This is so smart, everyone in Congress should do this

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You cannot differentiate between a concept - representatives addressing their constituents directly in a year-end video - and the example I used to illustrate what I mean.

That's really pathetic.

Even if they did, how many people do you think would actually watch it?
Well, let's see: the first witch hunt revealed that his campaign coordinated with Russian KGB. Another witch hunt revealed that Bill Barr lied about what was in the Mueller Report. A third witch hunt resulted in the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee concluding that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.

A bipartisan Senate report released Tuesday confirms the U.S. intelligence community's conclusions that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election to sow chaos. Senators warned that it could happen again this presidential election year.

The heavily redacted report from the Senate Intelligence Committee is part of the panel's more than three-year investigation into the Russian interference. The intelligence agencies concluded in January 2017 that Russians had engaged in cyber-espionage and distributed messages through Russian-controlled propaganda outlets to undermine public faith in the democratic process, hurt Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump.

Trump has repeatedly questioned the assessment, which was also confirmed by former special counsel Robert Mueller in his report last year. Mueller concluded that Russian interference was "sweeping and systematic," but he did not find a criminal conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Mueller did specify, however, several examples in which the Trump campaign was receptive to apparent efforts to help from Russian actors. In subsequent testimony, Mueller answered in the affirmative to a Republican lawmaker's questioning on whether he believed there was enough evidence to charge Trump with a crime — specifically, obstruction of justice — after the president left office.

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You're aware the Russia "meddles" in all our elections and for and against both sides. Just like we do. Are you really that much of a simpleton, to think that this is their first time or that the really care about which candidate gets elected? Putin may be many things but one of them isnt stupid. If they swayed the election in any way for Trump it was a gross miscalculation on their part. He was far harder on them and most foreign nations than anyone in recent memory. Here's another bomb. China "meddled in our election" too.....
You cannot differentiate between a concept - representatives addressing their constituents directly in a year-end video - and the example I used to illustrate what I mean.

That's really pathetic.

Really want to do this here? OK -- This is why you're supposed to discuss moderation with us in PM.. We don't want to EMBARRASS you with an audience present. But you INSIST -- SO ---

I confuse nothing. We give LARGE LEEWAY to what's on topic and surely the example YOU USED was ALL you gave as your "original content" in the OPost. That makes your link LITERALLY ALL POSTERS HAVE TO GO ON -- therefore -- it's on topic and VERY relevant.

If you wanted a more NUANCED discussion on a CONCEPT -- maybe you should have just DESCRIBED the approach and how you think it HELPED establish any truth or guidance to constituents.

Dont blame moderation for YOUR lack of clarity as to what the discussion should be about..

Any further discussion of this SHOULD BE in PM.
You're such a delicate snowflake that you have to block tweets?

Very on-brand for you. Here it is in text, from

Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have been subpoenaed by the New York attorney general as part of the probe into whether the Trump real-estate business manipulated the value of key assets Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. Subpoenaed in Asset Probe

I had no problem with the link. And I canceled my Twit account about a year ago. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Twitter is BLOCKING views and responses to posts by POLITICAL affiliation? Would be a trivial algorithm to implement. And it would spare AOC an ARMY of conservative trolls intent on ruining her "public relations" campaigns. I'd be surprised if this WASN'T the case given what we know about shadow banning and controlling discussion..

AOC probably has a Twitter screener censor ASSIGNED to her page.
Had 12 posts marked for deletion and gave up cleaning the thread. Convo got "circled back" from smart use of constituent messaging to multiple topics on Trump Indictments. Thread closed.
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