this is proof of God?

The universe is eternal and infinite. The Big Bang was only one of many such events in an ongoing cycle. However the nature of the Big Bang is such that it acts like a wall obstructing our ability to know what existed before it happened. It wiped the slate clean so it is our knowledge that doesn't exist prior the Big Bang.

Cyclic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You demand answers to your juvenile questions, yet you post bullshit like this?

Your inability to comprehend the science involved does not invalidate the findings.

Oh i forgot. Only atheists understand science. Yeah sure.
And that's several thousand years of real conflict with real bleeding, not just intellectual theological differences.

I would sit myself down and actually read the Bible from cover to cover. It is one book. It has an introduction running to Genesis 12:23 (diversity created), the story (God looking for a people who can survive the blessings!), and a conclusion beginning in Revelations 5:9 (diversity unified).
It is most certainly a demonstration of the corruption of language at the hands of philosophy and theology, that when anyone says 'proof of God' they are in fact offering nothing more potent than 'reasoned' argrument. That is probably because we have all been conditioned by history and tradition to presume that a literal proof is not possible. That single presumption could very well turn out to be the greatest mistake in human history! The real deal may now exist!

The first wholly new interpretation for two thousand years of the moral teachings of Christ has been published and titled: The Final Freedoms. Radically different from anything else we know of from theology or history, this new teaching is predicated upon a precise, predefined, and predictable experience of transcendent omnipotence and called 'the first Resurrection' in the sense that the Resurrection of Jesus was intended to demonstrate Gods' willingness to reveal Himself and intervene directly into the natural world for those obedient to His will, paving the way for access, by faith, to the power of divine Will and ultimate proof!

Thus 'faith' becomes an act of trust in action, the search to discover this direct individual intervention into the natural world by omnipotent power that confirms divine will, law, command and covenant, which at the same time, realigns our flawed human moral compass with the Divine, "correcting human nature by a change in natural law, altering biology, consciousness and human ethical perception beyond all natural evolutionary boundaries." So like it or no, a new religious teaching, testable by faith, meeting all Enlightenment criteria of evidence based causation and definitive proof now exists. Nothing short of an intellectual, moral and religious revolution is getting under way. To test or not to test, that is the question? And I've already started the TEST.

It's still all based on ancient stories that can no more be proven to be the "Word of God" than can the front page of the NY Times.

Still looking for ANY evidence of a God, outside of the claims made in the collective ancient stories.

And that's several thousand years of real conflict with real bleeding, not just intellectual theological differences.

I would sit myself down and actually read the Bible from cover to cover. It is one book. It has an introduction running to Genesis 12:23 (diversity created), the story (God looking for a people who can survive the blessings!), and a conclusion beginning in Revelations 5:9 (diversity unified).

It's not just about the ancient story commonly referred to as 'The Bible'.

The real conflict occurs when believers in one of the ancient stories cross paths with believers in a different ancient story. Monkeys can be both stubborn and stupid.
Oh i forgot. Only atheists understand science. Yeah sure.

Not necessarily, but many scientists are atheists.
True story! :thup:

Many scientists are believers as well. So what is your point?

I'll bet you a dollar that scientists who take any of the ancient stories seriously number less than 20% of the total.

My point is that education replaces faith in most Monkeys, it doesn't enhance it.

It's still all based on ancient stories that can no more be proven to be the "Word of God" than can the front page of the NY Times.

Still looking for ANY evidence of a God, outside of the claims made in the collective ancient stories.

Good luck. No light can shine through a mind that is sealed shut.

It's still all based on ancient stories that can no more be proven to be the "Word of God" than can the front page of the NY Times.

Still looking for ANY evidence of a God, outside of the claims made in the collective ancient stories.


We've proven that old ancient story of Sodom to be valid with the discovery of the planetary disk.
This is the devastation caused by what was recorded on that disk.:

Let's use the energy unit of 1 megaton of TNT (=4.2× 1015 Joules) to describe the energy of the impact. This is the energy one million tons of dynamite would release if it was exploded and is the energy unit used for nuclear explosions. The largest yield of a thermonuclear warhead is around 50--100 megatons. The kinetic energy of the falling object is converted to the explosion when it hits. The 10-kilometer object produces an explosion of 6 × 107 megatons of TNT (equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 12.4 on the Richter scale). The 1-kilometer object produces a milder explosion of "only" 6 × 104 megatons (equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 9.4 on the Richter scale).

Now the ancient story tells us:
Genesis 19:24
Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD out of the heavens.
And in addition to Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities of Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar were also set to be destroyed.
Now I need you to tell me how Sodom and Gomorrah are doing today, because God/ the ancient story said they would never be rebuilt. But that is just old men telling tales...... They are probably thriving in modern day right?

But more importantly, I know from the ancients why one of those cities survived the conflagration.

I need an evolved, modern scientist to tell me HOW one of those cities right in the middle, withstood the blast that wiped the others off the map. Odd that Zoar exists today, just like the ancients said.
Feel free to use science and modern technology to explain the anomaly.
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

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It's still all based on ancient stories that can no more be proven to be the "Word of God" than can the front page of the NY Times.

Still looking for ANY evidence of a God, outside of the claims made in the collective ancient stories.

Good luck. No light can shine through a mind that is sealed shut.

Luck! Now there's a religion I can get behind!
(Insert your preferred Deity here) knows I'm one of Momma's Luckiest little bastards!​

It's still all based on ancient stories that can no more be proven to be the "Word of God" than can the front page of the NY Times.

Still looking for ANY evidence of a God, outside of the claims made in the collective ancient stories.


We've proven that old ancient story of Sodom to be valid with the discovery of the planetary disk.
This is the devastation caused by what was recorded on that disk.:

Let's use the energy unit of 1 megaton of TNT (=4.2× 1015 Joules) to describe the energy of the impact. This is the energy one million tons of dynamite would release if it was exploded and is the energy unit used for nuclear explosions. The largest yield of a thermonuclear warhead is around 50--100 megatons. The kinetic energy of the falling object is converted to the explosion when it hits. The 10-kilometer object produces an explosion of 6 × 107 megatons of TNT (equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 12.4 on the Richter scale). The 1-kilometer object produces a milder explosion of "only" 6 × 104 megatons (equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 9.4 on the Richter scale).

Now the ancient story tells us:
Genesis 19:24
Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah--from the LORD out of the heavens.
And in addition to Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities of Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar were also set to be destroyed.
Now I need you to tell me how Sodom and Gomorrah are doing today, because God/ the ancient story said they would never be rebuilt. But that is just old men telling tales...... They are probably thriving in modern day right?

But more importantly, I know from the ancients why one of those cities survived the conflagration.

I need an evolved, modern scientist to tell me HOW one of those cities right in the middle, withstood the blast that wiped the others off the map. Odd that Zoar exists today, just like the ancients said.
Feel free to use science and modern technology to explain the anomaly.

And this guy swears by his God of the ancient stories that the ground "erupted from below" when the whole fire and brimstone thingy went down in S&G.

What makes sacred text 'sacred'? :dunno:

Does the survival over thousands of years of relatively accurate stories written about what amounts to a pretty spectacular natural disaster surprise us?

Some average story needed to be among the oldest recorded...
"Many died when the volcano blew its top... Film at 11:00!"​
"Dude!!! There were thriving Monkey cities in the Middle East that got NAILED with an asteroid!"​

Does the fact that the news reports and subsequent commentaries that survive from ancient times attempt to explain the unexplainable with God really prove that a God exists?

Really? :dunno:

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Then his God needs to come up with some proof. Mine did. The planetary disk is proof of the asteroid.
That it was divine is proven by the survival of one city right in the middle of the devastation.
It would be the equivalent of dropping an nuke in Manhattan and leveling the whole place except for Tiffany's.
Prophecy is the proof. The ancient stories are filled with it.
Some one knew thousands of years ago who is about to invade Israel. And that an Israel would exist. That the European countries would unite. The global imitative, the NWO.
Can you tell me about the state of the earth and the countries that inhabit it in the year 4,000?
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

The natural laws of nature such as physics, geometry, mathmatics and a logical mind that will explain anything and everything. To someone who has been brainwashed as a child and who doesn't have their shit together they need supernatural and imaginary explanations.

SUPERSTITION.....A Belief For Which There Is No Material Evidence

"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature" ~Dr. Albert Einstein~

"A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."
-~Albert Einstein~
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Then his God needs to come up with some proof. Mine did. The planetary disk is proof of the asteroid.
That it was divine is proven by the survival of one city right in the middle of the devastation.
It would be the equivalent of dropping an nuke in Manhattan and leveling the whole place except for Tiffany's.
Prophecy is the proof. The ancient stories are filled with it.
Some one knew thousands of years ago who is about to invade Israel. And that an Israel would exist. That the European countries would unite. The global imitative, the NWO.
Can you tell me about the state of the earth and the countries that inhabit it in the year 4,000?

Have you ever heard of a tornado that destroys a town except for one house? Is the lucky exception in these cases always, sometimes, or never belonging to a 'God fearing Monkey'?

The answer of course is 'sometimes'. Sometimes the house left standing is a house of God with stained glass windows, sometimes it's a house of God with prayer mats facing east, sometimes it's a meth lab... in other words, Luck goes to the random, and random fits the physical evidence examined and recorded after the events.

Miraculous or Luck?

Evidence of luck is not evidence of intervention by a Deity. I'm a great example... I'm one of the luckiest Monkeys to have had the pleasure of living a Sentient life on planet earth. For at least the last five years or so, I've been an open critic of human reverence for all of the ancient stories, not just The Bible. If God existed, taking me out with a lightning bolt would, if nothing else, give him a bit more street cred, yet here I sit in the middle of the lightning strike capitol of the world, publishing my true feelings about the ancient stories and the gods they describe with impunity.

Life is cheap on this living planet and the cheapest life of all on this world is human life - That's the historic fact.

Why did the miracles described in the ancient texts cease happening? :dunno:
Is it coincidence that the miracles stopped about the same time that documenting them accurately became possible?

:eusa_think: The Rabbis say that there is no such thing as coincidence, and I can kind of see their point.​

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