This is so smart, everyone in Congress should do this

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Sure, its not a bad propaganda piece.

That is all it is though, a propaganda piece. Should other congress members create their own propaganda pieces? I do not see why they would not, it is a good idea.

I fail to see why I should really care though. For the most part, the one source on the planet I do not trust in declaring their congressional accomplishments is the congress members who are clearly going to propagandize the effort.

To top it off, this reads almost exactly like an EPR. Anyone familiar with that process and the resultant outcome should recognize how little connection with reality things like this have. She could also have done FAR better, there are better accomplishments her team could point to outside of 'knocking on doors' which is listed multiple times.
Are you guys ever going to get around to proving that? Because, like -- you haven't.
Yes, very soon. Meet the new District Attorney of Manhattan. Cy Vance is gone, along with his corrupt refusal to ever charge any of the Trumps, despite plenty of evidence.


Then there is also New York Attorney General Letisha James, close to filing indictments.
Yes, very soon. Meet the new District Attorney of Manhattan. Cy Vance is gone, along with his corrupt refusal to ever charge any of the Trumps, despite plenty of evidence.

View attachment 582971

Then there is also New York Attorney General Letisha James, close to filing indictments.
Ya, THIS time we are going to get em.

THIS time is not like the last 1000 times we said we were going to get any major political figure.
He hasn't even gone to trial yet. He just resigned. :laugh:
Which is why he is a bad example to prove your point. He is out of office, just like Trump. That is as far as these things go. They leave office and sign multi-million dollar deals to sell a book or do some other nonsense.
Everything she said is borderline retarded (she brags of spending other peoples money on shit that did nothing), but I find her sexy as hell. Those glasses do it for me.
She's listing things that are beneficial to those in need. This is a country of the people, by the people, and for the people, said Lincoln.

Our founders didn't create a federal government to provide those in need. They created a federal government to govern. If you want a federal government to provide for those in need, move to Cuba or North Korea. That's what they do over there.
Every Congresscritter, Democrat or Republican, should address their constituents with their achievements each year.

You can click the video to watch a few seconds. You won't get cooties.

No, we don't need to be lied to like they do all year to us. The most important address to the constituents is by Rand Paul, and it's totally ignored by the left and the media.

A common strategy by the left. Either that or post paywall sites.
Actually, no.

Twitter embeds used to show up on this site, even for those that had no account on Twitter, up till a few months ago. I think this is a marketing strategy to try to get folks to sign up and register memberships. I notice it is a new strategy they started after they gave Jack Dorsey the boot.

I can still post twitter links, and I can still see twitter videos on their site, I just can't see embedded stuff anymore, because I don't have an account there. All this happened nearly to the week that Jack Dorsey got banned from the site.

For instance, If I post this tweet, which had a million views, as a link, the whole forum can view it. Why? Because I know HOW TO do it so everyone can see it. I have explained, over and over how to do it, but folks either don't listen, or don't get it.
Pops up fine for me. I use Opera.
Ah, yup.

That's it, thanks. :113:

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,o1 a1-222.jpg

damn, in just two days? Think I'll just leave it be.
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