This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

Tragically, it does not.

Our president is a demented (literally) fool who has no idea what's going on. So. The nation is run by crooked bureaucrats, like the IRS and FBI, who are putting so called "terrorists" in jail for basically no reason.

I have to resort to almost unbelievable schemes in my own country to get an ACTUAL safe, effective early treatment for a LEGAL drug rather than take a vaccine the gov SAYS is safe and effective but is neither. I walk around my house while I go through the days-long process to do this saying, "I can't believe this is my country"

I can't talk about this on social media because Gov Cabal says it's "misinformation"

Yahoos on this site are little nasty bootlicking authoritarians who think this is all great. Demented president, FBI jackboots, all of it


This is where we are now

I’ve been listening to Donald Trump‘s interviews with the Washington post for the new book that just came out. Trump is insane. There’s no question Trump is insane. He is living in an alternate reality of grievance, hate, and insanity.

He would be president today if he wasn’t surrounded by incompetents who would not do what they had to do to keep him in power.

And like everything else you believe, your claims about the vaccine and the preventative are laughable.
You don’t even realize how ironic that statement is, given that Republicans killed half a million people in their failed covid response and Trumpy didn’t care at all.
I dont call you a lefty loon for nothin :rolleyes:
You don’t even realize how ironic that statement is, given that Republicans killed half a million people in their failed covid response and Trumpy didn’t care at all.

I just looked it up. 26,000 Canadians died of covid because of their terrible response. 1.5 million people caught it.
So the communists have taken over the WH now.
Any Marxists amongst them?
What is the Difference?

Keep in mind, the goal of a Marxist is never Marxism and the goal of a communist is never communism

The reason despots gravitate to either is both demand 100% control over the populace in order for either to work. Then when they obtain power, oppress the people and make their lives a living hell, then the Marxists and communists come out of the wood work saying how they did not measure up to true Marxism and communism and really needs to be done right once again

Wash, rinse, repeat.
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What is the Difference?

Keep in mind, the goal of a Marxist is never Marxism and the goal of a communist is never communism

The reason despots gravitate to either is both demand 100% control over the populace in order for either to work. Then when they obtain power, oppress the people and make their lives a living hell, then the Marxists and communists come out of the wood work saying how they did not measure up to true Marxism and communism and really needs to be done right once again

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Go away you silly man. You're paranoid about a communist takeover.
It's never happened before when Democrat governments were in. You're still bitter about trump and scaremongering with threats. Grow up.
It has been a trend for decades. Nearly every republican I run into on a message board is an eccentric millionaire who is all too happy to talk about their alleged wealth but clams up immediately when they are asked anything about how they accumulated such wealth. One guy here swears he lives on dividend income. LOL...

Forget about anonymous people like me on message boards. The facts are that the working wealthy vote Republican. That is the demographic and it has been that way for decades. As income increases, up to a point which is well beyond what Democrats consider "rich" but below the "ultra-rich category", so does the likelihood of a person voting Republican. As income decreases so does the likelihood of a person voting for Democrats. This is exactly why the entire "hate the rich" movement was started by Democrats...they were the working or non-working "poor". Whether or not you believe me or anyone else on a message board is irrelevant. Both my wife and I work, don't live on a trust fund, but we are "rich" by Democratic standards, but we have been Republicans since before we were "rich" because we have never believed in taking money from the wealthy to provide freebees to the non-wealthy, even if we directly benefit.
Correct, it's not really happening. What part of Florida is this?

Yes Ray, there are or were some small scale protests in Cuba, and some counter-protests by people who support their revolution.
But it's dishonest to show pictures of larger protests in Florida and try to make that out to be Cuba. Stick to your utube vid that really is Cuba and represents the small amount of US support. The photo in the OP isn't.

Cuba's revolution is hugely popular with the people Ray and trying to pretend it's not isn't going to save America's cause.

China is moving in Ray, and US pressure against Cuba is being nullified.

Will America invade Cuba with military force?

You have no idea how hard I'm laughing out loud at you, fucking moron. Literally. Out loud. :lmao:

You are by far, the dumbest poster on this site. Here.... here's proof that photo was taken in America ... in 2010!

Are you ever not a fucking moron?​
Well done!
Which then begs the question on why they need to represent photos taken in Florida as being in Cuba?

Proof of US desperation over China winning the hearts and minds of the Cuban people?

The timing of Biden's waking up couldn't be more obvious. China's timing too as Americans are divided on anything Biden tries to do!
Well done!
Which then begs the question on why they need to represent photos taken in Florida as being in Cuba?

Proof of US desperation over China winning the hearts and minds of the Cuban people?

The timing of Biden's waking up couldn't be more obvious. China's timing too as Americans are divided on anything Biden tries to do!
"Why," you ask? Because conservatives are idiots who simply just don't know any better. They actually b'lieve the lies they are spoon-fed.
Yes Ray, there are or were some small scale protests in Cuba, and some counter-protests by people who support their revolution.
But it's dishonest to show pictures of larger protests in Florida and try to make that out to be Cuba. Stick to your utube vid that really is Cuba and represents the small amount of US support. The photo in the OP isn't.

Cuba's revolution is hugely popular with the people Ray and trying to pretend it's not isn't going to save America's cause.

China is moving in Ray, and US pressure against Cuba is being nullified.

Will America invade Cuba with military force?

Did you watch the video? Sure doesn't look like a "small" crowd to me. What upsets you is that the people of Cuba have had enough of living like that. It's the goal of your country and the left in ours to create a country like Cuba in which to live in. China is moving in with the blessings of our fellow Communists who are now unfortunately in charge of our country. But they better make it fast because the tides will be turning in a big way come 2022.
Did you watch the video? Sure doesn't look like a "small" crowd to me. What upsets you is that the people of Cuba have had enough of living like that. It's the goal of your country and the left in ours to create a country like Cuba in which to live in. China is moving in with the blessings of our fellow Communists who are now unfortunately in charge of our country. But they better make it fast because the tides will be turning in a big way come 2022.
I saw it as a small crowd in proportion to the the support of Cuba's revolution by the rest of the country. I saw Trump's support on Jan.6th. as something that was significant.

But we have to be cautious in judging either.
Cuba's because it's supposedly in its infancy and could grow, and Trump's because even a million angry people demonstrating, isn't representative of the country's lack of support of democracy.

If we're going to discuss anything Ray, you're going to have to come down to earth and back to reality. Frankly, I don't think you're capable of doing that.
I saw it as a small crowd in proportion to the the support of Cuba's revolution by the rest of the country. I saw Trump's support on Jan.6th. as something that was significant.

But we have to be cautious in judging either.
Cuba's because it's supposedly in its infancy and could grow, and Trump's because even a million angry people demonstrating, isn't representative of the country's lack of support of democracy.

If we're going to discuss anything Ray, you're going to have to come down to earth and back to reality. Frankly, I don't think you're capable of doing that.

You don't live here--I do. I know what the left is up to in this country and how they are working to bring the great experiment to it's end. Their plans are a single-party government forever which will quickly slip us into a Socialist state with Communism knocking on the door. This is what we on the right are trying to stop here.
You don't live here--I do. I know what the left is up to in this country and how they are working to bring the great experiment to it's end. Their plans are a single-party government forever which will quickly slip us into a Socialist state with Communism knocking on the door. This is what we on the right are trying to stop here.
The socalled 'great experiment' is coming to an end Ray and I won't argue with your placing of the blame. It just 'is'!

America's 'greedy' style of capitalism that supports huge income inequality, as well as overall inequality is a failure.

Trump's Jan.6th. rioters were the best illustration of that so far. They were there to bring down bad government, as Trump stated.

Trump's real personal motives would be the topic of another discussion.
We have some agreement so there's no need to introduce 'disagreements'.
The socalled 'great experiment' is coming to an end Ray and I won't argue with your placing of the blame. It just 'is'!

America's 'greedy' style of capitalism that supports huge income inequality, as well as overall inequality is a failure.

Trump's Jan.6th. rioters were the best illustration of that so far. They were there to bring down bad government, as Trump stated.

Trump's real personal motives would be the topic of another discussion.
We have some agreement so there's no need to introduce 'disagreements'.

Nothing is ending as long as there's enough real Americans to fight them. Our greedy style of capitalism is what made us the strongest and wealthiest country in the world in just a few hundred years, especially compared to places that have been the same for thousands.

Wealth and poverty are a choice in this country, not a decision by government or society. If money isn't important to you, work menial jobs the rest of your life and not get paid well. If money is important to you, learn a trade or profession, start your own business, invest every dime you have instead of buying the newest iPhone or satellite package that comes out. If you don't like money going to the top, stop sending them your money, because nearly every American does that several times a week, and some bitch about the money going to the top even though they are the people sending it there.
Nothing is ending as long as there's enough real Americans to fight them.

I can't see any chance of winning with Trump's leadership.
If it doesn't end then at least it's going to have to change.

You've lost any sense of direction that could make your comments important enough for me to take notice Ray.

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