This Is Really Disturbing To See

I want to help those people who bought into the statements that there are no Nazis in Ukraine because there is a jewish president there.
As for the jewish president, it's simple - Nazism is not necessarily hatred only for jews, the German nazis also hated gypsies and the ukrainian nazis are all right with this, up to the murders of gypsies. The Japanese nazis, for example, were not anti-semites and even on the contrary planned to use jewish specialists who had fled Germany. Anyone can take the place of jews, the one who is most hated by financial capital, which is the real master of any nazis, russians, for example.
Sometimes they say that there are nazis in Ukraine, but there are few of them.
I want to give an example with the USA.
I read that there are couple of thousand of criminal gangs in the USA, white, black, mexican. Yes, we even can say that in some parts of cities they control the lives of those who live there. Does this mean that they influence the country's politics? Unlikely. And moreover, if the state suddenly decides to get rid of them, resolutely decides, then using the punitive apparatus, the police and the army(if necessary) it would be able to solve the problem of organized crime relatively quickly. At least for a while.

But let's imagine that one of the gangs won (by election or by force) and established its power, at the same time allowing all other gangs to operate openly. The number of gangs and bandits in them will certainly increase in this case, but even then, they would not make up the majority of the population.
Although, thanks to state propaganda and a new, bandit ideology, the ideas of bandits would have spread, especially among young people. And if anyone is dissatisfied, street gangs, legal ones, will now quickly explain to the dissatisfied that they are wrong. Sometimes with a fatal outcome for the dissatisfied.
And how convenient it will be to overcome economic problems, for example, in a competitive struggle!
A certain amount of money to the head of some gang and the competitor is eliminated from the "free market".
And if someone wants to bring bandits to justice, and even bring the case to court, the bandit's friends will appear in court and will be able to release their accomplices by force. And nothing you can do about it!
After all, the new ideology protects bandits!
Replace the bandits with ukrainian nationalist/nazis and you will get a picture of what was happening in Ukraine, where the nazis control the media, police and army. And if something like this happens in the country for a couple of decades, then do not be surprised if some patriots of the USA, who come to liberate their people from the gangster power, suddenly see that the population is not always happy with the liberators. After all, they are used to living under bandits somehow, but they don't like military actions...
So now cocaine addict Zelenskiy has to deal with history, and hunt down the activists. The closer he gets to his target, the closer he gets to the effeminates of CIA-MI6.
If Ukrainian activists named Omurbekov as Butcher of Bucha, above, Zelenskiy has credibility problem.
It's called "War".

People get killed in wars.

The most important spoil of war is the exclusive ability to write the history.

Until some liberal asshole comes along and re-writes to fit an agenda.

But nobody will pay to read it so that part has to be mandated and imposed on all those enrolled in The Federal Indoctrination (formerly called "Education") System.
In other words, folks...anyone going against lame stream media, insane liberals, refusing to comply to mandates and experimental drugs, think children should not be taught sex stuff, children should not be allowed to decide their sexual orientation before they even know what sex is, etc....are all nazi's.

And yet what's even more disturbing is there are still people on here who support Putin and think that he's one of the good guys.

West/Pro-Ukraine media tried to drop a name responsible for the massacre. The "Butcher of Bucha" is supposedly Omurbekov, but this is probably Ukraine-CIA-MI6 influenced, as we have shown on other threads. There is now two other names to go on which pro-Russian media says are the actual Bucha links, and closer to the nazi-dem POSPOTUS and his POS son for their Ukraine connections, would be the first name, Sergei Korotkikh, nickname "Malyuta" who is supposedly a close associate of former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov. The one supposedly ordering the shooting of civilians is Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich.

Beheading in front of a nazi flag:

Malyuta Charged with Murder
West/Pro-Ukraine media tried to drop a name responsible for the massacre. The "Butcher of Bucha" is supposedly Omurbekov, but this is probably Ukraine-CIA-MI6 influenced, as we have shown on other threads. There is now two other names to go on which pro-Russian media says are the actual Bucha links, and closer to the nazi-dem POSPOTUS and his POS son for their Ukraine connections, would be the first name, Sergei Korotkikh, nickname "Malyuta" who is supposedly a close associate of former Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov. The one supposedly ordering the shooting of civilians is Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich.

Beheading in front of a nazi flag:

Malyuta Charged with Murder

Keep spinning, Москаль

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