yesteryear when the nfl was not corrupt as it is now,that’s why I’m always buying the old classics over the net to keep me busy during lockdown.same with baseball,been watching the classics on the net,just got done Watching the cubs/Indians World Series,yeah not a classic but who can not get excited over a loveable team winning their first World Series in over a hundred years? Now getting ready to watch the classic 75 World Series.
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.

If they cancel baseball and football I will need to be in a bubble because I will be on the verge of SNAPPING THE FUCK OUT LOL
A 180 degrees difffererent than me.i will be the happiest man alive.

Well that's because you are gay and prefer not to watch sports and rather sniff dicks
Problem with your babble is I used to love the nfl and mlb before they became corrupt as they are now,I love watching the games from yesteryear when the nfl was not corrupt as it is now,that’s why I’m always buying the old classics over the net to keep me busy during lockdown.same with baseball,been watching the classics on the net,just got done Watching the cubs/Indians World Series,yeah not a classic but who can not get excited over a loveable team winning their first World Series in over a hundred years? Now getting ready to watch the classic 75 World Series.

It became corrupt?

I bet this balloons and the 2020 MLB Season winds up getting cancelled after all :rolleyes:

Yep, I think so too.
I think the same thing will happen with the 2020 College Football Season and the 2020 NFL Season.

Good that means bitch ass brady has to wait until he is 44 to play lol

I bet this balloons and the 2020 MLB Season winds up getting cancelled after all :rolleyes:

Yep, I think so too.
I think the same thing will happen with the 2020 College Football Season and the 2020 NFL Season.

Good that means bitch ass brady has to wait until he is 44 to play lol

Brady only went to Florida because Nick Foles did.

Foles owns his ass.
Good, the kneeling scum need to go down, just all liars like you.
No one is kneeling. As the game was canceled.
And if they choose to do so. Why does it matter?

U.S. Troops kneel all the time.

View attachment 367906

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View attachment 367903
All of the strikes. The destruction of the game through the steroid era. The massive cheating that goes on. The lack of ethics and morals from Americans and the men from Central, South America and the Islands is a disgrace. Let baseball die. And let a new way arise. No more stadiums built on the taxpayer's back. Put any resources into the physical infrastructure of living areas.
You want to be outraged by idiots who use steroids and guys who hail from certain regions? You don't approve of athletes being paid lots of money for playing a game you could never have played as well? That's fine. Your choice. Tune out.

As for me, I enjoy the game. Sadly, it will end. I knew it was almost over years ago when they played with pink bats every Mother's Day for breast awareness.

I thought the decline would be slower. The covid panic ramped up the end. I'm a Tigers fan. Seeing Ron Gardenhire wearing a mask in the dugout tells me the end is very close. But I'm a fan, I'm an optimist. I will watch the little biddy 2020 season and hope that sanity prevails and there will be a next season.

Actually that's for breast cancer awareness.

Breast awareness needs no publicity.
As usual you missed the point. On the other hand, it is vaguely interesting to learn that you appreciate breasts.

I jest knows how ta reed, that sall.
Good, the kneeling scum need to go down, just all liars like you.
No one is kneeling. As the game was canceled.
And if they choose to do so. Why does it matter?

U.S. Troops kneel all the time.

View attachment 367906

View attachment 367902
View attachment 367903
All of the strikes. The destruction of the game through the steroid era. The massive cheating that goes on. The lack of ethics and morals from Americans and the men from Central, South America and the Islands is a disgrace. Let baseball die. And let a new way arise. No more stadiums built on the taxpayer's back. Put any resources into the physical infrastructure of living areas.
You want to be outraged by idiots who use steroids and guys who hail from certain regions? You don't approve of athletes being paid lots of money for playing a game you could never have played as well? That's fine. Your choice. Tune out.

As for me, I enjoy the game. Sadly, it will end. I knew it was almost over years ago when they played with pink bats every Mother's Day for breast awareness.

I thought the decline would be slower. The covid panic ramped up the end. I'm a Tigers fan. Seeing Ron Gardenhire wearing a mask in the dugout tells me the end is very close. But I'm a fan, I'm an optimist. I will watch the little biddy 2020 season and hope that sanity prevails and there will be a next season.

Actually that's for breast cancer awareness.

Breast awareness needs no publicity.
As usual you missed the point. On the other hand, it is vaguely interesting to learn that you appreciate breasts.

I jest knows how ta reed, that sall.

DID you post say "breast awareness" or did it not?
Prediction: there will be no baseball or football season this year. I don’t know hockey is handling the pandemic, but if it’s the same way football and baseball is handling it they’ll be no hockey either. Basketball is the only one with a chance because they’re playing in a bubble

Hockey is being played in a bubble as well.

I'm not even that interested in hockey to be honest. Canada does that to people for some reason.

If they cancel baseball and football I will need to be in a bubble because I will be on the verge of SNAPPING THE FUCK OUT LOL
A 180 degrees difffererent than me.i will be the happiest man alive.

Well that's because you are gay and prefer not to watch sports and rather sniff dicks
Problem with your babble is I used to love the nfl and mlb before they became corrupt as they are now,I love watching the games from yesteryear when the nfl was not corrupt as it is now,that’s why I’m always buying the old classics over the net to keep me busy during lockdown.same with baseball,been watching the classics on the net,just got done Watching the cubs/Indians World Series,yeah not a classic but who can not get excited over a loveable team winning their first World Series in over a hundred years? Now getting ready to watch the classic 75 World Series.

It became corrupt?
Uh like yeah.the cheatriots being in scandal after scandal all the time not being true legitimate Super Bowl winners and the other owners not doing anything about it.uh yeah that sounds like corruption to the logical person.the fact the other nfl owners don’t demand they be stripped of all Super Bowl titles and playoff wins proves in spades how corrupt the nfl is now.

And let’s not forget all this bs relocation of teams leaving their city’s with their long history’s for shiny brand new stadiums.the rams,niners,chargers,and raiders.the rams leaving St. Louis was the only team that was justified in leaving being the only city that did not support their team with a stadium that looked like a ghost own on game day Sunday.Chargers,raiders,and niners,they filled the stadiums in their way in hell should they have been allowed to leave.thats fucked when these owners put shiny brand new stadiums ahead of history and tradition,these owners are so evil they have no loyalty to the fans.

I thought this relocation bullshit had finally stopped after the mid ninetys but obviously it has not.there has never been so many teams leaving sense then.back then Los Angeles lost first the rams and then the raiders,LA did not care about losing the raiders,they never supported them,Then cleveland lost the browns and Houston lost the oilers.thus is the first time sense then there has been this much bullshit relocation teams. I mentioned how the rams were the only team justified in leaving having the only city that did not support them,well same thing back in the ninetys.the raiders were the only team that was justified moving back to Oakland having no fan support in LA which is RAms territory.

The league makes all these nfl relocation rules they are supposed to follow and yet they don’t abide by them? That’s corruption at its worst everything I have talked about in this post,these owners are criminals who belong behind bars.
Miami's covid problem was easy to see happening a mile a way. When I saw the Phillies Marlins series I noticed some stupid stuff their players were doing and the first thought I had was this hard to break habitual behavior was gonna end up bad for the team.
They've been taking flights from major (higher risk) travel hubs then more closed quarters with buses.
It was a recipe for failure to prevent infections.

Kissing the foot of an metal idol worn around your neck on a chain or rubbing a Buddha belly is not gonna help you with this stuff, only the eyes of a living watcher who notices & see's what you are doing wrong can guide and correct your path.
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