THIS is the type of republican we need more of!

Actually, this is the type opf Republican we need more of

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No, THIS is the type of Republican we need.



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I am not going to get into a pissing contest with you, but you most certainly don't pay for me.
He's completely full of shit.

He's been predicting that we're all gonna die if we don't mask up and vax up.

He's getting pretty mad because we're not listening and we are not afraid.

It's pathetic.

How is that walking anything back?

You, being a violence prone RWNJ, assumed I meant something other than I did.

You know what they say about assuming, right?

I assumed nothing. YOu want us dead. THe only question is, how hand on are you prepared to get to do it.

My thanks stands.

Just a few days ago, Seawytch called me racist, for wanting my people to survive.

More and more, you people are edging up on being honest about who and what you are, and your intentions.

It is because you think that demographic shift means that you don't have to lie to the blue dog white dems any more, that if they realize how much you hate them, that it won't matter.

I look forward to them realizing how you played them. I have a lot of "I told you so"s saved up.
It is the *president's duty to address the country's problems right?

Well it was until Trump was elected. Then it became the president’s duty to ignore the country’s problems and chase around trying to prosecute his political enemies instead.

It was also the president’s duty to make as much money as possible off the public purse for as long as he could, and help his cronies get richer.

The only thing Republicans have done for the last 40 years is crash the economy. Trump worst of all.

Throw down the gauntlet and put the WEAK left on notice that you're not gonna play their damn game.
Block ALL legislation until the border is delt with.

You just aren't going to get a majority who are willing to say screw Democrat handouts and say OK, we'll be responsible. The great experiment that is the United States is over. It was a good run while it lasted

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