This is the future of the Republican party!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I think in the future Republican presidential candidates will be like this!



-Served one term in the U.S. Military
-Football is as American as apple pie. We will never give it up!
-Believes in gun ownership
-Strong military
-Support Israel militarily and economically but work for peace in the Middle East
-Rebuild infrastructure
-Renovate aging schools
-Enforce environmental protection laws. No lead in water.
-End the war on drugs
-Fully fund NASA
-Enthusiastic about space exploration
-US Flag on Mars by 2030
-Huge fan of the military space adventure genre. Mass Effect, The Force Awakens, and The Expanse.
-Thinks Capt Kirk would be a good president!
-Dungeons and Dragons never hurt anyone
-Venezuela should unban video games
-Yoga girls are hot! Yoga is not unAmerican!
-Antifa and the Alt Right should screw off!
-Plays video games but still manages to be a good father with a hot wife!

So how many Republicans would be horrified of such a candidate? How would feel if the average GOP candidate was like this in 2030?
I think in the future Republican presidential candidates will be like this!



-Served one term in the U.S. Military
-Football is as American as apple pie. We will never give it up!
-Believes in gun ownership
-Strong military
-Support Israel militarily and economically but work for peace in the Middle East
-Rebuild infrastructure
-Renovate aging schools
-Enforce environmental protection laws. No lead in water.
-End the war on drugs
-Fully fund NASA
-Enthusiastic about space exploration
-US Flag on Mars by 2030
-Huge fan of the military space adventure genre. Mass Effect, The Force Awakens, and The Expanse.
-Thinks Capt Kirk would be a good president!
-Dungeons and Dragons never hurt anyone
-Venezuela should unban video games
-Yoga girls are hot! Yoga is not unAmerican!
-Antifa and the Alt Right should screw off!
-Plays video games but still manages to be a good father with a hot wife!

So how many Republicans would be horrified of such a candidate? How would feel if the average GOP candidate was like this in 2030?

-Thinks Capt Kirk would be a good president!

If only the R party would die, and take the Ds with them.

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