This is so smart, everyone in Congress should do this

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Ah, yup.

That's it, thanks. :113:

"The privacy benefits of Tracking Protection are now part of content blocking. When you see the shield in your address bar, content blocking is on. Currently, content blocking protects against certain types of trackers. Firefox is adding more privacy features to content blocking over future releases.
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View attachment 583002

damn, in just two days? Think I'll just leave it be.
interesting. Have not paid much attention but my browser claims 6 trackers blocked on this page ALONE. It is pretty pervasive online now, information is money.
Well, here you go, flacaltenn, WillHaftawaite. I start a thread about how it would be great for every Congresscritter to address their constituents at the end of the year, but does any conservative in this thread wish to comment on that? No, they want to troll, attack AOC, and derail. This is what I mean when I say there is no incentive to attempt discussion on this board. And you wonder why I just mainly post tweets now. If you wanted discussion you would make that clear and unambiguous. You don't. You want this.

Show me a thread where your compatriots, and you, don't do the same for threads started by posters on the Right.
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho baby..........Idiocracy is a prophecy.

Difference is which do you think is more regressive, Camacho was the 2nd smartest man in the world while biden has dementia and only says what's staged & written for him?

Not that easy is it.

lol...Well done....

Um, I think that Joe's time he was placed in the '74 Gremlin, with the giant phallic symbol on the roof, and the boulder hooked to the back in the Death

If he could Joe would order all crops be grown with Brondo....
Our founders didn't create a federal government to provide those in need. They created a federal government to govern. If you want a federal government to provide for those in need, move to Cuba or North Korea. That's what they do over there.
insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,
No, we don't need to be lied to like they do all year to us. The most important address to the constituents is by Rand Paul, and it's totally ignored by the left and the media.

Not surprised that you admire Putin's puppets.

The Senate’s resident wacko bird finds a new political family that shares his curious affinity for Moscow.

The unlikely, unholy alliance between Rand Paul and Donald Trump, one a libertarian iconoclast, the other the cancerous center of the Republican party, has cemented itself in golf games and frequent phone calls. “They’ll talk on the phone and Trump will go on about Bedminster and golf and whatever else is going on; and Rand will drop in his libertarian ideas,” a source close to Trump recently told Axios. “And Trump will laugh and say, ‘This guy’s crazy’ . . . They won’t even argue. He’ll let him speak his mind.”

Their friendship has manifested in a number of ways, including in Paul’s periodic abandonment of his principles to vote however Trump needs him to, and Trump’s apparent willingness to take Paul’s questionable advice. But while Trump’s affinity for Paul may, on some level, have been predictable—after all, they both love to needle Mitch McConnell—their friendship has recently veered in a less likely direction, as Paul comes to Trump’s defense on all matters Russia.
Not surprised that you admire Putin's puppets.

The Senate’s resident wacko bird finds a new political family that shares his curious affinity for Moscow.

The unlikely, unholy alliance between Rand Paul and Donald Trump, one a libertarian iconoclast, the other the cancerous center of the Republican party, has cemented itself in golf games and frequent phone calls. “They’ll talk on the phone and Trump will go on about Bedminster and golf and whatever else is going on; and Rand will drop in his libertarian ideas,” a source close to Trump recently told Axios. “And Trump will laugh and say, ‘This guy’s crazy’ . . . They won’t even argue. He’ll let him speak his mind.”

Their friendship has manifested in a number of ways, including in Paul’s periodic abandonment of his principles to vote however Trump needs him to, and Trump’s apparent willingness to take Paul’s questionable advice. But while Trump’s affinity for Paul may, on some level, have been predictable—after all, they both love to needle Mitch McConnell—their friendship has recently veered in a less likely direction, as Paul comes to Trump’s defense on all matters Russia.

So what's this prove and why did you bother posting it?
insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,

General Welfare is limited to those which are enumerated within.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Great idea, would help make voting easy if we could see what they actually done instead of just running there mouth & bad mouthing the other party. In life it is hard to achieve anything by being negative all the time.
Yes, very soon. Meet the new District Attorney of Manhattan. Cy Vance is gone, along with his corrupt refusal to ever charge any of the Trumps, despite plenty of evidence.

View attachment 582971

Then there is also New York Attorney General Letisha James, close to filing indictments.
Any. Day. Now.

Day 1873
You think that a Russian useful idiot is someone whom the American public should listen to.

He had nothing to do with Russia. That's brainwashing talking.

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg
lol...Well done....

Um, I think that Joe's time he was placed in the '74 Gremlin, with the giant phallic symbol on the roof, and the boulder hooked to the back in the Death

If he could Joe would order all crops be grown with Brondo....

I never tire of watching that movie, and it's one of my favorites. Today's music

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