this is proof of God?

Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.

If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

The universe is eternal and infinite. The Big Bang was only one of many such events in an ongoing cycle. However the nature of the Big Bang is such that it acts like a wall obstructing our ability to know what existed before it happened. It wiped the slate clean so it is our knowledge that doesn't exist prior the Big Bang.

Cyclic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You demand answers to your juvenile questions, yet you post bullshit like this?
There was a "beginning". An ultimate point of time where the universe, earth was created. God is not a created Being but an Eternal being. He always was, is and will be. He exists outside of creation and time. He created the Heavens and Earth. The Giant Smoking gun is us and nature and creation right under our very noses. If that isn't "proof of God", what is?

Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.

If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

One of the great mysteries.
It is so very easy, and something that NO ONE will even address here.
After 2000 years we knew the exact day that Israel would become a nation. < prophesy
IN ONE DAY it existed. <prophesy
Israel will be fruitful. <prophesy

I know who will make the first move against Israel, and why. Do you?
I'll match God's ability to see the end from the beginning to yours.
You tell me who will win the Superbowl this year. And throw in the score......
I'll tell you what is going to happen to Damascus. :eusa_shhh:

Please point to the chapter and verse which states that Israel will, on May 14, 1948, become an independent nation.

I must have missed that one. :dunno:

Believe it or not, I can actually point to that one, not that you would believe it if I did.

If you say that the King James Bible states May 14, 1948, I'm gonna call bullshit.

If you want to 'interpret' a quote or two from one of the ancient stories and try to sell me on how it points to May 14, 1948, knock your self out.

News for you: Are you kidding? OK. Where did GOD come from? He- she- it THEY just ALWAYS existed perhaps? Well, perhaps, the Universe always existed and didn't need a creator. Or, perhaps, it pulled itself out of the eternal abyss like GOD did by its eternal bootstraps? Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Science is based on observation, religion is based emotion. So, next time you fire up your car, or your computer and post here , thank science. What is that last thing religion did for you?

What is that last thing religion did for you? Well, I do believe in God -although I don't go to church. I think that once my car,computer and myself are gone, I'd like to think my conscience goes somewhere, and that's a feeling all of the science in the world will never rid me of. I'd rather go through life happily thinking that life is eternal than spend my life thinking that when it's over it's over, because that would be an incredibly shallow existence if that were the case.

Many people think in the opposite manner, myself included.

I see life as having an end, I want to make the most of the time I have. I want to be the best person I can be in the short ride that is life.
Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.

If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

One of the great mysteries.

I think a lot of people misconstrue the big bang to be an unadulterated fact. It's only a theory.

Who's to say this universe wasn't created from a big bang, but the bang came from an even larger universe, and in essence was barely a blip on the radar?

There's no way for us to know that.
Please point to the chapter and verse which states that Israel will, on May 14, 1948, become an independent nation.

I must have missed that one. :dunno:

Believe it or not, I can actually point to that one, not that you would believe it if I did.

If you say that the King James Bible states May 14, 1948, I'm gonna call bullshit.

If you want to 'interpret' a quote or two from one of the ancient stories and try to sell me on how it points to May 14, 1948, knock your self out.


It would require you to do math, something I am sure you have no problem with. <<snort>>

Ezekiel 4:3-6
... Then take an iron pan, place it as an iron wall between you and the city and turn your face toward it. It will be under siege, and you shall besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel. “Then lie on your left side and put the sin of the house of Israel upon yourself. You are to bear their sin for the number of days you lie on your side. I have assigned you the same number of days as the years of their sin. So for 390 days you will bear the sin of the house of Israel. “After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of Judah. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year.
Believe it or not, I can actually point to that one, not that you would believe it if I did.

If you say that the King James Bible states May 14, 1948, I'm gonna call bullshit.

If you want to 'interpret' a quote or two from one of the ancient stories and try to sell me on how it points to May 14, 1948, knock your self out.


It would require you to do math, something I am sure you have no problem with. <<snort>>

Ezekiel 4:3-6
... Then take an iron pan, place it as an iron wall between you and the city and turn your face toward it. It will be under siege, and you shall besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel. “Then lie on your left side and put the sin of the house of Israel upon yourself. You are to bear their sin for the number of days you lie on your side. I have assigned you the same number of days as the years of their sin. So for 390 days you will bear the sin of the house of Israel. “After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of Judah. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year.

Ezekiel is some of the most unadulterated nonsense in the bible. I'm starting to think you are an unadulterated fruitcake.
You can't prove the existence of God to a skeptic (or anyone, for that matter). If you experience a miracle, the non-believer will reject it and try to explain it away (and claim that he did). God isn't going to perform a miracle for a non-believer, but those who have seen them know he exists and know his power. The non-believers will never know or see a miracle because God will not waste his time on someone who mocks him. Atheists are lost, and will always be lost. They are victims of their own cynicism.
Believe it or not, I can actually point to that one, not that you would believe it if I did.

If you say that the King James Bible states May 14, 1948, I'm gonna call bullshit.

If you want to 'interpret' a quote or two from one of the ancient stories and try to sell me on how it points to May 14, 1948, knock your self out.


It would require you to do math, something I am sure you have no problem with. <<snort>>

Ezekiel 4:3-6
... Then take an iron pan, place it as an iron wall between you and the city and turn your face toward it. It will be under siege, and you shall besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel. “Then lie on your left side and put the sin of the house of Israel upon yourself. You are to bear their sin for the number of days you lie on your side. I have assigned you the same number of days as the years of their sin. So for 390 days you will bear the sin of the house of Israel. “After you have finished this, lie down again, this time on your right side, and bear the sin of the house of Judah. I have assigned you 40 days, a day for each year.

Are those normal days or 'God' days? :eusa_think: Let's see... "A day is as 1,000 years..."

You may have to help me with the math you have in mind...

390 days (which are years) + 40 days (which are years) = May 14, 1948? :dunno:
You can't prove the existence of God to a skeptic (or anyone, for that matter). If you experience a miracle, the non-believer will reject it and try to explain it away (and claim that he did). God isn't going to perform a miracle for a non-believer, but those who have seen them know he exists and know his power. The non-believers will never know or see a miracle because God will not waste his time on someone who mocks him. Atheists are lost, and will always be lost. They are victims of their own cynicism.

It goes much deeper than that, S.J.

Being lost means not knowing where you're going.

During this journey down the path of the one life that we KNOW we get to experience, you hang tight to your 2,000 year old map and manual, I'll take Google.

See you on the other side.
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

I think you need to understand what the word "proof" means.

You do understand what faith is, though.
Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.

If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

The universe is eternal and infinite. The Big Bang was only one of many such events in an ongoing cycle. However the nature of the Big Bang is such that it acts like a wall obstructing our ability to know what existed before it happened. It wiped the slate clean so it is our knowledge that doesn't exist prior the Big Bang.

Cyclic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, you will claim the universe is "eternal and infinite" aka God, but deny God. LMAO!!
If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

The universe is eternal and infinite. The Big Bang was only one of many such events in an ongoing cycle. However the nature of the Big Bang is such that it acts like a wall obstructing our ability to know what existed before it happened. It wiped the slate clean so it is our knowledge that doesn't exist prior the Big Bang.

Cyclic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, you will claim the universe is "eternal and infinite" aka God, but deny God. LMAO!!

There is abundant evidence for the existence of the universe. Are you now saying you worship and pray to the physical universe rather than a supernatural being? Perhaps that might explain why none of your prayers are ever answered.
You can't prove the existence of God to a skeptic (or anyone, for that matter). If you experience a miracle, the non-believer will reject it and try to explain it away (and claim that he did). God isn't going to perform a miracle for a non-believer, but those who have seen them know he exists and know his power. The non-believers will never know or see a miracle because God will not waste his time on someone who mocks him. Atheists are lost, and will always be lost. They are victims of their own cynicism.

It goes much deeper than that, S.J.

Being lost means not knowing where you're going.

During this journey down the path of the one life that we KNOW we get to experience, you hang tight to your 2,000 year old map and manual, I'll take Google.

See you on the other side.
I don't think you understood what I was saying but that's okay. I know what I've seen and I know what I've learned. I know that most people will go through life blind, and except for the ones I care about, I'm content with them remaining blind.
You can't prove the existence of God to a skeptic (or anyone, for that matter). If you experience a miracle, the non-believer will reject it and try to explain it away (and claim that he did). God isn't going to perform a miracle for a non-believer, but those who have seen them know he exists and know his power. The non-believers will never know or see a miracle because God will not waste his time on someone who mocks him. Atheists are lost, and will always be lost. They are victims of their own cynicism.

So God had nothing to do with the miracle on the road to Damascus because he would never waste his time on a non-believer?
Atheists are now claiming the Universe is eternal? How so? So, how did the universe decide to engage in creation? Atheists ascribe Godlike properties to genes, the universe and everything else they can except for God.
It's not 'God' per se that I reject. It's the conflicting ancient stories describing God that I have problems with.
And that's several thousand years of real conflict with real bleeding, not just intellectual theological differences.
If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

The universe is eternal and infinite. The Big Bang was only one of many such events in an ongoing cycle. However the nature of the Big Bang is such that it acts like a wall obstructing our ability to know what existed before it happened. It wiped the slate clean so it is our knowledge that doesn't exist prior the Big Bang.

Cyclic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You demand answers to your juvenile questions, yet you post bullshit like this?

Your inability to comprehend the science involved does not invalidate the findings.

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