This is the sort of trash PD's hire....


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.
One possible solution;
I don't see how cops can be held responsible for this. If you got two alleged constitutional scholars together, lets say Obama and Barr, Obama would blame the cop and Barr would blame the cops boss. So if two supposedly trained lawyers can't figure it out, why should we expect cops to. The way law works today, the correct answer is there is no correct answer. Making cops the scapegoat for obeying their bosses orders is wrong. The whole sting operation was wrong.

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines. should comply....most legal experts will tell you to comply.....
..even he cop/white/America hating ACLU tells you do not resist you think when the cops tell you to stop doing something/do something/etc, people should just say ''no, I won't''..? the cops want to arrest someone and people should just say ''no, you can't arrest me''--and the cops will say ''OK, see you later''?????!!!!!!!!!
Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.
It takes only 1 bad one to kill an innocent person. Where is the line drawn?
Laws are supposed to punish for real criminal action. Real criminal action is harm to another or taking what doesn't rightfully belong to you. All other actions deemed criminal are created solely to control the masses through fear and intimidation under the color of law. That would be in excess of 90% of the laws on the books.
Where is the line drawn? you think when the cops tell you to stop doing something/do something/etc, people should just say ''no, I won't''..? the cops want to arrest someone and people should just say ''no, you can't arrest me''--and the cops will say ''OK, see you later''?????!!!!!!!!!
The comply or die motto of the law enFORCEment community must be agrieved.
Where will you draw the line?

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Guidelines are not the law, no serious judge would ever consider a mayor or governor’s guidelines as set law
They must be the same losers who arrest people for vitamin c when you are arrested for this your nation has a severe problem. Not to mention ask yourselves why in the hell does America have the highest prison population rate over any other country.

Yes, some cops are bad but 90% is good.
It takes only 1 bad one to kill an innocent person. Where is the line drawn?
Laws are supposed to punish for real criminal action. Real criminal action is harm to another or taking what doesn't rightfully belong to you. All other actions deemed criminal are created solely to control the masses through fear and intimidation under the color of law. That would be in excess of 90% of the laws on the books.
Where is the line drawn?
I really hate answering a question with a question but here it goes I'll respond to you as I did with Mike.
look at it this way. As a firearm owner do you like to be lumped in with mass shooters and criminals who commit crimes with a gun?

Read the story at the link and think about if these people deserve our respect, let alone our support. No one is forcing these officers to "do their jobs"; if they refuse to enforce something because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, what will happen to them? They might lose their job..... that's it. That's all. No one is going to point a gun at them and demand they do it.

If you or I refuse to comply with any directive given by someone with a badge because it is clearly unconstitutional and wrong, we will get pepper-sprayed, tazed, beaten, kidnapped off the street, or maybe killed right there. (And if you get arrested, you might very well lose your job, too.)

So when a cop says "They don't have any choice, and they're just doing their job...." understand that no one is making them do this, they are in it for the paycheck, and they will kill you to keep it.

There is nothing un-Constitutional about the health and safety guidelines.
Where in the Constitution does it have a stipulation that Constitutionally protected rights are suspended when elected politicians say they are? you think when the cops tell you to stop doing something/do something/etc, people should just say ''no, I won't''..? the cops want to arrest someone and people should just say ''no, you can't arrest me''--and the cops will say ''OK, see you later''?????!!!!!!!!!
The comply or die motto of the law enFORCEment community must be agrieved.
Where will you draw the line?
I guess it would depend on actual events and my feeling that day.

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