This is the Man that is giving trump nightmares....

Didn't know that. Thanks! Though to me it makes the Orange Virus somehow even more of a loser. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go...

How does taking a common prescription medicine make our President a "loser"? Maybe I'm missing something here?

Yeah, not really just the medication that makes him a loser, but it certainly enhances the picture. It's literally everything else that defines him. I've always believed (and this goes back decades) he's a low energy, dime-a-dozen real estate developer puke that was granted a buffer of having daddy's money as a way of absolving him of all his fuck ups, and there have been many. I see him as a closet racist with a god complex. A loud mouthed garbage person of a human being that lies, cheats and uses other human beings like toilet paper. Someone who perhaps needed a smack in the mouth more than most people to a least gain some perspective, but tragically, never got it. This is the bottom of the barrel America 'elected' to the highest office in the country (haha). We citizens should be ashamed, yet vigilant to never repeat the mistake again.

He is so vain that he thinks that orange skin coloring and a mop of shit on his head actually resembles what 'good looking' humans are supposed to look like (lol). So yes, knowing he is sensitive about it (requiring medication) cements his loserdom in my eyes. A low rent con man with a terrible rug looking for love in all the wrong places... It's kind of poetic, actually.

President Trump is 72 years old, is up before the crack of dawn every day, and goes non stop. Very high energy, during the campaign he was doing 4 rallies a day, while Mrs. Clinton was taking weeks off with her ailments. She is really going to get schlonged in the 2020 rematch

My father is 76 years old and does more work by noon than the Orange Virus does in a day. I couldn't care less what Mrs. Clinton does. I didn't vote for her. I don't care about her. Why the fuck do you bring her up? That's *really* all you've got? Keep on trucking, Cult45-ist...

Let's pretend Crooked H didn't do uranium one?

Get a hobby.
The Trump Russia Hoax truther still exists?

Looks like it. They have a hard time dealing with the fact that they lost in a fair election. They haven’t been able to take losses since Florida 2000

It's going into the delusion phase at this point. Especially if Trump can replace Mueller. But let the DNC and their "special interest" minions keep wasting earned tax payer money on the hoax I guess.

i doubt he needs to replace him. Once republicans keep the house and Senate his investigation will lose momentum

Why waste time and earned tax payer money on this stunt when there can be important matters, though? Time to replace.

On the other hand, President Trump will always have an adversary, and having Mueller as a symbol of the Nevertrump resistance is as good as anyone else in the position.

Mueller's insanity makes him a fun and easy target for the Trumpster, and as long as he is willing to play along, why not?

A big thx to...

How does taking a common prescription medicine make our President a "loser"? Maybe I'm missing something here?

Yeah, not really just the medication that makes him a loser, but it certainly enhances the picture. It's literally everything else that defines him. I've always believed (and this goes back decades) he's a low energy, dime-a-dozen real estate developer puke that was granted a buffer of having daddy's money as a way of absolving him of all his fuck ups, and there have been many. I see him as a closet racist with a god complex. A loud mouthed garbage person of a human being that lies, cheats and uses other human beings like toilet paper. Someone who perhaps needed a smack in the mouth more than most people to a least gain some perspective, but tragically, never got it. This is the bottom of the barrel America 'elected' to the highest office in the country (haha). We citizens should be ashamed, yet vigilant to never repeat the mistake again.

He is so vain that he thinks that orange skin coloring and a mop of shit on his head actually resembles what 'good looking' humans are supposed to look like (lol). So yes, knowing he is sensitive about it (requiring medication) cements his loserdom in my eyes. A low rent con man with a terrible rug looking for love in all the wrong places... It's kind of poetic, actually.

President Trump is 72 years old, is up before the crack of dawn every day, and goes non stop. Very high energy, during the campaign he was doing 4 rallies a day, while Mrs. Clinton was taking weeks off with her ailments. She is really going to get schlonged in the 2020 rematch

My father is 76 years old and does more work by noon than the Orange Virus does in a day. I couldn't care less what Mrs. Clinton does. I didn't vote for her. I don't care about her. Why the fuck do you bring her up? That's *really* all you've got? Keep on trucking, Cult45-ist...

Let's pretend Crooked H didn't do uranium one?

Get a hobby.

What is the hobby for the Trump hater, though?
Didn't know that. Thanks! Though to me it makes the Orange Virus somehow even more of a loser. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go...

How does taking a common prescription medicine make our President a "loser"? Maybe I'm missing something here?

Yeah, not really just the medication that makes him a loser, but it certainly enhances the picture. It's literally everything else that defines him. I've always believed (and this goes back decades) he's a low energy, dime-a-dozen real estate developer puke that was granted a buffer of having daddy's money as a way of absolving him of all his fuck ups, and there have been many. I see him as a closet racist with a god complex. A loud mouthed garbage person of a human being that lies, cheats and uses other human beings like toilet paper. Someone who perhaps needed a smack in the mouth more than most people to a least gain some perspective, but tragically, never got it. This is the bottom of the barrel America 'elected' to the highest office in the country (haha). We citizens should be ashamed, yet vigilant to never repeat the mistake again.

He is so vain that he thinks that orange skin coloring and a mop of shit on his head actually resembles what 'good looking' humans are supposed to look like (lol). So yes, knowing he is sensitive about it (requiring medication) cements his loserdom in my eyes. A low rent con man with a terrible rug looking for love in all the wrong places... It's kind of poetic, actually.

President Trump is 72 years old, is up before the crack of dawn every day, and goes non stop. Very high energy, during the campaign he was doing 4 rallies a day, while Mrs. Clinton was taking weeks off with her ailments. She is really going to get schlonged in the 2020 rematch

My father is 76 years old and does more work by noon than the Orange Virus does in a day. I couldn't care less what Mrs. Clinton does. I didn't vote for her. I don't care about her. Why the fuck do you bring her up? That's *really* all you've got? Keep on trucking, Cult45-ist...

Mrs. Clinton is Trump's opposition, the very BEST the Democrat Party had to offer in 2016 and probably 2020. Obama himself declared she was the most qualified person ever to run in the history of the country.

And? All that shit is the PAST. And bullshit. She was a terrible candidate. I've never denied it. Feel free to look it up.
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

I don’t see how him being married to the same woman all his life had anything to do with the Lack of evidence of Russian collusion

But, of course; YOU would NOT be able to COMPREHEND the concept of being faithful to a partner, nor a faithful person, TO THE PERSON you promised a vow to.

WE here ALL understand that YOU have NO COMPREHENSION of the concept of being TRUE to your self, being TRUE to your spouse, being TRUE to anything, OR to anyone.

Yes; we understand YOUR idea of life is being that of a loose personality aka a WHORE.

That is what Trump admires; a WHORE.

This has NOTHING to do with evidence; it is merely an issue of CHARACTER, which obviously YOU HAVE NO IDEA what that means.

I am so glad you see your life from the perspective of a WHORE. Congrats

LefTards make such asses of themselves when they pretend to be stand-up, decent and moral.
Trump bangs dirty Liberal whores...he “admires” his wife.

How in HELL does someone go out and fuck off three marriages with shit asses?

Oh; that's right. Trump.

Do you cheat on your other half, or are you just a whole? Do you like cheating, too?
Yeah, not really just the medication that makes him a loser, but it certainly enhances the picture. It's literally everything else that defines him. I've always believed (and this goes back decades) he's a low energy, dime-a-dozen real estate developer puke that was granted a buffer of having daddy's money as a way of absolving him of all his fuck ups, and there have been many. I see him as a closet racist with a god complex. A loud mouthed garbage person of a human being that lies, cheats and uses other human beings like toilet paper. Someone who perhaps needed a smack in the mouth more than most people to a least gain some perspective, but tragically, never got it. This is the bottom of the barrel America 'elected' to the highest office in the country (haha). We citizens should be ashamed, yet vigilant to never repeat the mistake again.

He is so vain that he thinks that orange skin coloring and a mop of shit on his head actually resembles what 'good looking' humans are supposed to look like (lol). So yes, knowing he is sensitive about it (requiring medication) cements his loserdom in my eyes. A low rent con man with a terrible rug looking for love in all the wrong places... It's kind of poetic, actually.

President Trump is 72 years old, is up before the crack of dawn every day, and goes non stop. Very high energy, during the campaign he was doing 4 rallies a day, while Mrs. Clinton was taking weeks off with her ailments. She is really going to get schlonged in the 2020 rematch

My father is 76 years old and does more work by noon than the Orange Virus does in a day. I couldn't care less what Mrs. Clinton does. I didn't vote for her. I don't care about her. Why the fuck do you bring her up? That's *really* all you've got? Keep on trucking, Cult45-ist...

Let's pretend Crooked H didn't do uranium one?

Get a hobby.

What is the hobby for the Trump hater, though?

Range shooting is a lot of fun, I recommend it. American citizens could have a lot of fun expressing their 2nd amendment right in a safe environment whenever they can get a chance. :113: You're welcome.
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, I guess... Karma is a bitch.
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

I don’t see how him being married to the same woman all his life had anything to do with the Lack of evidence of Russian collusion

But, of course; YOU would NOT be able to COMPREHEND the concept of being faithful to a partner, nor a faithful person, TO THE PERSON you promised a vow to.

WE here ALL understand that YOU have NO COMPREHENSION of the concept of being TRUE to your self, being TRUE to your spouse, being TRUE to anything, OR to anyone.

Yes; we understand YOUR idea of life is being that of a loose personality aka a WHORE.

That is what Trump admires; a WHORE.

This has NOTHING to do with evidence; it is merely an issue of CHARACTER, which obviously YOU HAVE NO IDEA what that means.

I am so glad you see your life from the perspective of a WHORE. Congrats

LefTards make such asses of themselves when they pretend to be stand-up, decent and moral.
Trump bangs dirty Liberal whores...he “admires” his wife.

How in HELL does someone go out and fuck off three marriages with shit asses?

Oh; that's right. Trump.

Do you cheat on your other half, or are you just a whole? Do you like cheating, too?

I thought you people hate anything traditional and old fashioned...I figured an open marriage would be considered ‘progressive’ love progressive...right?
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

I don’t see how him being married to the same woman all his life had anything to do with the Lack of evidence of Russian collusion

But, of course; YOU would NOT be able to COMPREHEND the concept of being faithful to a partner, nor a faithful person, TO THE PERSON you promised a vow to.

WE here ALL understand that YOU have NO COMPREHENSION of the concept of being TRUE to your self, being TRUE to your spouse, being TRUE to anything, OR to anyone.

Yes; we understand YOUR idea of life is being that of a loose personality aka a WHORE.

That is what Trump admires; a WHORE.

This has NOTHING to do with evidence; it is merely an issue of CHARACTER, which obviously YOU HAVE NO IDEA what that means.

I am so glad you see your life from the perspective of a WHORE. Congrats

LefTards make such asses of themselves when they pretend to be stand-up, decent and moral.
Trump bangs dirty Liberal whores...he “admires” his wife.

How in HELL does someone go out and fuck off three marriages with shit asses?

Oh; that's right. Trump.

Do you cheat on your other half, or are you just a whole? Do you like cheating, too?

I thought you people hate anything traditional and old fashioned...I figured an open marriage would be considered ‘progressive’ love progressive...right?

try asking Trump about an 'open' marriage, or try asking him about adultery; he could likely give you some pointers.
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, I guess... Karma is a bitch.

Indeed it is. But, what's done is done. The move for our country is to try and do better in the future. Agree?
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, I guess... Karma is a bitch.

Indeed it is. But, what's done is done. The move for our country is to try and do better in the future. Agree?
The only way is to shrink the federal government by at least 1000 times....
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, I guess... Karma is a bitch.

If the Republican establishment had done what they promised when the Voters gave them mandates in 2010 and 2014, Trump would have never got the nomination.

Professional establishment Republicans showed themselves incapable of fighting the Deep State- so the voters went outside the political universe for Donald J Trump
Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, I guess... Karma is a bitch.

Indeed it is. But, what's done is done. The move for our country is to try and do better in the future. Agree?
The only way is to shrink the federal government by at least 1000 times....

Here, here. Although these days, I have no idea how it will happen. But, I believe you just might be good people, so have a pleasant evening, Rustic.
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.
Sorry, I didn’t vote for trump... lol

Smart man. Then, why are you engaging me with such hostility?
There would be no trump if there was no Obama, I guess... Karma is a bitch.

If the Republican establishment had done what they promised when the Voters gave them mandates in 2010 and 2014, Trump would have never got the nomination.

Professional establishment Republicans showed themselves incapable of fighting the Deep State- so the voters went outside the political universe for Donald J Trump

Sounds like you're having a crisis of conscience. We all do. Myself included.
And let's not forget the Russian agent who was working the NRA to funnel Russian money to Trump

Because the NRA was going to give their money to Hillary until the Russians convinced them not to? Is that what you are trying to say?
It's not an either or.

That's Russian money illegally funneled to the GOP. That's no small thing
The Trump Russia Hoax truther still exists?

Looks like it. They have a hard time dealing with the fact that they lost in a fair election. They haven’t been able to take losses since Florida 2000

It's going into the delusion phase at this point. Especially if Trump can replace Mueller. But let the DNC and their "special interest" minions keep wasting earned tax payer money on the hoax I guess.

i doubt he needs to replace him. Once republicans keep the house and Senate his investigation will lose momentum

Why waste time and earned tax payer money on this stunt when there can be important matters, though? Time to replace.

i don't disagree that it's a waste of money
Says a Obama supporter…

Truly weak sauce, but I'll bite. I voted for the last president of America, yes. An idiot that ended up really fucking over the country with mindless identity politics and personally fucking me over with the ObamaCare. Lesson learned. However, STILL 1000 times better then the Orange Virus. You elected the illegitimate turd we have now. You own that legacy. Any buyer's remorse yet? Don't worry, you'll get there.

Shut the fuck up

Lol, you're free to try and make me, kitten.

i voted for neither of them.

i don't see how you can conclude that Trump is worse. His policies are actually improving things

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