this is proof of God?

Documented physical medical evidence is not the same thing as selfserving miracles.

I suggested that you look into the process, not that you declare yourself an expert from afar.

Are you claiming that the process of verifying a "miracle" is not self serving? FYI the process is little more than declaring that something that currently doesn't have a scientific explanation to be a "miracle". How many "miracles" are rescinded after a scientific explanation is subsequently discovered?

Once again, I am suggesting you take a look at something. If you already know all the answers, and find yourself incapable of changing your mind just because facts contradict what you know, feel free to ignore my suggestion and continue to declare yourself an expert from afar.
There was a "beginning". An ultimate point of time where the universe, earth was created. God is not a created Being but an Eternal being. He always was, is and will be. He exists outside of creation and time. He created the Heavens and Earth. The Giant Smoking gun is us and nature and creation right under our very noses. If that isn't "proof of God", what is?

Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.
So true, and yet faith isn't called to blindness either.

Gen 12:6-7 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite [was] then in the land. And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.

God has had His issues with the inhabitants of His land, but it is His land. Thousands of years ago He gave the exact day that Israel would return to His land. And they did. He said He would do it in a day. He did.
It was a dump. He said He would make it rain and be fruitful. It has. They produce huge quantities of "fruit!"
And He said this time, no one will ever take it from the Jews again, because He would defeat their enemies this time.
He told us who He will be defeating, and His methods of warfare so that when we see it happen, we will know who is responsible for the victory.
He did give His word.
Faith would be believing that He keeps His promises.
Discernment is what you just did. Realizing why His promises come true. He gave His word.
Bravo to you. :)

I just don't understand how you can say this is proof just because Israel has not fallen. What if it did? Would that be an amendment to his word or something?

It is so very easy, and something that NO ONE will even address here.
After 2000 years we knew the exact day that Israel would become a nation. < prophesy
IN ONE DAY it existed. <prophesy
Israel will be fruitful. <prophesy

I know who will make the first move against Israel, and why. Do you?
I'll match God's ability to see the end from the beginning to yours.
You tell me who will win the Superbowl this year. And throw in the score......
I'll tell you what is going to happen to Damascus. :eusa_shhh:
I suggested that you look into the process, not that you declare yourself an expert from afar.

Are you claiming that the process of verifying a "miracle" is not self serving? FYI the process is little more than declaring that something that currently doesn't have a scientific explanation to be a "miracle". How many "miracles" are rescinded after a scientific explanation is subsequently discovered?

Once again, I am suggesting you take a look at something. If you already know all the answers, and find yourself incapable of changing your mind just because facts contradict what you know, feel free to ignore my suggestion and continue to declare yourself an expert from afar.

Feel free to make whatever assumptions keep you warm. However your failure to answer the questions posed is duly noted and will be treated accordingly.
I asked if there was a God, He said, "Yes", and I have tried not to question the subject much after that. Unfortunately He is not big on long conversations.
Are you claiming that the process of verifying a "miracle" is not self serving? FYI the process is little more than declaring that something that currently doesn't have a scientific explanation to be a "miracle". How many "miracles" are rescinded after a scientific explanation is subsequently discovered?

Once again, I am suggesting you take a look at something. If you already know all the answers, and find yourself incapable of changing your mind just because facts contradict what you know, feel free to ignore my suggestion and continue to declare yourself an expert from afar.

Feel free to make whatever assumptions keep you warm. However your failure to answer the questions posed is duly noted and will be treated accordingly.

I am not making any assumptions.
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

The "fact"(untrue) that you claim man has not created any life forms is irrelevent. Life started on this planet long before there was any oxygen other than that locked up in water and some minerals. By the time human beings had evolved the conditions that were right for the possibility of life forming were long gone a few billion years. What was claimed by some ignorant sand ni**ers 2000 years ago doesn't mean spit.
By some strange coincidence have have just enough rep points to start my own religion, so I will.

This is how it goes. If you look inside yourself, or however else you want to state it, and find God then God exists, otherwise he doesn't. No big deal either way. All the books in the world will not put God inside you. If you have a book that gives you a way to live that you find suits who you are, great, otherwise make it up as you go.

They won't have any problem putting that on the head of a pin. :D
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

The "fact"(untrue) that you claim man has not created any life forms is irrelevent. Life started on this planet long before there was any oxygen other than that locked up in water and some minerals. By the time human beings had evolved the conditions that were right for the possibility of life forming were long gone a few billion years. What was claimed by some ignorant sand ni**ers 2000 years ago doesn't mean spit.

I hope you are wrong, because science says we are evolving into stupid!
Dumb and Dumber: Study Says Humans Are Slowly Losing Their Smarts - US News and World Report
I can give you two proofs of God. One is that fact life exists and man cannot create it. The second and even more profound is the continued existance of the Jews. They should have been wipped out centuries ago and yet as in accordance with the Bible they will never cease to exist. God gave His word

I found this in someones profile.
I thought I would de-bunk it.
Scientists Create First Self-Replicating Synthetic Life | Wired Science |

And as far as the Jews, well that is not proof.

Can someone put more proof?

Weird, though, faith doesnt require proof. Thats why it is faith

Didn't read the article, did you?

They did not create life, the duplicated the DNA of existing life and inserted it into a cell.

Mommies and Daddies do not create life? :eek::eek::eek:
I asked if there was a God, He said, "Yes", and I have tried not to question the subject much after that. Unfortunately He is not big on long conversations.

How do you KNOW it was God? What is your evidence? Was the answer audible, did anyone else hear it?
So true, and yet faith isn't called to blindness either.

Gen 12:6-7 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite [was] then in the land. And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.

God has had His issues with the inhabitants of His land, but it is His land. Thousands of years ago He gave the exact day that Israel would return to His land. And they did. He said He would do it in a day. He did.
It was a dump. He said He would make it rain and be fruitful. It has. They produce huge quantities of "fruit!"
And He said this time, no one will ever take it from the Jews again, because He would defeat their enemies this time.
He told us who He will be defeating, and His methods of warfare so that when we see it happen, we will know who is responsible for the victory.
He did give His word.
Faith would be believing that He keeps His promises.
Discernment is what you just did. Realizing why His promises come true. He gave His word.
Bravo to you. :)

I just don't understand how you can say this is proof just because Israel has not fallen. What if it did? Would that be an amendment to his word or something?

It is so very easy, and something that NO ONE will even address here.
After 2000 years we knew the exact day that Israel would become a nation. < prophesy
IN ONE DAY it existed. <prophesy
Israel will be fruitful. <prophesy

I know who will make the first move against Israel, and why. Do you?
I'll match God's ability to see the end from the beginning to yours.
You tell me who will win the Superbowl this year. And throw in the score......
I'll tell you what is going to happen to Damascus. :eusa_shhh:

Please point to the chapter and verse which states that Israel will, on May 14, 1948, become an independent nation.

I must have missed that one. :dunno:
There was a "beginning". An ultimate point of time where the universe, earth was created. God is not a created Being but an Eternal being. He always was, is and will be. He exists outside of creation and time. He created the Heavens and Earth. The Giant Smoking gun is us and nature and creation right under our very noses. If that isn't "proof of God", what is?

No. It's just one theory about our creation that was penned over 2,000 years ago.

Why so many are willing to spend the one life that they know they get in pursuit of a promised afterlife that was dreamed up and discussed around ancient Middle Eastern camp-fires is the question to be asked. Especially in the light of there being zero physical evidence that any of the ancient stories is anything more than Monkey Imagination.

The 2,000 year old ancient stories are no more inspired by God than are the words you're reading on this page, and I defy anyone to prove otherwise.
I asked if there was a God, He said, "Yes", and I have tried not to question the subject much after that. Unfortunately He is not big on long conversations.

How do you KNOW it was God? What is your evidence? Was the answer audible, did anyone else hear it?

Other religions try to convince you that there is a God for you. Mine only says there is a God for me. If there is a God for you great, if not, no big deal. It is really just a choice you make. Like I said, no big deal.
Once again, I am suggesting you take a look at something. If you already know all the answers, and find yourself incapable of changing your mind just because facts contradict what you know, feel free to ignore my suggestion and continue to declare yourself an expert from afar.

Feel free to make whatever assumptions keep you warm. However your failure to answer the questions posed is duly noted and will be treated accordingly.

I am not making any assumptions.

Now you are deflecting instead of answering the questions.
There was a "beginning". An ultimate point of time where the universe, earth was created. God is not a created Being but an Eternal being. He always was, is and will be. He exists outside of creation and time. He created the Heavens and Earth. The Giant Smoking gun is us and nature and creation right under our very noses. If that isn't "proof of God", what is?

Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.

If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?
There was a "beginning". An ultimate point of time where the universe, earth was created. God is not a created Being but an Eternal being. He always was, is and will be. He exists outside of creation and time. He created the Heavens and Earth. The Giant Smoking gun is us and nature and creation right under our very noses. If that isn't "proof of God", what is?

Actually, scientists are pretty sure that there is not point in time where the universe began. The thinking behind that is kind of complex, and involves a lot of math, but it boils down to the fact that time is by product of the universe, and that, since nothing existed before the universe began, there is no time before that point either.

If NOTHING existed, how could SOMETHING come to BE?

The universe is eternal and infinite. The Big Bang was only one of many such events in an ongoing cycle. However the nature of the Big Bang is such that it acts like a wall obstructing our ability to know what existed before it happened. It wiped the slate clean so it is our knowledge that doesn't exist prior the Big Bang.

Cyclic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I just don't understand how you can say this is proof just because Israel has not fallen. What if it did? Would that be an amendment to his word or something?

It is so very easy, and something that NO ONE will even address here.
After 2000 years we knew the exact day that Israel would become a nation. < prophesy
IN ONE DAY it existed. <prophesy
Israel will be fruitful. <prophesy

I know who will make the first move against Israel, and why. Do you?
I'll match God's ability to see the end from the beginning to yours.
You tell me who will win the Superbowl this year. And throw in the score......
I'll tell you what is going to happen to Damascus. :eusa_shhh:

Please point to the chapter and verse which states that Israel will, on May 14, 1948, become an independent nation.

I must have missed that one. :dunno:

Believe it or not, I can actually point to that one, not that you would believe it if I did.

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