This is so much worse


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
This is so much worse
Watergate was about a third rate burglary and the subsequent coverup by the president. Many people went to prison but at its core, the whole thing now sounds so quaint. Quite simply, Mr. I Am Not A Crook was, indeed, a crook.

The Lewinsky affair was about a second rate blowjob and a diddle with a cigar. The meaning of a two letter word and that word's parsing played heavily. At its core our rogue president was proved to have been . . . a scalawag.

The Putin affair (or whatever it will come to be called) is about collusion with a national enemy. It is about letting agents of a foreign government into the highest and most secret inner workings of our government. There is, as yet, simply no telling how much of our national security has already been compromised and given to our sworn national enemy. When you stop and think about parallels, names like Benedict Arnold, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Aldrich Ames, and Robert Hanssen come to mind.

This is so, SO much worse. Russia allowed inside the White House. INVITED into the Oval Office while the US media was barred. Putin offering a conversation transcript to demonstrate what a sweet guy Trump is.

Chew on that for a while.
Sorry for you but any relation with another country is a relation with an "enemy". No matter how hard Putin tried and still tries to be your friend, he is your "national enemy" No 1. Ridiculous. Your list of "national enemies" has almost 7 billion entries.
This is so much worse
Watergate was about a third rate burglary and the subsequent coverup by the president. Many people went to prison but at its core, the whole thing now sounds so quaint. Quite simply, Mr. I Am Not A Crook was, indeed, a crook.

The Lewinsky affair was about a second rate blowjob and a diddle with a cigar. The meaning of a two letter word and that word's parsing played heavily. At its core our rogue president was proved to have been . . . a scalawag.

The Putin affair (or whatever it will come to be called) is about collusion with a national enemy. It is about letting agents of a foreign government into the highest and most secret inner workings of our government. There is, as yet, simply no telling how much of our national security has already been compromised and given to our sworn national enemy. When you stop and think about parallels, names like Benedict Arnold, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Aldrich Ames, and Robert Hanssen come to mind.

This is so, SO much worse. Russia allowed inside the White House. INVITED into the Oval Office while the US media was barred. Putin offering a conversation transcript to demonstrate what a sweet guy Trump is.

Chew on that for a while.

As a wise and deliberate person Mathew, I think you mean this COULD be so much worse. Considering the special prosecutor hasn't even sat down at his desk yet, it is ridiculously early to claim that it amounts to anything more than innuendo. Why don't we see what the SP frinds before we get carried away. Unless of course you want to be classified as a left wing nut job, or am I too late with that warning?
given to our sworn national enemy.
You are one of those people where you ask yourself "Is this person engaging in some sort triple reverse-absurdity unblind archpropaganda scheme, or are there really people in the world this fucking clueless?
The Lewinsky affair was about a second rate blowjob and a diddle with a cigar.

Mattie, you're obviously too young to remember that Clinton's impeachment had nothing to do with getting a bj in his office, defiling his marriage once again and disgracing the office of the presidency--during work hours while he was supposed to be working for the American people.

And it was two articles of impeachment. Not one.

President Clinton impeached - Dec 19, 1998 -

After nearly 14 hours of debate, the House of Representatives approves two articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton, charging him with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice.
Watergate was about a third rate burglary and the subsequent coverup by the president.
Watergate, at least the part of it that rose to the level of catalyzing Nixon's downfall and making him the "posterchild" for poor/shady political doings, was about the cover-up. The burglary is little but a historical footnote.

But, yes, the "Russia" matter has the potential to be considerably worse than Watergate. If it be so that Trump is indeed involved in the matter, that "Russia-gate" is a more significant erosion of American democracy should come as no surprise. After all, everything Trump aims to do is about being "bigger, better and more" than all who preceded him. I see no reason to think his predilection for excess should not extend to his failings as well as his successes.

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